The Jealousy Game

Summary: Jealousy. The stuff of nightmares. It happens when someone else gets something that you want but can't have. It seems like a silly and immature thing, and yet sticks to us like nothing else. So what happens when Hermione Jean Granger, model student and beautiful girl, gets jealous? Well, she does what any other witch with a cunning mind and very good friends would do. She plays the Jealousy Game. Mostly Hermione's POV but sometimes Harry's. Sentences in italics are thoughts, as usual for my fan fictions.

Disclaimer: My name is not J.K. Rowling, and I don't live in Great Britain which means that I obviously don't own anything from Harry Potter. Believe me, if I did, Hermione and Harry would be together, Sirius, Tonks, Lupin, Dobby, and Fred would be alive, and anvil-sized hints would cease to exist. I also probably would not be staying up until 2 in the morning doing World History AP essays. Damn procrastination problems. -grumble grumble-

The Motive

Hermione Granger was not happy. As a Gryffindor Prefect, you would think that she would have high standards for herself and not to be immaturely jealous. You would be wrong. She's still just a teenage girl. It all started at that one party…

It was right after an absolutely amazing victory for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Ron's fantastic saves made it so he was getting most of the glory. Not that Hermione or Harry were complaining. It was about time that he got some of the attention for once. It wasn't until Ron got a little too much attention from a certain Lavender Brown that Hermione started to get…what's the word…it's on the tip of my tongue…oh, it's in my title…jealous? She promptly left the party and preceded to run into the closest empty classroom to cry. This is where the story shall start.

I can't believe that prat would fall for a girl like Lavender Brown! She is the most immature, possessive, and flirtiest girls I've ever had the displeasure to meet! thought Hermione as she walked into the classroom. In actuality, Lavender wasn't that bad of a girl. She was certainly wasn't stupid enough to be mean to Hermione. Jealousy is blinding indeed.

She decided to try and get her mind off Ron by practicing her Charms. She quickly conjured up ten yellow canaries with a few flicks o her wand and watched them fly around for a moment.

Maybe he is looking for a girl with more…well, more. thought Hermione sadly. She had had a crush on the red-headed Weasley since the beginning of fourth year. At that time, she felt like the Yule Ball was the absolute perfect moment for Ron to admit that he liked her. Of course Ron, being the prat that he is, made the Yule Ball absolutely horrible for Hermione. She absolutely hated the fact that Ron acted as if going to the ball worth her was his last resort. Honestly, the guy didn't even realize that she was a girl until too late. And his behavior when he realized that she was going with Victor Krum. Ooh, the boy makes me mad! He acted like the only reason Krum would want to go with me was that he wanted information about Harry. I am not just a pawn to use! The door creaked open, and Hermione expected maybe Ginny or one of the girls to come in. She was, in a very rare moment, mistaken.

It was Harry that walked through the door. He had noticed Hermione running out of the portrait hole and decided to check if she was okay. He did not bet on the fact that Hermione may be crying at the moment so froze up after he closed the door behind him.

"Hey, Hermione," said Harry rather nervously.

"Hi, Harry," said Hermione as naturally as she could, determined not to cry in front of him. There was a rather awkward pause when someone should've said something.

"Ronald seems to be enjoying the festivities," said Hermione rather coldly. Harry awkwardly put his hand to the back of his neck.

"You noticed?" asked Harry with a grimace.

"It would be rather hard not to," said Hermione sharply. After taking a calming breath, she continued softly, "As a Prefect, I would've thought that he would go against public displays of affection."

"Hermione, are you okay? You know…about Ron?" asked Harry sympathetically. Hermione was taken back. She knew that Harry was rather thickheaded about girls and was surprised that he picked it up so quickly.

"What do you mean? He has perfect liberty as to who he wants to snog," said Hermione a little too quickly, "I couldn't care less."

"Hermione, please stop lying. You aren't exactly good at it. At least, not towards me," said Harry matter-of-factly. Hermione scoffed indignantly.

"I am not…" she couldn't finish that sentence as she looked into his skeptical emerald eyes. Why is it so hard for me to lie to him? Is it because he knows me too well or something else? thought Hermione to herself. Hermione groaned.

"Am I really that obvious?" asked Hermione with a sad expression. Harry tilted his head.

"Well, let's just say that if I was blind enough not to notice, I probably wouldn't be Seeker of the Quidditch team," said Harry clearly. He strode across the room and sat down next to Hermione.

"Are you going to be okay?" asked Harry as he put an arm around her shoulders. Hermione was surprised again. Harry was not one for touchy-feely type of things, but he seemed to be genuinely concerned about her. Hermione smiled weakly. Before she could say anything, the devil and his little she-devil walked in.

Ron walked in laughing with Lavender under his arm. They were obviously looking for some privacy. When they saw Hermione and Harry together, they had very different reactions.

Lavender giggled, "Oops, sorry, Hermione! Sorry, Harry!" even though she didn't sound sorry in the least. She continued to giggle as she walked out of the room, leaving Ron alone with Harry and Hermione.

"Hey, guys. Umm…great party," said Ron, still looking dazed. Hermione slowly stood up. She walked right past Ron with a cold shoulder, then got an idea.

"Oppugno!" yelled Hermione. The canaries swooped down and attacked Ron, pecking him.

"OUCH! AHH! HARRY, HELP!" yelled Ron as he shielded his face with his arms. Hermione walked into the portrait hole, tears starting to blur her eyes. She walked briskly through the party.

"Hey, Hermione. Going to bed already?" asked Ginny when she saw her. Hermione walked straight past her and up the stairs to the girls' dormitory.

To her luck, it was empty since the rest of the girls were at the party. Hermione flopped into her bed and started to silently cry.

Why? Why can't Ron like me? Is it because I'm not pretty enough or because I'm not fun enough? thought Hermione. She started to cry harder and, instead of being normally calm and collective, the waterworks came out. She didn't even notice Hedwig until she flew right into her bed and landed right in front of her. Hedwig held out her leg and looked straight at Hermione with her owl eyes. Hermione looked to see a letter with a blue thornless rose tied messily to it. She fumbled with untying the ribbon because her hands were shaking so much. She opened the letter and immediately recognized Harry's hasty handwriting.

Hermione, I know that you are probably crying right now. Please don't, Hermione. It always pains me to see you sad. You are probably thinking that Ron chose Lavender because she is prettier or funnier. Hermione, that is an absolute lie. You are perhaps the prettiest girl I've ever met, and I am not saying this because I'm your best friend. Ron is being immature right now. He doesn't understand what he wants. You see, every Quidditch player goes through a glamour phase where, all of a sudden, a lot of girls are flirting with him. He's not used to all the attention, and you know how he wants it. Please be willing to give him a chance. He may be thickheaded, but hell or high water, he'll figure it out.

P.S. If it helps, I didn't try to help Ron get rid of those canaries. Not when he deserved them.

-Harry James

Hermione smiled. Harry always knew how to make her feel better. What happened to the insensitive Harry I used to know? I used to have to beat him on the head to get him to understand the simplest girl emotions. Where did this mature sensitive Harry come from? thought Hermione as she picked up the rose. She twirled the rose around her fingers. Harry's so sweet. How did he know that I liked flowers? Hedwig affectionately nipped Hermione's finger and flew out of the girls' dormitory. Hermione looked at the rose. I wonder where Harry got this idea… She put the letter and the rose on her nightstand and closed the curtains of her canopy bed.

A/N: Well…how was it? Good? Bad? If you thought that it was bad, please hang on. The story is going to get better as the plot thickens… You shall also hear a lot of sarcastic humor (the best kind of humor!) as the story goes on…