Author's note: XD Pregnant Omega Supreme and the demands for icecream XD poor Magnus.

Disclaimer: I own Optio Magnus xD YAAY FOR SPARKLINGS XD

Please review ^________^

"Magnus…" Omega was shifting slightly, his frame rolling as he was pressing a hand against his chassis, clearly attempting to keep the little Sparkling happy. However it was getting close to impossible to both ignore the craving he had not only for some rather odd things but also for… "Magnus…" He was pouting slightly as he rolled over, gazing at his Bondmate who was sprawled out on the berth beside him, sound asleep, the big mech was clearly quite comfortable where he was and clearly didn't want to move or end up going anywhere else.

"Magnus!" He poked the big shoulder, only to get a large arm wrapping around his frame and sliding him closer again, that warm body snuggling up against him like that and leaving him looking a little uncertain. "Come on… please…?" A hand was shaking at the big shoulder, getting himself a warm nuzzle and a whisper of his name, before the other was just drifting off into recharge again. "MAGNUS!"

The shout of his name got the powerful mech up from the berth with a jolt, pale blue optics wide and gazing down at his lover in worry, large hands reaching out to stroke against the warm chassis, leaning in close, sensors sweeping over every inch of the other's frame, attempting to get the best readings he could of the other's condition.

Pouting slightly, Omega was being stroked like that, large hands touching every inch of his casing and chassis as the other was pressing a warm kiss against it when nothing seemed to be wrong. "You sleep like a log."

"Omega… I'm…" Magnus was just about to apologise when he caught his companion's look and groaned… this was definitely something he was hoping that Omega wouldn't suffer from, but apparently Ratchet's warning was coming true. "Omega…"

"I'm hungry…" He whispered softly, the pout getting worse. "And my spinal plating aches too much for me to get up." It wasn't so bad… but he really was desperately hungry and craved something that made him almost scratch his helm in wonder himself at how bizarre it was. This was definitely something he too wished to avoid, knowing that Magnus needed his sleep, the mech could work himself into a whole if they weren't careful. Though at least Magnus wasn't so bad now! He would come home regularly on time and with only small amounts of paperwork would come into their quarters.

"Oh…" Magnus was rubbing at his optics, blinking slightly before reaching out to stroke down his lover's back when the other rolled over, rubbing at the aching plating and from the sound of relief he got from his Bondmate he had definitely hit just the right spot. "You sure you want me to go?"

"Mmmh?" Sleepy green optics blinked up at Magnus from where the pretty face was buried against a pillow, his body beginning to relax as those hands were rubbing at all his sore spots, Magnus knowing just where to touch.

"Are you still hungry?"

"Yes…" The sound was muffled against the pillow.

"What would you like?"


"Omega… you can't have…"


"Alright, Love." He leaned in to press a soft kiss against the back of the other's helm, before he was being pulled down and a warm arm curled across his shoulders softly, heated lips catching him by surprise. He loved it when the other did that, drawing him in, pulling him close and just leaving him with a contented smile on his face.

"Hurry back…"

When Magnus returned, the berth was empty, his optics flickering with worry as they turned towards the bathroom, hurrying inside and was relieved when he leaned against the doorframe and just watching his lover indulge in a hot bath, slender limbs stretching slowly, clearly delighted over the fact that he was finally able to relax like that. Though he was carrying the tub of icecream… something that was thankfully big enough to satisfy the hungry mech.

Head leaning back against the edge of the tub, Omega was gazing at his handsome Magnus, lips turning upwards into a warm rather welcoming smile. "Come and join me… maybe you'd like to indulge me a little more… I'll make it worth your while." A hand reached out towards Magnus, before the other stepped closer and he was tugging at the sleek armour, letting it clatter onto the floor before shifting forwards, making room for the other behind him.

Magnus took the invitation, soon settling behind his lover, pulling the warm body into his lap, an arm coiling around the slender waist and getting a pleasant little squeak of delight from Omega. The Icecream bucket was being set into the slender grey hands, before Magnus was shifting and leaning forwards to feed his Bondmate from the bucket, loving the fact he could indulge his lover and let his finger rest against the bare chassis and feel the little Sparkling buzzing softly around inside the other's casing. The lively little thing seemed to be quite awake and seemed to be enjoying the icecream as much as Omega. "Nice?"

"Its good! You got chocolate…" A warm aft rubbed against the bigger mech's codpiece, getting a groan of pleasure out of him. "You want some?"

"Definitely." And those damp lips were being caught and licked softly, before being devoured quite eagerly, glossa invading the wondering mouth. It tasted strangely creamy, an odd taste but he had to admit it was sweet and warm and… he could feel the strange tingles fluttering across his frame. This was wonderful… And for a moment he wondered what his life would have been like if he had never met Omega like this… if they had never… A shudder of fear fluttered up his spinal plating. A day without Omega was like a day without sunshine… he couldn't stand the thought of being without his beautiful Bondmate. This was his happiness… his Bondmate and their growing Sparkling.

"How's he doing?"

"Hmm?" Omega was content to just snuggle in against Magnus who had finished feeding him the icecream, his optics half closed, the hot water and the warmth from his Bondmate doing the job.

"Our… son…"

"Oh…" The slow rub of that hand over his chassis was having a rather wonderful effect of making the Sparkling came and snuggle up against the outside of his casing, clearly attracted to the presence of his other creator. "He knows you already Magnus."

Bright pale blue optics widened at that, before rubbing a little more warmly against the metal, wishing he could touch, but right now they both needed to relax. "He… does… does he… really?"

"Yes… he knows who his Creator is. You know just being near you makes both of us happy." He was sighing contently, just tipping his head to the side as he was glancing upwards at his lover just enjoying the way the other was finally being able to smile back at him, the stress of the day finally lifting from them. "I've never been so content in all my life." His optics were drifting closed as he was purring softly as his lover continued to stroke over his chassis and body, the slow movements were making him feel warm and tingly. "You really are wonderful…" He whispered softly.

"I am Ultra Magnus… Prime of cuddles."

A sleepy fit of giggles escaped Omega at the other's announcement, leaving him squirming against his lover, unable to stop from giggling so much. When Magnus said things like that… with a dead straight face… But the other was suddenly grinning at him, denta flashing in the dim light of the bathroom. "And you, my Bondmate are the Prime of giggles."

"That's just prime…" Omega snorted. "We should ask him to be 'godfather'… I know how much we both respect him and I have a feeling our little one will definitely be quite a one to be named after Optimus, and of course after you… I was thinking, Optio Magnus." His head tipped up, watching as the other considered it.

"I like it." He was grinning at his Bondmate, squeezing him warmly and whispering something softly into his lover's audio before getting a slight slap on the arm. "Don't you dare."

"But you have to admit it would be rather fun…"

"Magnus… I love your sense of humour but that…"


"Fine… I'll help. But if you get in trouble from Optimus, I'm not taking any of the blame…"

Inferno and Red next ! XD