Happy Beleted Halloween everyone! 9 years ago, I started this story after watching the Lion King stage show for the 3rd time on Broadway. Today, after many hiatus's, instances of writers block and random RL crap, I finally finish said story. So enjoy this final chapter and the end of my very long journey toward completion. :)
Chapter 28: Happily Ever After
It was a warm summer morning when the sun rose over the horizon of the Fire Nation, bathing its capital city in light. Fire Nation citizens emerged from their homes dressed in their very best and set off down the street toward the Imperial Pride Palace, where they were soon joined by people from the other three nations who had traveled far and wide to be there that day. Everyone chatted excitedly as they crossed through the large iron gates and into the palace courtyard, eager for the ceremony to start.
Five years had passed since Zuko was crowned Fire Lord, and the Fire Nation had entered a new era of peace and prosperity. All the homes and businesses that had been damaged or destroyed during Ozai's reign were now rebuilt into bigger, better structures as well as in mass quantity so that every citizen now had a home. New roads, hospitals, libraries, parks and even a university were also built, creating new jobs and bringing in businesses from all over the world. Even the environment was starting to recover. Once the war had ended, Zuko closed all the weapon factories and demolished them before bringing in Earth, Water and Air benders to help clean up all the lingering pollution. Soon new plant life grew and wildlife started to emerge once more. Farmers were able to grow new crops and fisherman were able to catch freshwater fish for the first time in years. Best of all, crime had all but disappeared, thanks in part to the Pirate Reconstruction Crew project which provided plenty of jobs and housing to former criminals as well as anyone who was willing to put in the hard work needed to make the Fire Nation a better place.
Up on the balcony that overlooked the courtyard, Fire Lord Zuko appeared to the thunderous applause of the crowd down below. Dressed in his best ceremonial attire and sporting a new longer hairdo, Zuko beamed proudly upon the citizens and raised a hand in acknowledgement, to even louder applause. Despite some initial misgivings, the people of the Fire Nation grew to love Zuko, who led them forward with a gentle hand and a kind disposition in the same way Iroh had. They in turn supported him throughout his reign, from the first school he built to the last factory he destroyed. They were even present for his long awaited wedding to Katara that took place nearly two years ago. And now, here they were to support him again, this time to celebrate the birth of his first child and their future Fire Lord.
"Zuko darling?"
Zuko turned to see his mother Ursa approach, looking happy and proud as she gazed upon her son. "Oh just look at you. So handsome and regal. Just like your father was on the day you were born. He would've been so proud of you."
"Thanks mom." Zuko smiled giving her a hug. "How's Katara?"
"She's tired, of course. But she will be along promptly. Her escort is bringing her up." Ursa assured him.
"Good. I hope she'll be ready in time to greet the guests. Speaking of which, have you heard anything from them yet?"
A bird call was heard overhead, causing Zuko and Ursa to look upwards where a messenger hawk wearing a blue scarf flew above them.
"It seems the first of your special guests have arrived." Ursa smiled as her attention diverted to the courtyard.
Zuko followed her gaze and was delighted to see a large Eelhound with several people on its back arrive through the gates to thunderous applause. Riding on the front was Sokka, dressed in his chieftain garb, who pulled over just below the balcony. Hopping off the creature, he extended his arms to help down his family which included Ty Lee and three small children. Once the family was safely on the ground, the Kyoshi warriors set out the carpet and escorted the family as they made their way up the balcony. Immediatly two of the older children ran ahead of their parents up the stairs toward Zuko and Ursa.
"Uncle Zuko!" Called out the two boys as they rushed toward the Fire Lord, who greeted them with open arms.
"Hey, there are my two favorite benders." Zuko said proudly as he hugged them close. "How was your trip boys?"
"Great! We saw a WhaleShark!" Exclaimed one of the boys, his grey eyes filled with excitement.
"Yeah! He was spraying water from his head, like this!" Said the other boy who placed his hands over his head and inhaled before blowing fire and sparks out his fingertips into the air. "See?"
"Um, dear." Ursa pointed toward the boys head as she held back a chuckle. "You got a little something in your hair."
"Huh?" The boy asked, unaware that his top knot was on fire.
"Hey, what'd I tell you about Fire bending near your head?" Sokka said as he rushed onto the balcony, using the thick part of his cloak to smother the flame on the boy's head.
"Yeah Kuruk!" Said his brother before doing a back flip and walking backwards on his hands. "You gotta bend with your feet! Like this!" He then thrust his leg upwards, sending more flames into the air.
"No one is bending anything Hakoda! Now stand up straight like you're supposed to. Hey! Get back here!" Sokka said as he chased after the boy, who scuttled away on his hands laughing as he stayed out of reach.
"I'll go fetch some water just in case." Ursa whispered to Zuko before leaving the balcony.
Zuko smirked as he approached Sokka, who was bent over breathing heavily as he gave up chasing his sons, who were now running wild around the balcony."They sure look like a handful."
"Tell me about it." Sokka exhaled before standing up straight. "I'm lucky they didn't jump into the ocean on their way over. I don't know how I ended up with two Fire bending twins but I want my money back."
Zuko chuckled and held out his hand. "It's good to see you Sokka. Glad you could come up to see us."
"Yeah, same here buddy." Sokka said as they both grasped each other's arms before hugging. "Luckily things are going well enough in the South for me to take a little vacation. And boy do I need it. I love my kids but they're running me ragged. It's good to know I now have another dad to share my frustrations with."
"Of course. It's nice for me to know someone with experience to get parenting advice from." Zuko said gratefully. "I'm sure Katara will appreciate having you here for that too."
"Speaking of which, where is Katara?" Sokka said looking around. "And the baby?"
"They'll be here shortly." Zuko said before looking around. "In the meantime, where's the rest of your family?"
"Right here!" Said a voice behind them.
They turned to see a very pregnant Ty Lee slowly waddling toward them, looking tired but cheerful. At her side was a little dark haired girl around the boys age, who grasped onto her mother's dress as she looked up with her shy blue eyes.
"Sorry for the delay. It's a bit harder to do stairs in my condition." Ty lee said, stretching out her back as she rubbed her belly.
"It's alright, I'm just glad you came." Zuko said hugging her. "You looked great by the way. I'm surprised you were able to make it."
"Oh I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Ty Lee smiled. "Besides the children are so excited to meet their new cousin. And someone needs to be around to help my husband reign in the excitement a bit."
"Hey you knock that off!" Sokka shouted as he chased the twins around the balcony as they continued to Fire bend and laughed as they ran about. "I said stop it!"
"Boys, don't run around the balcony please." Ty Lee called out to them.
The boys stopped in their tracks and bowed. "Yes mom!" Sokka looked annoyed as the boys started walking normally around the balcony, shooting taunting looks over at their dad.
Zuko then noticed the little girl, who glanced shyly away. "That couldn't possibly be Tasha would it?"
"It sure is." Ty Lee nodded glancing down at her daughter. "Say hi to your Uncle Zuko sweetie."
The little girl cautiously stepped forward and bowed slightly, talking in a quiet voice. "H-hi sir."
"No need to call me that." Zuko said patting her head. "Just Uncle is fine."
The girl's face flushed and she once again retreated shyly back to her mother.
"Well look who decided to show up."
Everyone turned to see Mai, dressed in royal guard robes, walk onto the balcony from within the palace.
"Mai!" Ty Lee exclaimed excitedly as she rushed toward her friend to hug her, nearly knocking her down in the process.
"Oof! Whoa easy there big mama." Mai said holding onto Ty Lee for support before hugging her. "It's good to see you too."
"Same here, it's been way too long." Ty lee said squeezing her before letting go. "Nice to see the captain of the guard still has time to see her friends ."
"You know it." Mai winked.
"Mai, where's Katara?" Zuko asked.
"She's right inside. Just re-wrapping the baby in its blanket before she comes out." Mai explained.
"I'll go in and check on her." Zuko said as he walked back within the palace.
"Aunty Mai!" Kuruk and Hakoda rushed toward Mai and hugged her at the same time.
"Well, well, if it isn't the aggro twins." Mai said patting their heads. "You two still causing trouble I hear?"
"Sure are!" They said together.
"Thought so. That's okay though, nothing wrong with a little mischief once in a while." Mai nodded proudly.
"Hey don't encourage them!" Sokka said suddenly appearing and breathing heavily.
"Oh hi Sokka, didn't see you there. You're looking exhausted. Having trouble keeping up?" Mai said snarkily as the twins snickered.
"I'm doing just fine thanks!" Sokka retorted. "And you two, go put out that cape fire you started right now!"
"Yes dad." They said in unison, rolling their eyes as they walked away.
"Wow, you look like you're about to pop." Mai said looking over Ty Lee's pregnant form. "Another set of twin boys to join the squad I assume?"
"Oh no, not this time!" Sokka interjected. "The mid wife said something like that only happens once a generation!"
"She said 'likely' to happen once a generation dear. Doesn't mean it can't happen again." Ty Lee said patting his head.
"Yeah, yeah. Either way, its most improbable." Sokka said before looking off to the side. "Hey! I said 'put out' the cape fire not start another one!" Sokka then chased after the boys who were laughing and waving their flaming capes around.
Ty Lee then leaned over and whispered to Mai. "Actually, it's less improbable then he thinks. I didn't tell him, but the midwife thinks it'll either be twins or maybe even triplets this time."
Mai blinked twice and looked at Ty lee in shock who merely shrugged. "What can I say? Multiples run in my family. As well as Fire benders apparently."
Mai looked down towards the little girl standing behind Ty Lee and smirked. "Except for this one. Hey Tasha, how you've been? You sure have gotten big. Then again I haven't seen you since you were a baby."
Tasha, who was still hiding behind her mother, let out a squeak and ducked back behind her skirt.
"Don't be shy sweetie, say hi to your Aunt Mai." Ty Lee said.
Tasha said nothing and further retreated back. Ty Lee patted her head and looked apologetically at Mai. "Sorry, she's a bit on the timid side. It tough for her given her brothers are so outgoing and zealous in showing off their bending. Like us, Tasha can't bend at all and is still too young to learn to fight."
"A non-bender eh?" Mai asked arching her eyebrow. She then knelt down and looked at Tasha who still hid away shyly. "That's okay, I can't bend either. Which is why I always make sure to carry around one of these."
She then held up one of her shiny throwing knives which finally got Tasha's attention.
"Watch this." She then stood, aimed briefly and hurled the knife at a nearby wall statue, embedding it between the eyes. Tasha looked impressed and finally let go of her mother's dress as she stepped forward to get a better look.
Mai turned and knelt down toward Tasha, giving her one of her duller knives. "Here. Once you master a weapon like this, you'll be just as powerful as any bender."
Tasha looked at the knife in wonder and up at Mai, who winked at her, causing the small girl to smile for the first time since arriving.
"Looks like everyone up here is having a fun time."
Everyone turned in time to see Katara emerge from within the palace escorted by Zuko and Ursa, who was carrying a small bucket. The Fire Lady was dressed in her own ceremonial garb and looked tired yet happy, as she held a small bundle in her arms. "Welcome everyone."
"Katara!" Sokka rushed forward and hugged his sister tightly. "Oh I've missed you sooo much!"
"I missed you too Sokka." Katara said hugging her brother back before pushing him away slightly. "But I'd appreciate it if you didn't crush me and my baby."
Sokka looked down at the bundle in her arms and felt himself choke up. "Is…is that's her?"
Katara nodded and pulled back the blanket, revealing a tiny baby girl with a round face, soft dark brown hair and tan skin. She squirmed within her blanket as she woke from her nap, letting out a yawn before opening her eyes, which were a bright golden yellow.
"Everyone, meet our new daughter, Rina." Zuko said, putting an arm around Katara as gazed lovingly down at his wife and little girl.
"She's…beautiful!" Sokka said, happy tears running down his cheeks as he stroked the baby's cheek, causing her to let out an excited squeak.
"Oh she's just adorable!" Ty lee said as she gushed over the baby. "And she looks just like you Katara! Except for the eyes of course. Definitely gets those from her daddy."
"Tasha, want to say hi to your new baby cousin?" Sokka said lifting up his daughter who looked curiously at the new baby. "Go on now."
"Hi baby." Tasha said waving at her. Rina let out a gurgle and reached up, gripping Tasha's outstretched hand. Tasha smiled and giggled before shaking baby Rina's hand.
"Our turn, our turn! We wanna see the new baby!" The boys yelled out rushing toward Katara.
"Hey, hey settle down okay?" Sokka said, holding out his arm to keep them at bay. "We don't need you two setting the baby on fire or anything like that."
The boys looked at their father in annoyance and folded their arms, pouting.
"It's alright Sokka. Come here boys." Katara said as she knelt down with the baby. "Meet your new cousin Rina."
Kuruk and Hakoda walked over and looked down at the new baby who gazed back at them curiously.
Kuruk wrinkled his nose. "She smells funny."
"And she's so squishy looking." Hakoda said looking at her sideways.
Katara giggled. "Well that's how you two were when you both babies."
"So does that mean she can bend fire like us?" Kuruk asked as the two boys suddenly looking excited.
"We don't know yet. She could be a Fire bender like you and her dad, or a Water bender like me, or she could be a non-bender like your parents and sister. We'll just have to wait and see."
"Or maybe she's an Earth Bender like Aunt Toph. Or an Air Bender like Uncle Aang!" Hakoda said excitedly.
"Or maybe she can bend all four elements!" Kuruk exclaimed.
Katara laughed. "I suppose that's a possibility too."
Suddenly there was a blaring of horns and everyone turned their attention to the entrance as a flying lemur flew through the gate and circled the courtyard.
"Speaking of Air and Earth benders..." Zuko said as he diverted their attention towards the gate.
Everyone watched in awe as a large sky bison carrying three people flew through the doors and landed safely in the middle of the courtyard. Appa let out a soft roar and knelt down as his riders leaped off his saddle and stood before the astounded crowd. Standing up straight, King Bumi walked toward the balcony, looking as regal and slightly deranged as ever and beaming happily at the people around him. To his left casually waving at the people was Aang, who was dressed up ceremonial Air Nation monk robes and sporting a large pendant containing the Gyatso symbol. To his right was Toph, who marched alongside Bumi with a proud look on her face, sporting shiny metal armor and a badge with a symbol of the Earth Kingdom on it. Everyone bowed respectfully to the three as they passed, the only exception being a girl with wild hair dressed in pink who waved from across the crowd and blew a kiss toward Aang, causing him to blush.
Once they reach the bottom of the balcony, the Kyoshi warriors began rolling out the carpet when Bumi held up a hand. "No need ladies. We got this!"
Bumi then Earth bended up a pillar which lifting him upward while Aang used his air bending staff to fly up. Toph then thrust her arms upward and shot out two metal cables from her wrists, which clamped onto the top railing. Pulling on them, she flew with the other two towards the balcony. The three landed gracefully up top and bowed to Zuko and Katara as well as Sokka and Ty Lee.
Bumi stepped toward the couples, beaming proudly. "Your majesties. Fire Lord and Lady. Chief and Chieftess. It's wonderful to see you all again. My most sincere congratulations on your newest bundles of joy."
"Thank you so much Bumi." Katara said bowing to him.
"It's a great honor to see you again your majesty." Ty Lee said and she and Sokka bowed back.
"Thank you Bumi. It's wonderful to see you too." Zuko said as he too bowed and then stepped forward to hug his old friend, who happily reciprocated.
"Uncle Aang! Aunt Toph!" The kids shouted excitedly as they raced toward the benders.
"Hey, there's the little troublemakers." Toph said grasping onto the twins and giving them noogies.
"You've all gotten so big!" Aang said as he picked a giggling Tasha up. "Keep it up and soon you'll be taller then us!"
Aang then spotted Zuko walking toward him and suddenly looked nervous, putting Tasha down before hastily bowing.
"Your majesty." Aang said in a dignified tone. "It's an honor to make your acquaintance again."
"Come on Aang, you know you don't have to put on an act for me." Zuko said opening his arms wide.
Aang hesitated at first, looking over to Bumi who nodded. Smiling, Aang leaped at Zuko and hugged him tight, happy tears running down his face. "Oh Zuko I missed you so much! It's been far too long! Are you doing okay? Are you eating well? How's Katara and the baby?"
"Whoa cool it there twinkle toes. Don't wanna suffocate King Hotman here." Toph said as she stepped between the two and pushed Aang away before lightly punching Zuko's arm. "So how is the old Fire Lord doing, now that you're a family man and all?"
"It's a big change I'll admit. But the three of us are doing quite well." Zuko said. "What about you two?"
"Great. I started my own Metal bending academy and Aang here rebuilt his old temple. Now we both have our own personal entourage that answers to us. Not bad for two former thieves eh?" Toph asked smugly.
"Not at all." Zuko nodded. "I'm real proud of you both."
"So where's the new baby? I wanna see her!" Aang said excitedly.
"Right over here." Katara said as she carried the baby over to Aang. "Aang, Toph, this is Rina."
Aang covered his mouth in surprise and teared up a little as he laid eyes on the baby, who gazed back up at him in fascination. "Oh she's soooo cute! Isn't she the cutest thing you ever seen Toph?"
"I'd would say if I could see her." Toph said in annoyance. Aang wasn't listening and instead tickled Rina under her chin, causing the baby let out a squeal of delight. Toph couldn't help but smile. "At least she sounds cute."
Ursa approached the couple. "It seems all the guests have arrived. Shall we get started then?"
"Of course." Zuko nodded as he took the baby from Katara and followed Bumi toward the edge of the balcony. The crowd below watched them approach and an instant hush fell across the courtyard.
With the crowd watching, Zuko held his daughter out to Bumi who had pulled a small box kit out of his knapsack. Inside the kit was a reed branch, a vial of water and a bag of sand. However, instead of taking the tools himself, he turned toward Aang.
"Here, you take it." Bumi said, handing Aang the kit. "I believe the time has come for someone new to usher in the next generation."
"Really? You think so?" Aang asked, looking surprised as he took the kit.
Bumi nodded. "It's your turn now. Make this tradition your own."
Aang smiled gratefully and nodded. Setting down the kit, Aang took out the piece of paper that had the ceremonial reading on it. Thinking for a moment, Aang took out a brush and used it to make a few adjustments. Satisfied, he first took the vial of water and uncorked it. However, rather than anoint the baby himself, he instead turned to Katara.
"Care to do the honors? I think it'll work better if done by a Water bender." Aang said handing her the vial. Katara looked surprised until Aang handed her a small paper. "Just read the first line on top."
Katara quickly read the line and nodded. Using her bending, she summoned the water from out of the vial and gathered it in her hand. "Water, from the northern glaciers. To provide insight and guidance, as well as healing and inner peace." She then anointed her daughter's head with the healing water, causing her forehead to glow a little.
"Toph?" Aang asked, as he placed a bag of sand in her hand and quietly whispered the line and instructions in her ear. Toph nodded and carefully spread the sand on her fingertips before smearing them onto the baby's wet forehead, creating the Earth symbol. "Earth, from the eastern deserts. To protect you from harm and create a strong foundation to build your strength."
Aang then got out the reed stick and held it toward Zuko. "Your majesty?"
Zuko nodded as he tapped his finger on the reed causing it to ignite. Aang then handed him the reed and held up the script so Zuko could recite it.
"Fire, from a reed in the western islands." Zuko quoted, keeping the reed high above the baby. "To give you unlimited courage and passion, and to always remind you of your heritage."
As the reed burned out, an ash landed on the baby's nose. Baby Rina wrinkled her nose and inhaled deeply as if she were about to sneeze.
"Oh boy." Bumi quickly pulled Aang and the delicate piece of parchment away. "Take cover!"
Rina then let out a big sneeze, causing a fireball to shoot forth, incinerating the reed and nearly burning the top of Bumi's head. Everyone watched in surprise as the baby lay in her father's arms gurgling innocently.
"Hey what smells like burning hair?" Toph asked sniffing the air.
"Alright another Fire bender!" The twins cheered much to Sokka's annoyance.
"Sorry about that Bumi." Zuko apologized, putting out the small flame on Bumi's hair with his fingers.
"It's quite alright." Bumi chuckled as he patted the ashes out his hair. "You know what they say. Like father like daughter."
Zuko smiled as he used his cloak to gently wipe off Rina's face, causing her to giggle up at him.
Aang then walked over and extended his arms. "May I?"
Zuko nodded and handed Aang the baby. "Just watch out if she sneezes again."
The group then watched as Aang carried her toward the balcony edge. Down below, the crowds of people craned their necks upward to get a better look as Aang stepped onto the ledge. He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly. Appa roared from below and flew up toward the balcony. Aang stepped off the ledge and onto Appa's saddle, walking until he was standing in the driver's seat. As Appa lifted them up, Aang looked down at the small baby proudly. "And now…I lift you toward the skies. So that the winds from all four nations may bless you with their unity, and give their energy to lift your spirits high."
He then lifted the baby toward the sky as a mighty wind blew down upon them. The crowd below erupted into cheers and applause as they beheld the Fire Nation's future ruler for the first time. People threw confetti and blew on noisemakers before bursting into song.
It's The Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
As Aang held Rina high for all to see, the winds parted the clouds to reveal the bright rays of the sun, along with a silhouette of the former Fire Lord Iroh. Sunlight then shone brightly down upon the giggling young princess and Air Monk, all while Momo and Hawky flew circles in the sky above them. Zuko and Katara, now in each others loving embrace, watched their daughter proudly and shared a sweet kiss. Bumi placed a hand on Toph's shoulder as he witnessed Aang carry on his legacy, along with Ursa who wiped away tears of happiness. Sokka wrapped his arms around Ty Lee, hugging her close while their boys cheered excitedly and ran circles around Mai and Tasha, who held tightly onto her new throwing knife.
Onlookers from all four nations bowed respectively before the royal families, then raised their voices high in song as they celebrated their new future ruler and ever continuing circle of life.
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life
The circle of...LIFE!
~* THE END*~
Well, it's finally over. Thank you so much to everyone who's ever read, reviewed and stuck with this story over the many years it took to complete. With that being said, I now officially announce my retirement from writing Disney/Avatar adaptations. A lot has changed in my life since I first started writing, some things more drastically then others, including my writing style. And while I will always look back fondly on my old works, the time has come to move forward and create more original stories and scripts of my own creation. Once again, thank you all for your support over the years. Feel free to check out other non-Disney related works on my page if you're interested. This is efram, signing off. TTFN, ta ta for now. :)