Zelda laughed even though what Link had said didn't make a whole lot of since. They were nearly ready to leave the tavern and make their way back to the cottage on the shore.

"Okay, okay Zelda…now here's what we're going to do….we…are going to leave…but before we leave you are going to go tell the guy we met tonight that YOU are the princess! Okay, does that sound good? That's good right? Let's do that! Ready….go!" Link said encouragingly as he pulled on Zelda's arms to make her get up from their booth. Zelda laughed.

"Do you really think I should? What do you think he would do? I think we should just leave because what if I say something stupid to him." Zelda said and this obviously made no sense….basically none of this conversation right now between Link and Zelda made ANY sense and honestly it was going in a complete circle. The reason this conversation was going nowhere was quite simple…the ale here was stronger than Telma's ale. When you're used to Telma's ale anything else seems…well, a bit much. So here they were, Link and Zelda in the middle of this and feeling the effects of stronger ale. Let's be truthful though, this situation wasn't at all bad. It wasn't like either of them had been drinking all night, no. This momentary lack of reason would wash away with the tide by the time they were halfway back to the cottage.

"Come on we're leaving anyway. So, I'll go out the door you walk up to the bar; tell him who you are and then…you leave!" Link conveyed his perfectly executed plan to Zelda. Of course, by now the tavern had filled up and of all the other times Link has been worried about unsavory eyes looming over Zelda…now would probably be the best time to protect her from questionable patrons. Naturally, Link didn't think so; it was perfectly fine to send her up to a bar by herself in a tank top surrounded by half drunk patrons! Zelda laughed again.

"You have to do this Zelda! I told him some really dirty stuff! No, I didn't really I wouldn't do that, but wouldn't that have been crazy if I had! Alright, I'm leaving now. You do the plan!" Link said kissing her hand before getting up from the table. Zelda continued to laugh at him realizing that she pretty much had to go through with this plan even though it was completely stupid. She looked over at Link as he slipped out the door and she walked over to the counter. She felt eyes on her as she tried to get the man's attention whom they had met earlier that night.

"Excuse me…I just thought you should know…it was very nice meeting you this evening…" Zelda paused. "Oh and um…I'm the Princess that you asked of earlier tonight." Zelda smiled as the look on the man's face turned to complete awe. Thank you for your hospitality…bye!" Zelda left him in his bewildered state and slipped out the door.

"Did you do it!? How did it go? Was he surprised!? Did he say anything?" Link asked grabbing Zelda's hand and leading her back to the beach for their walk to the cottage.

"You were right, he was totally surprised. You should have seen the look on his face!" Zelda said glowing all over.

"I kind of wish I would have hung around in there to see it. I'm glad we stopped there today. Hey, do you think there was something different about that ale compared to Telma's ale?" Link asked her.

"Yeah….yeah something was different but I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the color?" Zelda said questioningly.

"Maaaaaaybe…" Link said in response. Their feet had finally hit the sand once more and they were on their way back down the beach. It was a warm night, even though the sun had disappeared the coastal breeze was but a welcome visitor right now. There were a few fishermen night fishing near this tiny hub of civilization but as Link and Zelda made their way down the beach, they became the only footprints in the sand.

"Who was your first crush?" Link asked of Zelda.

"My first crush?" Zelda asked.

"Yes, who was it I want to know." Link insisted.

"Let's see…his name was Andis and he was actually a prince from a neighboring country that would often come to Hyrule when his father had meetings with my father." Zelda said.

"You obviously didn't like him enough to sleep with him did you?" Link said laughing.

"Link!" Zelda yelled at him but couldn't control her own laughter.

"I'm just saying! You slept with me which means you liked me a lot more!" Ah, Link's reasoning skills were…well they were poor.

"Okay, so who was your first kiss?" Zelda asked.

"You know that answer!" Link insisted.

"No I don't!" Zelda said.

"Zelda! It was you!' Link reminded her.

"I was not!" Zelda said hitting his arm.

"Yes you were Zelda! I wasn't lying when I told you that." Link admitted.

"Okay, okay, okay fine. I know you weren't lying." Zelda held on to Link tighter as they walked through the sand. They didn't even realize that their pace was swift and they would soon be coming up on their cottage. They had made good time coming down the beach and they could let the rest of the night pass them by as they sat by a fire that had yet to be built.

"When we get to the cottage you have to gather us some firewood while I prepare the area for our fire okay?" Link asked of her.

"Of course I will. You don't think there is too much wind do you? Will our fire get out of control?" Zelda wondered.

"It will be okay because I'm going to dig the sand down a little so it won't get out of control." Link explained.

"Very well." Zelda said looking forward to the rest of their evening. They passed a grove of palm trees in the middle of the beach which signified they were close to the cottage. That had been their point to remember for the past couple days. Now, after their all-day trip they had returned to the cozy sight of their cottage among the palms.

"We made it!" Link said glad they that had arrived to their final destination this evening. "I'm going around to the back of the cottage to get that shovel I saw earlier. You go ahead and start with the wood, we'll have this thing going in no time!" Link said as he went to get the shovel.

"Where are you going to dig the hole? I'll put the wood wherever you are going to dig the hole." Zelda said.

"By that palm tree where the hammock is." Link answered her making his way toward the tree with the shovel. By now, the effects of the strong tavern ale were wearing off and all of Link's logic was finally returning.

Zelda started making a pile of branches near the palm tree Link was talking about. She didn't want to take wood from the woodpile behind the cottage until the stray branches were used. Zelda walked back toward the edge of the woods behind them to collect stray branches for her pile while Link worked. She realized that there would not be enough stray branches to get the fire started, so it was off to the woodpile. She made continuous trips bringing three pieces of wood at a time to the pile near Link.

Link had dug the sand out just enough to shelter their fire from the coastal air. "There we go! Now, put some branches and stuff in there. I'm going to go get a lantern so I can light it." Link instructed Zelda. Zelda did exactly that, arranging the larger pieces of wood on the bottom and the smaller pieces on the top. There were chill bumps on Zelda's shoulders from the cool ocean breeze that had been assaulting her. Link returned with a lantern and most appropriately a blanket so they wouldn't be sitting in the sand. Link picked up one of the small branches and stuck it in the lantern. Once it was on fire he had to coax it to catch to the other branches. While Link did that Zelda spread the blanket out behind him. It took a few minutes but Link got the fire going and he joined Zelda on the blanket taking her in his arms.

"Are you cold?" he asked her.

"A little." Zelda answered.

"You won't be for long, the fire will get hotter soon." Link reassured her. He kissed her cold shoulder.

"This is nice. Can you believe we have this fire going and its here on the beach?" Zelda asked.

"See, we need to do this at home. We can build a fire near the river outside the castle walls. Of course, Impa will go crazy because we're playing in fire and she'll be convinced that we'll burn all of Hyrule to the ground, but it would fun…not the burning down part…the building a fire part."

"Oh we should do that. And yes, Impa would think that was dangerous but she also thinks sewing is dangerous." Zelda said laughing.

"You know what else is dangerous? Getting married and being alone on the beach with your husband." Link told her. Zelda could feel her entire body shiver as his lips touched her neck. She smiled…she could top that. Zelda squirmed around until she was facing Link, her legs straddling his hips.

"You know what's more dangerous than that?" Zelda asked not really wanting an answer as she pulled her tank top over her head. She dropped it beside her and let her bra do the same. "Giving in to your wife's every desire..." Zelda said not wasting any time in pushing Link on his back underneath her and planting her lips on his. He let his hands roam her half naked body. Link could feel her hands underneath his shirt pulling it up as far as she could get it. She pulled away from him long enough for Link to help her out and long enough for her to strip herself down the rest of the way. She pinned him underneath her again, her bare chest rubbing against his. Link could feel her hands sliding down his chest toward his pants. Just like Zelda has said…he would gladly fulfill any desire she had…it didn't matter. In fact that gave Link an idea.

"Zelda…tell me what you want…anything Zelda. I swear Zelda, I will do anything you ask right now…" Link whispered to her breathlessly. "Oooh my god…" Link's voice was desperate as he felt Zelda slide his pants down his hips. Zelda smiled innocently.

"What if I asked you to do something you didn't want to do?"

"Zelda…I will do anything…you want to do." Link reassured her desperately. Zelda kissed him, grinding her hips into his.

"Then you just lie right here on this blanket and hold on to my hips…I'll do all the work." Zelda whispered. Link stared at her hopelessly. Was this…even possible? Let's be honest, Link and Zelda were new to this and they had barely scraped the surface of what they could do together. So, it was an honest question that Link wondered to himself…but he would soon find out just HOW possible this was. Link pushed himself backward a little as Zelda took his hands and placed them on her hips.

The sight of her naked silhouette embraced by the light of the fire was captivating. Just when Link thought he couldn't be more enchanted by submitting to anything Zelda wanted…he felt her. "Shit Zelda…" he was mortified. It just came out. He didn't expect her to…take him like this. "I'm sorry…I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say such a thing to you. It just came out, Zelda I'm…" Zelda cut him off putting her lips over his.

"Say more things to me like that…when I'm fucking you." Zelda said quietly as she smiled sweetly at him. It was so raunchy for such words to leave the mouth of royalty…but so sweet to the ears. Zelda sighed as she watched Link below her. If only she knew how much strength this took she would have paced herself a little better. Zelda had no idea how her thighs would be aching. The sweet desperation in her voice was impossible to resist. She was clearly in control of this situation and if Link wasn't careful it was going to be over before it even got started.

Link watched her helplessly. He had no idea it would feel like this and he had no idea where Zelda had learned that she could be on top of him. He didn't care right now, that was a conversation for a later time. He had never heard her wail like this, he had never felt her sweat like this. Something must have been exactly perfect. Oh Link, everything right now was perfect.