A/N Sadly, the end has come. Every author fears the end of their first fanfic! I love each and every one of my reviewers, so I'm going to list the reviewers for each chapter, and then there will be an announcement at the end of the chapter. I got 8 suggestions, btw, so there are going to be 105 things as a special treat to all you awesome people out there.
Chapter 1:
heartlesss unineveitable darkness (sorry, it won't let me post it all as one name)
Chapter 2:
heartlesss unineveitable darkness
Chapter 3:
heartlesss unineveitable darkness
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
The Layman
Chapter 8:
The Layman
Alice Wiggin
Chapter 9:
The Layman
Phew! That was a lot! Alright, sad as I am, here's the disclaimer for the last time:
I don't own Maximum Ride!
Ideas 91-105! THE END!!!!
91. Max should never play football (faxnesslover) because if she got tackled she might beat that person up, because she wouldn't know that tackling is part of the game.
92. Max should never have valium around the flock (Nighthawk21)
93. Help Ig and Gaz build a bomb (BelPreemie) either she would blow everyone up, or yell at Iggy and Gazzy not to blow everyone up
94. Never be friends with a redhead (BelPreemie)
(I would like to insert that items 95-99 are from edwardismyromeo)
95. Let anyone she cares about dye their hair red
96. Be trapped in an elevator with Gazzers without suffering trauma:
Max: Don't worry Gazzy, I'll get us out of here!
Gazzy: *sheepish smile* Sorry Max...
Max: Ahh, I'm drowning in it! -FART- Can't breathe! My eyes!
97. Let Nudge, Ella, or Angel make her over unless she was bribed with chocolate chip cookies, given bambi eyes or overruled forcibly.
98. Offer Total DOG FOOD
Max: Yeah, cuz feeding DOG FOOD to a DOG is totally abnormal!
Fang: Well, who said we were normal?
99. Enjoy being trapped in small places
(the rest are mine!)
100. Get lost- internal compass and all that...
101. Wear flipflops while flying:
Max: Oops, there goes the shoes!
Random passerby: Ouch! *is rushed to hospital for brain injuries*
Max: Whoops...
102. Go on a McDiet... (Supersize Me- if you haven't seen it, then don't ask)
103. Become lactose intolerent (how can you eat choc-chip cookies without milk?)
104. Go to the hospital
105. (the last one :'(. ) Cry. Yup. That's about it! I'm fresh out of 'em!
A/N Drumroll please! No? Okay then... The special announcement is that I have been told more then once that I should do sequels for different characters, and I have decided to do one for Angel, with the help of The Layman. If you enjoyed this 100 things story, then please look for 100 things Angel is NOT allowed to do!
As always, reviews are loved, and even though it's the last chapter, I still want to know how I did. Thanks again to everyone who has read this fic, even if you didn't review, you read it (and hopefully laughed) and that's what counts!
And now *sobs* I have to say goodbye, adios, sayonara, whatever, to this story!