A/N: I don't own NCIS, but I could say I have rights to David Anthony King. Wow I love that name. What do you guys think of Tony legally changing his name? David Anthony DiNozzo doesn't sound as good, but it might be better for the story. Anyway, apologies for the wait. This is a pretty short chapter two but it's meaningful enough. I hope you like it. More subtle, friendly Tiva; more team minus McGee and Vance, and a lot more of your favourite kid, David Anthony King!
Next chapter: David meets Ducky!
Gibbs pulled Ziva by the hand away from her partner, who looked ready to cry or have a panic attack, and the child. His hands gripped her arms to hold her still and his eyes met hers. "Ziva, take the kid down to Abs for DNA. He's probably Tony's, but we have to check," his voice was quiet, out of character for one Leroy Jethro Gibbs.
The young Israeli nodded, and turned to go. She cast a brief, sad smile over her shoulder at her stunned boss and approached the two boys in the center of the squad room. It wasn't hard to see that the strong, green-eyed man she knew so well was crying, and his miniature self was asleep in his arms. 'Good,' she decided, 'David does not need to see his father cry.'
"Tony," she took his arm gently and he turned to face her. "David needs to-"
"I can't do this, Ziva," he stated, eyes flicking to the boy cradled in his arms. "I didn't even know he existed. I mean, he's gotta be… three? Four? Jeanne and I broke it off three years ago!"
"Tony," her voice was stronger this time, and she delicately moved a hand to his face. "We need to take David to Abby. Make sure he's yours. And if he is… I know you can't handle this. Even Gibbs is shocked. You should be fine. You're not McGee, after all."
Ziva's last words brought a smile to Tony's face through the slow falling tears. "Okay," he whispered. Her arms wrapped delicately around him, holding on for a few seconds, before she took sleeping David. The boy sort of hiccupped in protest and nestled into the crook of her arm.
The senior field agent looked hesitant, but wiped his eyes with the back of a hand, squared his shoulders, and walked in perfect sync with Ziva to the elevator. When her foot moved, so did his. When she smiled, he smiled, even if it was just her eyes smiling.
Their ride down to the lab was quiet, their minds both far away from where they were. Tony needed his partner's help to even remember which button to push, her understanding hands holding his steady. Even after, she clutched his hand tightly, trying to reassure him.
After what seemed to be a year, the elevator doors open to reveal an expectant Abby, who smiled at them, not only for the boy but how their hands were entwined. "Come on, guys, bring me spawn of Tony."
"His name is David," Ziva replied automatically. She gingerly carried the boy into the lab, holding on to Tony like he would fly away if she let go. It was simple to lay the boy upon the evidence table they knew so well, with his head on Bert and body covered by Abby's favourite jacket, but getting a DNA swab was harder.
"Don't you have like a bottle for him to bite? Oh, right… Umm, wake him up. If he starts bawling, I can put this in his mouth really quick." Abby sounded awkward.
That was easy enough. Tony seemed in a trance so Ziva shook the boy's shoulders gently until his green eyes popped open and he began to scream. Abby rolled her eyes at the earsplitting noise and swabbed his mouth. "Isn't he cute?" she exclaimed, "I could do without his crying, but hey, he looks just like you. It should only take a few seconds to determine the parents. Lucky for you, you don't have to take him to get a paternity test, you have me!"
The room was eerily silent for a few seconds before Abby spoke again. "He's yours, Tony. David Anthony King, born to Jeanne Benoitte and Tony DiNozzo. Name legally changed from David Anthony Benoitte to David Anthony King at a year old. Definitely yours."
Her news seemed to strike a cord in Tony. His eyes flashed, and he raced into the elevator. It took Ziva seconds to respond, and she was on his heels. 'He can't do this, not now. He's got a kid whether he likes it or not. I wouldn't be surprised if he has three! But how far can this kid push him?'
Shiny elevator doors slipped closed behind them. Tony looked her in the eye and started to scream. "I can't take this! How the hell can I have a kid? That… bitch, she never told me and now I have a two-year-old I don't know! He knows me, but hell, Ziva, what am I gonna do? This is…"
His voice trailed off as she pulled him into a rare embrace, his screams muffled by her shoulder.
"I… can't… this is too far!"