Summary: Takes place a few months after the end of the Host.
A raid goes all wrong, and Wanda is taken away from the persons she loves the most.
She sees Ian fighting, and there is nothing she can do to help him.
Only one more thing to do, only one thing she can do.
She can't let the Seekers find the caves, the humans she loves.
Ian will fight, he is as strong as Melanie was. The soul who would be in his body wouldn't get any imformation.
She knows that as she takes the small pill, and the darkness sorrounds her.

The story is written in Wanda's POV

Disclamier: I do now own The Host, Stephenie Meyer does. She own everything, exept my twist to the wonderful story and beautful characters she has created.

"Just this one last store, and then we're going back home," I said, looking out the window, at the darkness. But there was nothing that held my eyes, so I turned and looked at Ian.
Ian, Mel, Jared and I were on a short raid this time, not needing to pick up too much food. That was good, it always felt safer to be in the caves, sorrounded by people I love, and who love me back.
Ian stopped the car, and was ready to change seat with me. But I felt lucky today, and I didn't really think of being cautious, exited to be home soon.
"I feel like walking, it's just a short walk," I said, as I climbed out the door. I had been sitting still for a little more than an hour, and I was longing to move my legs.
Of course Ian voltonteered to walk with me, and we left Jared and Mel behind in the van.
If it would have been day out, you could see the van from the store, so it wasn't a long walk at all.
Ian took my hand as soon as we were out, and I squeezed it, wanting the warmth of them closer.
We didn't say anything as we walked, not needing to. And the silence was comfortable. The way silience is always comfortable between the two of us. We don't need to say anything, we know what the other wants just by looking at each other.
I stopped outside the store, turning to look at Ian. I could barely see the blue in his eyes in the darkness.
"I'll be real fast. You want something?"
He shook his head, and gave me a kiss like he always does before I walk into a store. My head started spinning a little, like it always does when I'm kissing Ian. It's spinning in a good way, though, and I love the fact that he does this to me. I leaned back after a few seconds, and our lips seperated. I looked into his eyes for a short moment before I turned and walked into the store. I was hurrying, wanting to get back to Ian as fast as possible. I got the food and supplies we needed, and walked out after only a few minutes, maybe five.
I had been lucky, this time no one wanted to talk to me, because I was alone in the store.
The shop assistant had said a few words, a question, but it was easy to answer. Like I always do.
I expected to see Ian right outside, but I didn't. That was weird, he always waited for me right outside. Where was he? Had he gone back to the car? I didn't have to think long before my whole body froze to ice, and I couldn't move.

"Never thought I would find a human this close to a city. But damn, his strong," I heard a man saying.
I heard someone answer him, but I couldn't make out the words. This could only mean one thing. Seekers. And they found Ian. I turned in the direction of the voices, and there I saw them.
Three Seekers, two men in the size of Jared and Kyle had Ian in a grip, fighting him.
And another Seeker, the third one, was a woman. She tried to give him something, probably Sleep, and she succeded. Right before Ian's body relaxed, and fell to he ground, he saw me.
His face was twisted with rage, sorrow, love and pain. Rage for the Seekers, but the sorrow, love and pain was all for me. And I felt the same way, like my heart had been ripped out. I would probably never see him again, and that made tears stung in my eyes. There was nothing I could do to save him right now. How could I live and not see him every day? How could I live without the blue eyes that was my anchor to this life? To this planet?
I saw his mouth twitch, forming words I could not hear. But I understood.
Ian had said, 'I love you, run,' right before his body fell to the ground.

I stood there for a second, not knowing what to do. But when one of the Seekers turned around and saw me, I knew what to do. I could not run, because they would catch up with me. This body was to weak, to slow. And I could not let them know about the caves, about the humans I love. I knew Ian would fight back, not telling where they were, like Mel had. Ian was stronger than her. But my body would tell them, because there was no human inside who could keep that information a secret from the Seekers when I was removed. Because I knew they would remove me.
So I did the only thing possible. I dropped the two bags, and searched for the little pill in my pocket.
It wasn't hard to find, and it was in my mouth before the Seeker was near me. I could hear her screaming at me, to spit the pill out, but I was determinated to swallow it, and I did. The Seeeker was now running to get to me as fast as possible. But I was falling down, darkness folding around me. I knew she would do everything there was to do to save me, but it would be too late.
She would take me to a Healer, the hospital wasn't far away. But it would be too late, the body would be gone, and there was nothing to do to save it. I would be gone.

I felt my consciousness slipping, but in the last seconds of awareness, I saw something the Seeker didn't. Two dark shapes stood in the darkness, looking at us. One was big and tall, and the other was smaller. Melanie and Jared. It seemed to me that, despite how far away they were, I could see their fear, hurt and anger towards the Seekers. It was like I was standing next to them.
Melanie clung to Jared's side, tears streaming down her face. No, that wasn't right. Jared was restraining her from trying to help me, even though they both knew it was too late. They had seen me take the pill. Take the one pill that would change everything. Jared was smart to stop her, he knew she wouldn't have a chance. They would return to the caves without us. Grief would be taking a place next to the humans there. Grief for me and for Ian. How would Jamie take this? Kyle had lost his only family left, the only one who knew the truth about their family was now gone.
In the split millisecond before darkness completely sorrounded me, I imagined Ian.
I imagined his hands tracing down my spine, his skin touching mine, the warmth of his body, his lips on mine...

Sorry about the lenght, but the next chapters will be longer.
I just felt like I had to write this one, so you guys know what happened.

Tell me what you think about it, and leave review.
Reviews make me happy, and me happy writes better stories.
Remember that ^^