I left the room, saying goodbye to everyone I passed.
Martin Johnson! I yelled, actually happy now that I knew Paul was ok. Maybe Rian was right, maybe it was just the drugs. I can trust Paul? Of course, I am getting married to him for a reason. I shoved out all the rest of those thoughts.
Kaiden Hope! He called back.
I laughed and ran up to him. Hey, we should go visit Poolie. I said smiling and out of breath.
Alright. That bitch better be awake though. He said throwing his arm around me and laughing with me.
Lets go see. I said smiling.
We arrived about half an hour later.
Paul? I called nervously into his room, then walked in.
Kaiden?! He asked back excitedly. Yeah? I said smiling, shyly. I walked over to him as fast as I could. I m so sorry. He gushed as he pulled me close to him. I slapped him lightly. Don t you ever do that to me again. I said firmly.
I know, I wont. I promise. he said sincerely, starring deep into my eyes.
We need to talk? I asked him quietly.
Oh yeah. He said quietly to me. Hey you guys, do you think you could give us a minute alone? Sure Bryan said, getting up and helping the other boys out the door.
I m really sorry Kaiden, I don t know why I reacted that way He reached for my hand but I pulled it away. It might be childish, but I was upset about this, and he better know it.
You don t want it. I asked, more as a statement.
To be quiet honest, yes and no. Well why not? I asked, calming down a bit.
Well, I don t know if I m ready, I m scared and well it s a lot. Especially since we just got engaged. Things are going to see so rushed He rambled.
You re scared Paul? You re not ready? How do you think I [I]feel[/u]?! I have to carry and grow the thing. I said, my voice raising as I talked.
I know Kaiden, I know I was selfish. He said, hanging his head. I m so sorry I put you through this. I love you Kaiden. And, even though I m scared out of my mind, I love the baby too. I looked up at him and smiled, I love you too Paul. I let him pull me close now, he kissed the top of my head. I m still mad at you. A little bit. He chuckled, I don t blame you. We stayed there, together, for about five quiet minutes.
How are we going to tell everybody ? I asked nervously.
We ll figure it out baby. He said kissing me once again. Will you bring the guys in again, I m sure they re about done waiting. I laughed, Of course, I ll go get the nurse too. Thank you love. He said smiling up at me again.