Jowee's POV

My eyes burned as I tried to look up at Milly. She was sparkling, blinding with white light, and I squinted just to get a glimpse of her.

She was a floating, clear demon. Milly looked exactly like Wilfre, except not black.

"See what Wilfre turned me into?! A monster!" She yelled over the wind that was circling her. "I can't even control my powe- AHHHH!!!!" She screamed in agony and a lightening bolt shot right at Mari. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the way.

"WILFRE! HOW DO YOU STOP HER?!" I screamed at him, since he was at least 20 feet up in the sky, heading towards Milly at a fast rate.


"ALRIGHT!" Mari replied loudly, still holding my hand, started pulling me into Milly's house.

"What the freak?! What are we doing?!" I glared at her as we ran, hand in hand, into the creepy old lady's house.

"I think I no what he wants us to do. We gotta grab something to bring back her good side, not her evil weird side." Mari explained quickly just as we got to Milly's front door. "Shoot, it's locked. What are we gonna do?" She asked.

I grinned heroically. "This is where being a delinquent comes in handy, my friend." I grabbed my shoe and chucked it at the window. I pushed my foot (the one with no shoe on it) quickly to shatter the rest of the glass. "C'mon!" I said.

I jumped through the window and noticed my foot was bleeding like heck. "Aw crud." I glowered at my stupidity for not using the foot with an angel sharp boot for knocking the rest of the window out.

Mari had diffculty getting through the window because of the baki costume (to remind you, she picked it out for me, I had no choice) but still got through pretty quickly. She also noticed my bloody foot. "Great Jowee, make my foot look like bloody hell."

"Shut up, alright? Since she's a witch, she's gotta have some sort of antidote we can pick up too, okay?" I yell at her, kinda getting irritated with her snooty attitude she's had since we met up with Wilfre.

I run up the stairs and look at the two doors. One says "Spell Room" and the other one says "Bedroom." Darnnit I need to go into both.

Mari pushes past me and goes into the bedroom. I shrug and go rush into the Spell Room for some kind of antidote for my-I mean, MARI'S foot. AGH I HATE Wilfre's freaking guts.

I look around. All I see are a bunch of stupid colorful bottles. HOW IS THIS GOING TO HELP ME?!

I go up to one shelf that reads, "Love Potions." Oh yeah, I'll take one. I grab a pink bubbly one and push it into the angel costume pocket. I move onto the next shelf and to the next until I read one that says, "Health and Diet Potions, Only use if Doctor Recommended." WHAT THE FREAK I DON'T HAVE FREAKING TIME FOR A DOCTOR TO RECOMMEND A PILL OR SOMETHING?!

"Milly! Calm down, don't go smash the side of your house!" I hear Wilfre shout. Aw crap, I better hurry.

Seeing something that says foot, I grab 3 of them and run out of the room. As soon as I get to the Bedroom door, I don't even have to open it.

It's smashed and the door slams me against the wall, knocking me unconscious.

Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Been super busy. Thanks for being so patient, and hope you liked this chapter. ;)

Luvs, Hannah. xD