Hey there, Encore-reading people, this is Emmett Captain Awesome Cullen here. I kind of railroaded Leelan and begged her to let me talk to you guys for a minute.

I'm all kinds of thankful for how awesome you guys are. You guys voted me as second best Emmett in the Glove Awards! That's fucking awesome! I mean, coming in numero uno would have been pretty kick ass, but you know what? The fact that you guys loved me enough to nominate me, and then go and vote for me (over 300 votes, bitches! That's what I'm sayin!), well, that means a shit ton to me. Pardon my language and all, but you guys are the shit. I love you all and wish I could squeeze the shit right out of you.

(Sorry, Mom...I know you're probably reading this...I know you hate swearing...I'll try to clean it up a bit, and tell Edward to stop ratting on me, would you?)

Anyway, I wanted to tell you that our story, Encore is up for another award—Best Tear Jerker—in the Hidden Star Awards. Voting is open until September 14th, so if you still have some love for me and the gang, we'd be most appreciative if you could slide on over to http : / thehiddenstarawards DOT blogspot DOT com /p/ voting DOT html (don't forget to take out the spaces and exchange the word DOT for an actual dot) and throw us a vote. My girl Minnakoda is up for an award too, for her awesomely different one-shot story called Clean Up in the Produce Aisle, which is about Jasper fucking around with Bella in a grocery store. It pissed Edward off because he was born without a sense of humour, but the rest of us thought it was pretty damn awesome. So if you could, maybe vote for her in the Best One Shot category. My other friend, KitsuShel's story Parachutes is up for Best Canon, so you might want to throw a vote or two her way too. Her story tugs at my heartstrings for a bunch of reasons...but don't tell Eddie because he'll start making fun of me for being a pussy or something.

Come on, I've got a heart. You guys all know that, and I'm telling you now, that after what we went through in the sequel, I think you're all going to think I've got an even bigger one.

Oh yeah, speaking of that sequel shit, Leelan's got the first chapter of the sequel up. It's called Around the Bend and I think it's pretty good...probably because I'm in it a lot. But seriously, I really hope you guys are still interested enough in us enough to read yet another sometimes sad part of our lives as we start to move on and move forward. You know, Alice is going to have a baby, Edward and Bella are likely going to start humping like rabbits to have another one, not that any other baby will replace my Baby Em, and me and Rose have a new house and, well...you'll just have to read to find out what the fuck is going on with us. Shit's complicated.

So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to Around the Bend. Tell 'em that Emmett sent you.

Peace out, bitches!