This is my first fan fiction series. I started this in high school and finished it after graduation (never mind the years). Although my most recent fanfics. are better, these ones are still good enough to enter on this site.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. I wish I did, though. I also don't own any of the businesses mentioned in the story.

The Real Inuyasha

Part #1

One Friday afternoon, a girl named Tia was at an anime club at her local library. The group was watching, "Inuyasha." Then all of a sudden, Inuyasha somehow jumped out of the screen and into the real world! All the fan girls in the room were making a big fuss out of him, so Tia had to save him from getting pummeled. The guys thought that him coming here was pretty cool too, but they didn't want to jump on him as much as the girls did. Anyway, Tia dragged Inuyasha down the street by his robe as fast as she could. She and him hid behind the 7-Eleven closest to her house. "Hi, Inuyasha. My name is, Tia. You came into the real human world, " she said hoping he wouldn't freak out and kill her with his Tetsusaiga. But, his human loving side prevented him from that. "How the hell did I get here," he asked. Tia took him to her house, explaining things on the way. "The last thing I remember is going back home from Kagome's world. Something must've gone wrong with the Sacred Well," Inuyasha replied. "At least it teleported you into civilization," I reassured. "Well, it's not Japan but..." Inuyasha said as he looked around. "Don't worry, you'll love America. Trust me," I told him smiling. "This is just great! Now I'll never get back to the Feudal World," Inu thought. "This is awesome! I hope Inuyasha gets stranded here with me forever," I thought. As soon as she and Inu got to the house, Tia introduced him to her family. Everybody was so shocked, they were speechless. Tia's mom even fainted! While her brother helped her up, Tia asked her dad, "Can I keep him? He can sleep on the hide-a-bed." While she said that, she petted Inu's head; and he told her he wasn't a dog. She knew he was a dog hanyou, but it's hard for any fan girl to resist those cute ears of his; plus he looks hot everywhere else. "No," Dad answered. "Would you rather him sleep in my room," Tia coerced. "The hide-a-bed is fine," Dad replied with concern. As she got Inuyasha's bed set up in the sitting room Inu asked, "What the hell was that for?!" "I got you a place to stay, be grateful," she told him.

Later on in the evening, Mom woke up. Everybody was sitting in the family room. Dad ordered pizza, as the rest of the family listened to the story of how Inu got here. When Mom found Inuyasha sitting next to Tia and her, she screamed. Tia told her to chill out and assured her that he was a good guy and he just needed to stay temporarily. She calmed down and said, "I hope you know what you're doing." "Relax, Mom. In a few days he'll blend in. I'll make sure of it," I reassured. When the pizzas got here, Inuyasha wondered what they were. I told him, "If you don't like it, I'll make Ramen for you. I know that's your favorite food." He liked pizza so much, he ate a whole pie in one sitting. I told him if he ate too much too fast, he would get a stomach ache. He told her that, demons don't get hurt or sick the same way as humans. She knew that, but she didn't feel like arguing with him. The next day, Mom gave her some money to buy Inuyasha some modern clothes. When they got to the mall, he was confused since it didn't look like the marketplaces in his era. Some people stopped and stared at the two. Tia told them all that, her friend was dressed the way he was because he was going to an anime convention. When she turned around, he was gone! She looked for him for a couple min., and found him inside Excalibur; fascinated by the weapons that store sells. She told Inuyasha as she yanked him by the arm, "Come on, we can look at swords after we get your clothes." "Oh...all right," he groaned as he put a katana back on the wall.

First, we went to Abercrombie and Fitch to try on preppy clothes. That didn't work out. He looked like a golfer, and he was a little upset that she chose a pink outfit for him. She laughed and said, "Where's the country club," when he walked out of the dressing room in that outfit. He gave her a dirty look and she told him she was kidding. After he changed back into his old clothes, we returned the outfit and left the store. Next, we went into a store that sold brands like Ecko and Baby Phat. This time, Inuyasha came out looking like a gangster. "Nah, you look stupid," she told him. He thought it looked better than a golfer, but he went along with her anyway. After that, he went straight for the dresses at Macy's. He thought they were kimonos. Tia put the dresses back and told him, "Dude, those are for ladies! What are you thinking?!" He looked embarassed as they walked out of the store. Finally, they found a style that suited him at Hot Topic. He liked rocker stuff, because it made him look like a tough guy. Here's what he looked like when he walked out of the store. He had a fake, small, silver hoop earring on the tip of one of his dog ears; lots of spikes and chains as other accessories, black leather combat boots, a little baggy jeans with skulls on them; a studded black belt, a red and black t-shirt that says, "You suck," a black leather jacket; and boxers that say, "Don't look at my ass," on the back of the elastic waistband. As we walked through the mall, all the girls were checking him out. Tia grabbed his hand to make it look like they were dating, so that the other girls would go away. It worked. They went back to Excalibur, as promised. But, when he started explaining his Tetsusaiga to the shopkeeper, Tia yanked him out of there. "You'll blow your cover," she said. They still held hands as they headed toward the exit.

As they passed Victoria Secret, he pointed at the store and said, "My friend, Miroku, would love that store." They both laughed. A few hours later at Tia's house, she showed Inuyasha her room and all of the anime related things in it. She introduced him to her computer and .net. They read a whole bunch of hilarious stories about him and his friends. As soon as they were done with that, she showed him all her anime pictures and stories she wrote; and the "Inuyasha" DVD collection. "Why do you have so many things about me," he asked. She said, "Because I'm a big fan of you." She hoped she didn't say too much. Inuyasha responded with a look of shock. Later that night, both Inuyasha and Tia laid awake. Inu thought, "Why does Tia act that way around me? Does she want me? That would explain a lot about the pictures and stories. Although, nobody appreciates me that much. And...she is kinda cute. What am I saying?! I've only known this girl for two days! And what if Kagome catches us...crap now I'm starting to think like Miroku! Must...not....cheat....on....Kagome!" At the same time, Tia was thinking, "My plan is working! Inuyasha is starting to like me! Now all I have to do is, brainwash him into forgetting Kagome! That may be a little difficult, but with some effort; maybe I'll get him to fall in love with me. That would be freakin' awesome! I wonder what our kids would look like? Of course they'll all have cute, little, puppy like features. But, which traits would show the most? Mine or his? How many would we have?" After she said that to herself, a bunch of dirty thoughts passed through her mind. She stopped in the middle of the 100th scenario and thought, "Oh my God, I turned into a female Miroku! I can't do that, I have morals! But...I want him so bad! Get a hold of yourself, Tia!" Then, they both finally went to sleep.

On Sunday, she prepared Inuyasha for school the next day. She told him he would have to go as a Japanese exchange student named, Miroku. "Why do I have to be named after a perverted human," he asked. "Because, you don't look like him or act like him. Plus, people aren't ready to accept a demon into society yet," I answered. "Half demon," he corrected. "Whatever," I replied. The next morning, he refused to get up. So, Tia startled him with her mom's airhorn! He jumped out of bed, grabbed his sword and said, "What the hell was that?! Oh, it's you." Inuyasha wore a pair of red boxers to bed (which she secretly enjoyed the sight of), and he covered them up with a blanket. She handed him some of his new clothes and said, "It's time to get ready for the bus." The first day was pretty rough. Tia kept on having to explain everything to Inuyasha throughout the whole day. She had to make up a whole bunch of excuses for his "weird" behavior. Also, the teachers thought he was a bad boy because he refused to do any assignments he deemed "pointless." Tia thought that was kind of funny, but she still had to take him to detention. After a few weeks, he got better at behaving. Plus, Tia helped him out with his homework; which she often had dreams about at night, in which she and him would take "study breaks." After school, Inuyasha promised that if she taught him how to use modern technology; he would teach her how to use his Tetsusaiga. They kept their promises. The sword was heavy, so she got him to get behind her and help her lift it. She felt a warm, tingly, sensation; as his front touched her back and smiled.

Please review even though I haven't finished the story yet.