A/N: As a reader, I absolutely hate cliffhangers but as a writer…it's so tempting. (insert evil laugh)

A Rather Big Misunderstanding, Or was It?

"HARRY JAMES POTTER! WERE YOU…oh," was all Hermione said. It turns out that it was not a guilty eavesdropping Harry that was in the room. It was Crookshanks, playing with Hermione's old Extendable Ears. Crookshanks was mangling the thing and playing with the string. There were teeth marks on the ears. Hermione breathed a sigh of relief as she heard heavy footsteps going up the stairs.

"What's the matter, Hermione?" asked Harry worriedly as he ran over to her, wand in hand, "I heard you yell out my name." Hermione blushed.

"Oh, Harry. It was nothing," said Hermione hastily. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You angrily yell out my full name out of random?" asked Harry, looking skeptical as he pocketed his wand.

"Umm…I was just…wondering where you were," said Hermione weakly. Harry tilted his head.

"I was just with your dad. You were still in your room, and I didn't want to bother you. I didn't think you'd worry about me that much. Are you alright?" asked Harry.

"I'm fine. I'm just…a little tired from the trip," said Hermione, trying to cover up for her mistake. Harry still looked slightly suspicious but didn't comment.

"Maybe you should rest in your room then. Your dad said that dinner will be ready pretty soon," said Harry. Hermione nodded and ran to her room before she embarrassed herself any further.

Harry watched her go with a smirk on his face. He bent down and affectionately patted Crookshanks on the head.

"Thanks for the help," said Harry, who knew that the cat was just as intelligent as Sirius had said. The orange tabby purred as Harry thought for a moment.

Glad to know that my kisses didn't feel like incest. thought Harry mischievously as he patted the Extendable Ears that were in his pocket.

A/N: Ooh, I love this little chapter. We have SNEAKY!Harry and FOOLED!Hermione. What more could you want? Okay, you might have wanted a longer chapter, but I had to save you guys from the cliffhanger first! Give me some slack! It's like I threw you the rope to hold onto, but I need to brace myself before I can pull you up! The next chapter is definitely going to be much longer! Mark my words.