A/N: Okay I always thought it would be cool to have a story about the guys from Saving Private Ryan being brought to our time, and I liked the idea of them being really tiny. So I've taken the idea from The Indian in the Cupboard and did it Saving Private Ryan style. Yes I know it's a little corny but it's been an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while. I hope you will all like it. I'm not exactly sure if this should go under crossovers or not because it's not going to have anything to do with Indian in the Cupboard other than the fact that I'm borrowing the idea, so I'm not putting it in crossovers yet.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Saving Private Ryan or Indian in the Cupboard.

The happy birthday song rang out through the kitchen. It was a small gathering, of only six people. There weren't many presents either, but that was okay. Nothing like that could make the birthday girl unhappy. In addition to the presents, there was a cake with green leafs on it that said "Happy 21st Birthday Heather."

Heather was beaming. She hadn't had a birthday like this for a long time and everything seemed so perfect. At first she hadn't thought she would be able to make it home for her birthday and even if she did she didn't think any of her friends would be there. However, she had been surprised. Not only had she made it home but her two best friends Tom and Sarah were also there. It was more than she could have ever asked for.

"Okay, birthday girl I believe it's time for you to open your presents," her grandmother, a small elderly woman with graying hair, told her.

"What we aren't going to cut the cake first?" her father, who was about as tall as Heather, and had balding hair, teased.

Everyone laughed and Heather shook her head slightly. "Dad the cake isn't going anywhere," she told him as she pushed her black framed glasses up her nose.

"And neither is the presents," he pointed out.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I was you," Tom said grinning.

They all looked at him and his grin only got bigger. Sarah asked him while tying her long blond hair back, "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Oh nothing," he said.

"Common Tom, spill," Heather said.

While laughing, he shook his head, which caused his short, light blond hair to shake as well, and folded his arms in front of him. "Open them and find out," he taunted.

"Alright I will," Heather said and grabbed the first present she saw. It was from her grandmother and she didn't hesitate to open it. When she was finished she let out a little happy sound. Her grandmother had got her a book on the Allied battles on the European tour during World War II. That meant her desire for something to do with the war was filled, so she could focus on the other presents. "Thanks grams."

"You're welcome," her grandmother said.

Then Heather turned to the next present, this one was from Sarah. It was a drawing book, with the new sketchbook she had needed for a while.

"I thought you would want something to improve your skill," Sarah said almost as she was giving an explanation for what she did.

Heather smiled and hugged her friend, who was right next to her. "Thank you Sarah," she told her.

Once again Heather looked at the presents but she didn't get to choose this time. Tom shoved one in her hands and said, "Here open mine already."

She smiled again and opened the present. She smiled even more when she saw what it was. It was a bracelet with emerald leafs on it. She loved it, granted it wasn't something that it was going to move, but still. He always knew how to find stuff that she liked. The last time he had gotten her jewelry was when they graduated from high school and it was something she would wear. Once again this was something she would wear. "Thanks Tom," she said and then looked at him. "How do you always manage to get something that is something I will use or wear?"

Tom smiled and then shrugged his big shoulders. "I'm good at observing," he said.

"Yeah you must be. Granted that worries me a little sometimes," she said teasingly, while running her hand through her semi short auburn hair.

He smirked and then poked her in the ribs gently. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Heather quickly grabbed his hands and moved them away from her side, she knew he could easily get out of her grip in torment her but he didn't. "You know exactly what that means," she told him.

He laughed and then said, "Yeah, whatever, now finish opening your presents."

She let go of his hands warily and then went to grab another one, as she did he poked her quickly once again but he did it only once. She glared at him and then turned to the other present. This one was from her father. Heather smiled slightly but she wasn't sure what to make of what was in front of her. It was a box; it was about two feet in width, and length, and one foot in height. It was clearly old and skilled hands had made it. It also had a lock on the front.

"There is a key inside of it, that way you can lock it," her father told her.

Heather lifted the lid and sure enough there was a key, a skeleton key to be exact. It had a red ribbon attached to it and was clearly as old if not older than the box. She took the key out and experimentally locked the box, it worked alright and the box locked nice and tight.

Heather smiled at her father and then said, "Thanks dad, this will come in handy. Especially at college when people try to get into my stuff."

Her father beamed and then said, "I'm glad you like it and I'm glad it will be useful." Heather could tell he was relieved. She'd bet that he had been afraid that she wouldn't like it, her father always worried about being good enough for her and her brother, especially since their mother had left.

Setting the box aside she looked at the last present, this one was from her brother. She looked at him. He was tall with hair the same color as hers, and his face gave nothing away. Heather had no idea what to expect from him. Ever since he had joined the Marines her brother turned into a different person. He was kind and caring, and he was back to being the little brother she had known from their childhood. He had gotten past the selfish teenager stage and she loved him this way. She could only guess what he would have gotten her.

Slowly she opened the present. When she opened it she found herself face to face with a cardboard box, which she proceeded to open. She laughed and shook her head when she saw herself facing yet another cardboard box.

"What do you expect?" her brother said. "You and grams always do it to me; I thought I should return the favor. You're going to have to work for it but trust me it's worth it."

Everyone started laughing then because they realized what he had done. While they were laughing, Heather was proceeding to work her way through the boxes. Finally on about the fifth box they divided into eight smaller boxes.

"Fillip, I swear if there are more boxes inside of these boxes I'm going to strangle you," she told her brother.

Once again they all laughed as she opened one of the smaller boxes. Luckily there wasn't another one but whatever it was, was wrapped in tissue paper. Instead of starting on the tissue paper, Heather removed all of them from their respective boxes. Now that they were all out she tore through the tissue paper. As she did she heard Tom say that he should have thought of this, and this caused another bought of laughing to circle. Even though Heather was getting slightly frustrated, she smiled. Then finally the last piece of tissue paper fell away from the present that she held in her hands. Her jaw dropped open as she stared at the action figure of Corporal Umpham from her favorite movie, Saving Private Ryan.

"You didn't," she whispered out, and then proceeded to remove the tissue paper from the other figures. Once they were all uncovered she practically screamed out, "You did! How did you find these?"

"I'll take that means you like them," her brother told her while grinning.

"Fillip, how did you find these?" she asked him again.

"Believe it or not, I found them at a garage sale. I know they don't have the boxes with them but I thought you'd like them anyway."

"You better believe I'd like them anyway," she told her brother. "Thank you, I can't believe you got these for me.

Her brother shrugged his shoulders and then grinned. "Hey that just means I can expect a new Xbox for my birthday right?" he asked.

Once again everyone started to laugh but Heather was laughing the hardest of them all. "Hey buddy I'm a poor college student remember? Not some marine who is bringing in the money," she told him. "However, I can get you the top three games you want."

"That'll work," he said. "I'll give you this list later."

Heather shook her head and laughed once again.

"Okay now let's cut the cake!" her father said.

"Fine fine, I'll cut the cake," Heather said as she quickly put her figures into the box her father had given her and locked it to keep it from coming open while she carried her presents into her bedroom. Then she returned to the kitchen to cut the cake. She and everyone else in the home had no way to know what happened inside of that box the second she locked it.

A/N: Okay, the story is just getting started, so bear with me people. I hope you liked this first chapter, there will be another soon.

P.S. Heather will be shipped with shipped with someone, but I'm not telling who :P