A/N: It's been almost a year since I've updated this story last. I'm sorry for not having a chapter up sooner. Writer's block kills. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Captain Miller was sitting with his head in his hands. He was trying his best to make some sense of this confusing situation. Needless to say he wasn't getting very far. He couldn't understand how they could be walking in a sunny field one minute and then in a big box the next. It just wasn't making any sense.

Most of his other men weren't doing any better. They were all silent and thinking except for one.

Reiben was not keeping his thoughts to himself. "It just doesn't make any fucking sense!" he was ranting. "How the hell did we get stuck in a big fucking box in a goddamn big fucking room?"

Jackson, who had been praying silently, had enough. "Reiben will you shut it? You're killin' me over here!"

"It's not like you haven't heard it before, Bible boy," Reiben said. "Besides I'm just telling the truth. This whole goddamn thing is FUBAR!"

Miller sighed and looked in Reiben's direction. "He's right Reiben, shut it!" he said. "You are being so loud that I'm sure if there is anything around it's heard you already, and in case you hadn't noticed, that isn't exactly what we want right now!"

That caused Reiben to go quiet. Miller was right, and he knew it. Reiben felt slightly foolish for being so vocal, but in a way he couldn't help it. Running his mouth was the only way he knew how to deal with things.

Now that Reiben was not speaking anymore it was very quiet in the box. The only thing that interrupted the silence was the occasional sound of Jackson praying, which sounded more like soft mumbling. Time slowly passed, which was shown by the light from the key hole becoming dimmer. Eventually no light shown through it and the men were getting anxious. No one had been able to find an explanation to their situation, and what was worse was that they were unable to figure out how to get out of this box.

All the men were on edge, especially Miller, so when they heard voices they were quickly on guard.

"Did you hear that?" Upham said nervously.

No one chose to answer his question. Even Reiben kept quiet as he silently rolled his eyes at Upham's rhetorical question.

They listened as the voices got closer. While they still could not tell what they were saying it was obvious that there were two voices, both were female. It only took a few moments to hear a bit of what they were saying.

"Did you have fun?" the older sounding female said.

The voice that answered was much younger. "Yes I did. I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time. Thanks for everything."

"You don't need to thank me," the older woman said. "I just wanted you to be happy."

"Well this made me very happy."

"I'm glad it did."

"Well I've got to get to bed, I'm leaving tomorrow remember?" the younger voice said.

"I wish you didn't have to."

"It's only for a month," said the second voice. "Then I'm back for the summer."

"Guess you're right, well good night."

"Good night."

After this the voices went quiet. They could hear someone walking closer to them. Then all the sudden light started to shine through the key hole. The men blinked as they adjusted to being able to see again.

"Captain they are American," Rieben whispered. It was obvious that he was a little surprised by this. But there was something even more shocking, "and they're women."

None of the men, except Upham, had heard the voice of an American woman in a while. This was a shock to all of them, and added more confusion to their already confusing situation. However, it also brought them hope. If these women were American that meant that they were safe.

Miller shook his head. "Doesn't matter," he said quietly. "We still have to be cautious. We don't know who these people are. We don't know what their intentions are."

With these words that hope was dashed. They weren't out of danger yet.

They listened quietly and waited to see what happened. They could hear movement in the room. However, waiting wasn't getting them very far.

Miller sighed; he knew they had to figure out what was going on if they were going to get out of this situation alive. He looked at Jackson and said, "Jackson. I need you to do something."

"Yes sir?"

"Do you think you could get back up there and see what's going on?"

Jackson nodded and said, "Yes sir, I can."

"Sir you can't do that," Riben said. "You said it yourself; we don't know what's out there."

"Which is precisely why I have to," Miller said annoyed.

"FUBAR," Riben said and walked away from the group a little.

Miller looked around at the other men. None of them would look him in the eye. All of them were concerned for the life of their friend. However, all of them knew it had to be done.

"Jackson, go and be quick," Miller told him.

Jackson nodded again, and then he and Caparzo walked back over to the wall. Jackson was quicker getting up there this time. About the same time he started to stand on Caparzo's shoulders, a noise that sounded like wood rubbing together came from outside the box. This startled Jackson and his foot slipped off Caparzo's shoulder. He grabbed at the closest thing he could, the key hole.

Miller and the other men ran over to where Jackson was trying to get his feet back on Caparzo's shoulders.

"You alright Jackson?" Miller said when he was finally stable.

I'm alright, Captain," Jackson said nodding. Then they heard him whisper. "Thank you God."

"What was that?" Miller asked.

This time Jackson shook his head. "Not sure."

Finally Jackson slung his rifle down from his shoulder and looked into the room.

"Captain I'm not seeing any…" Jackson started to say and then froze. "That can't be…oh God!"

The next moment Jackson lost balance again. However, this time he was unable to grab a hold of the key hole. He came crashing down and would have met the floor. However, luckily the other men were ready this time to catch him.

All of the other men were asking him if he was okay. Finally Miller shoved through and looked at him. Something had obviously disturbed him, his face was bright red.

"Jackson, are you okay?" Miller asked him.

Jackson nodded to answer him.

"What's wrong Jackson?" Miller asked him. "What did you see?"

After a moment Jackson spoke. "It…it doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense?" Miller said warily. It was very unusual to see his normally calm sharpshooter so unnerved.

Jackson shook his head. "There's a really big girl," he said and then stuttered. "An…and she's naked!"

All of the men looked shocked for a moment. "What do you mea…" Miller started to ask, then quickly stopped when the box went black because something had covered the key hole. All the men looked towards the key hole, and soon they heard a loud click. The next second light filled the box. It took them a moment to get adjusted to the light. When they did the men saw a young woman that was many times larger than them, looking back at them. And she was very naked.

A/N: And now they finally meet. I hope this chapter was well worth the wait. Please tell me what you think. I'm always worried about making the characters too OOC so if I'm not staying true let me know. Thanks!