Okay, this is simple and fun! I hope it doesn't suck too badly! And, by the way, Rose's writing is in BOLD and Scorpius' writing is in REGULAR. And, though I didn't add it, Rose's writing is extremely messy while Scorpius' is extremely neat. Like Bella and Edward's notes. That kind of writing.

They're swapping notes between each other while in detention

Do remind me why we are stuck in this room! And why it's so cramped!

Maybe it's that your overly large male ego is taking up our space. And we're in here because of you!

I wasn't the one who cursed out in front of the entire Transfiguration class!

And I wasn't the one who died the opposing person's hair pink!

Fair enough.

Malfoy? Why is it that we're cleaning the Astronomy Tower?

Because McGonagall hates us.

So true. And now, I am hungry.

Too bad.

Malfoy? Is it true you're dating Nadine Patil?

Maybe……why? Are you jealous?

You wish. It's just that if you are, I'm going to tell Nadine that she should watch her back. I hear things.

From who? Your cousin, Lily, the gossiping queen?

No……wait. How do you know Lily?

Let's just say that I've got my sources.

And Lily isn't mine.

Very well. So, I shall see you tomorrow night after dinner to do this again?

We'll be doing this for a month, at least.

Addio, mia Weaselette.

Since when can you speak Italian?

Since now.

Fine. Bonsoir, mon Ferret.

Oh, so I'm yours now?

Keep dreaming.

They're passing notes in class, obviously

Okay, so now we're gonna pass notes everywhere?


: P

: )

Anyway, Binns will never catch us.

Feeling a little brave, are we, Rosie?

Do not call me that! I can only tolerate people I care for to do so.

I'm hurt. Really, I am.

You stupid ferret!

*insert eye roll here*

And you're immature.

No, that's Hugo.


Hey, I have a question.

And it is……

Why does your family hate me?

*insert sigh here* It's my dad's old prejudiced mind. My elders and your dad went to school together and……kinda hated each other. Mum got over it, as did Uncle Harry and Auntie Ginny, because he saved your father.


I'm sorry.

For what?

I hurt you.

No you didn't.

Yes, I did. You can't hide it from me. In case you didn't know, I'm not only good at school; I'm also an excellent face reader and an amazing Legilimens.

My, don't we think highly of ourselves.

I'm just saying. After class, come to Professor Junebug's old room and I'll prove it to you.


They're exchanging notes from their common rooms by teleportation


I told you so.

Please don't tell anyone.

About what?

All the horrid memories you saw.

I won't.

That was easier than I thought it would be.


I was expecting you to make me pay for it.

I'm not that cruel.

I underestimated you.

I get that a lot. I'm known only as the daughter of 2 members of the Golden Trio, most of the time. And I hate it!

You're more than that, though. I mean, you aren't your mother or your father. You're you. You're annoying, sarcastic, beautiful, brainy, fiery, quick tempered, slightly violent, redheaded, brown-eyed, Weasley blushing Rose, and no one else in the world is the same.

So you didn't copy Marshall Hamilton's poem!


You know how in Divination, we were supposed to write a poem about something we cared for?


Well, no offense, but I thought that you copied Marshall Hamilton's paper.

I'm hurt, Rose. I really am.



I'm sorry. But then, you seemed like a heartless fiend with an oversized male ego.

You got one part right.

Yes, I did.

Well, I am a great poet.

Yes, you are.



This Hogsmeade weekend, will you go with me?



Mmm-hmm. But don't buy chocolate.


I hate chocolate.

Alright. Good night, Rosie.

Goodnight, Scorpius.

So? Enjoy it? I think it's okay, and it's one sentence thingys, so.......yeah! Review, please!