Welcome back to chapter 3 of Chaos bleed, last time Crono went super and the fight began against him and Demise, but now its time to return to our heroes on earth (XD I sound like one of those guys from a dragon ball z show). Well anyway thanks for the reviews, in which left me wandering, was chapter 2 boring since I only got I think 5 reviews for it (I think it was five). Well who's complaining I got the amount of reviews that I asked for so that means I got to give you what I promised you and that is this chapter. Shout out goes to Renzokuken666 for lending me Cameron. I'm still looking for a girl Oc if anybody wants your female character to be paired up with Crono, write their profile on your review and in which I will give them credit for lending their character (peoples characters that I borrow, if they got a fanfic or if I got their email, I will send them email or DocX's of the story so they can see if I'm using their character the right way, I don't want to make anyone OOC). Well enough chitchat its time to rock on with the chapter

Disclaimer: I only own Jose, Edin, Etna, Drake, Lucrecia, and the plot of this story. Renzokuken666 owns Cameron, and SEGA owns Sonic and company

Chaos Bleed

The sun shined down on the ebony hedgehog. He had red highlights, and a white patch of hair on his chest. He laid on a hospital bed while Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Tails, and Cameron waited for the hedgehog to awake from his sleep.

"Well its official I'm hungry, does anybody know were I can get a bacon sandwich," asked Cameron who broke the silence.

Everybody looked at Cameron with confusion; they couldn't understand why he was so random. Tails suggested that he go check the hospital cafeteria. Cameron jumped up from the chair and headed out the door.

"Thanks, if you need me you know where to find me," said Cameron as he left the room


(Background music, theme song to Jose


The hospital blinds were covered, all the lights were off except one light. There were three people in the room. A green crocodile; he had a gold chain necklace and had a pair of headphones. Next to the crocodile stood a purple chameleon. The green alligator pulled the chameleon to the side and started to whisper in his ear

"Ok Espio, this is the first time that G.U.N gave us a major job, so lets not messed this up" said the green alligator

"Don't worry Vector, I'm all on it, now remember, we got to get information on why he was at the mystic ruins during all of the commotion." Said Espio, "lets play the good cop bad cop to see if he will spill, if not then we move to plan B"

Vector shook his head in agreement and turned to face a gold hedgehog. The gold hedgehog had messy hair and along some of the tips were blue streaks. The gold hedgehog had medical bandages extending from his hand to his elbow; he wore black baggy shorts and boots. The hedgehog looked as if he was in a trance; he was looking down at the floor. Vector motion to Espio to shine the light on the hedgehog.

"Hello, I'm Vector and we have some questions to ask you," said Vector as if he was a professional, "What's your name?"

The hedgehog didn't budge; he continued to look at the floor. Vector's left eye started to twitch at the hedgehogs' response.

"Ok then, next question, why were you at the mystic ruins when it was closed off to the public due to inspection, and second off why were you holding a rectangular gem when we found you out cold". Asked Vector

The hedgehog looked up he scanned the room; Espio walked up to him and placed his hand on the hedgehogs shoulder. "Look we would like to get to the bottom of this, but we're going to need your corporation"

The hedgehog still didn't answer Vectors question, he just continued to look around the room. Vector slammed his fist onto the table; he stood up and got in the hedgehogs face. "Look we don't have all day, answer the questions or you'll be thrown into prison to rot"

Espio walked over to Vector and calmed him down; Espio noticed that the hedgehog was moving his mouth

"Who am I," whispered the hedgehog

The hedgehog's voice was low; he stood up and looked around the room. Espio and Vector stood up as well. Vector walked over to the hedgehog and placed his hand on the table. Vector opens his mouth to speak but all of a sudden he was lifted off the ground

*Hospital hallway*

"Man what a rip, how dare they put a cost so high on bacon, I'm going to have a talk with their manager" pouted Cameron as he walked down the hallway of the hospital.

As Cameron walked down the hallways, he heard faint hollers coming from a nearby room; he ran toward the shouting, passing through hospital nurses and patients, he eventually arrived at room numbered 156. Cameron placed his ear on the door and started to listen to the argument.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" shouted a voice

Cameron's' left hand started to twitch, "ok every time I have a bad feeling something's going to happen I always get this cheap version of the spidy sense, wha…"

Cameron never got to finish his sentence due to the door flying off its hinges. The door crashed into Cameron and sent him crashing along the hallway wall. A yellow hedgehog ran out the room with a purple chameleon following his trail.

"GET HIM ESPIO" shouted a green crocodile that was on top of the door that crashed into Cameron. A faint knocking sound could be heard close by; the green crocodile stood up and lifted up the door. Underneath the door stood Cameron dazed into a trance.

"Heh…. sorry about that you ok" said the Crocodile


Vector turned around and saw a red echidna running toward their direction.


Knuckles caught up with Vector and the now half dazed Cameron. Knuckles looked down, Confused he dared to ask what was going on. "Don't ask" said Vector. Cameron limped up and shook his head. He looked both at Knuckles and Vector; he pumped his fist in the air

"NOW I'M MAD," shouted Cameron as he started running down the hallway

Alarms started to go off as red lights started to flash

"Yes, plan B is now on effect" stated Vector as he chased Cameron

Knuckles started following Vector, "Plan B?"

Vector started to explain everything as they made their way to the main lobby


The yellow Hedgehog ran into a lobby were a bee and 50 armed men met for his arrival. The armed men had AK40s and bullet proof vest that read the words "G.U.N" on them. Espio caught up to the hedgehog and blocked his path from behind.

"We got you surrounded put you hands in the air and freeze" shouted one of the armed men

The bee did a flip in the air and repeated what the armed men just said.

"Stay focus Charmy" shouted Espio

Charmy nodded. One of the soldiers walked up to the hedgehog and grabbed his left arm, "you're coming with me"

As the minute the soldier grabbed the hedgehogs' arm, black lightning coursed through the hedgehogs arm. The hedgehog screamed with pain, the solider, unaware of what was going on quickly released the hedgehogs arm and ran back to the group were they braced themselves. The hedgehog placed his hands on his head and screamed louder, he eventually fell to the ground and pasted out to the pain


"Were sorry but the code red is still in affect, please remained in your rooms until further notice" said a voice on the speaker system

Tails looked around the room; Sonic started pacing back and forth in the room waiting for the code red to end.

"Man, when is this stupid code going to end?" shouted Sonic

Amy beamed a glare at Sonic, indicating him to lower his voice. Sonic froze, he looked at the clock then at Amy, sighing he nodded and continue his pacing. The ebony streaked hedgehog lay on the bed; Amy looked at the hedgehog, she was deep in trance, she blushed at a sudden thought. Tails notice's this and was going to say something but an announcement came on stating that the code red was over.

"Finally its over" shouted Sonic with joy speeding out of the room

Amy sighed at Sonic; she continued to look back at Shadow, smiling she asked Tails if he can look after him while she goes to get a bite at the cafe. Amy walked out of the room; Tails walked over to Shadow but notice that he was waking up.


*Room 255*

There was a brown and black female cat in a hospital coat; she was standing next to a hospital bed. Her hair was brown and as it went toward the bottom it changed to black. Her ears were the same except that it was opposite brown and as it reach the top black. Her eyes were purple that shined in the light of the sun.

"Hmmmmmmmm....no name. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh where's Doctor Myers at, I'm not suited for this, I'm just a student" sighed the cat girl.

A gold hedgehog was lying on the hospital bed; he groans and moved around on the bed. The female cat walked up to the hedgehog and looked at his closely; he opened his eyes and looked up at the cat.

"Ummmmmmmmmm" said the female cat, "hi their...um...my name is Dawn, Dawn the cat, its nice to meet you, what's your name?"

The hedgehog flinched at Dawns question, Dawn moves back to give the stranger some air; he frowns and looks the opposite direction. Dawn's eye twitch at the hedgehogs answer, "well be a sourpuss for all I care. HMPH!". The hedgehog turned around and faced Dawn; she had her arms crossed over her breast with her head held high.

"I…don't remember my name"

Dawn turned and smiled at the stranger, "well that's all you had to say". Dawn ran up to the stranger and studied him, checking if something was wrong with him, "hmmmm, maybe its amnesia". As Dawn got closer to the hedgehogs face, she gazed into his eyes. Her purple eyes gazed at a pair of blue sapphire eyes gazing at her back. As she reached closer, she trips and bangs her head against the stranger's head.

*Sound effect, bang*

"Ow, ow, ow, owww, that's gonna leave a mark" said Dawn rubbing her head

The stranger looked pissed but then looked down then up

"My…. name is Jose"

Dawn jumped up with joy; now knowing that bump must of regain sum of Jose's memory. Jose looked at Dawn confused, he couldn't figure out why somebody would be jumping with joy for a stranger they didn't even know.

"Hey…thanks," said Jose shyly

Dawn seem to light up, "well your welcome Jose, by the way I have something to tell you"


"You have very beautiful eyes"

At that moment Jose started to turn red, his cheeks flustering in a blush. "Shut…. shut up!". The door open and entered a Vector, Espio, Charmy, and Cameron. The group motion Dawn to leave the room, Dawn followed orders and left the room, before she left she turned back at Jose and winked at him, waving at him goodbye. As the door closed the group moved in to Jose, taking a seat on tables and chairs.

"So are you willing to corporate?" asked Vector

The hedgehog remained silent but answered, "I don't remember anything, but the only thing I remember is that my name is Jose"

Espio looked at Vector; he whispered into his ear. Charmy wanting to be nosy tried butting in but Vector shoved him out the way. Charmy landed on the floor, he pouted but looked at the stranger.

"So Jose, why do you have medical bandage's on your arms"

Jose looked at his arms then at Charmy; he shrugged his shoulders and continued to remain silent. As Charmy stared at Jose Vector came up and knocked Charmy on the back of the head.

"What was that for" cried Charmy

"He just said he didn't remember anything, you nitwit," shouted Vector

Cameron looked at Espio and laughed, Espio sighed at Cameron's reaction to the bitter arguing of Charmy and Vector. Espio walked over to Jose and handed him a rectangular gem.

"You had this when we found you unconscious" said Espio handing Jose the gem

Cameron jumped up with confusion and suspicion, "um why does he have a Sol Emerald"

Jose shrugged his shoulders once again and placed the Sol Emerald in his pocket. Vector and Charmy stopped arguing with one another and called it a draw. Vector walked up to Jose and placed his hand on his shoulder

"Well I got bad news for you, G.U.N gave us a job stating that we got to figure out why you out at the ruins so you going to have to hang with us till you get you memory back, and now thanks to the voluntary act of Cameron that makes our team 5 for the count"

Cameron pumped his fist while Jose sighed. As Charmy flew up to Jose to welcome him to the Chaotix, an explosion could be heard from outside.

*Liberty Square*

"The time of humans is now over, a new order will be set for this world, father will become leader and you all will serve him" shouted a Dragon like creature. His scales were an onyx color as it reflected of sunlight; he had two spikes attached to his shoulders and knees. Beside him was a red female lynx, by her appearance it looked like she robbed the latest fashion from the store since she wore dark blue designer pants and a black tank top.

"You know Drake your really starting to become annoying, why don't you shut up already," said the lynx

Drake grabbed the lynx girl by the neck and held her close to his face, "look Etna, I really think you getting annoying by you, so mind you own business understood"

Etna laughed at Drake's remark and vanished from site, she appeared behind him and pushed him off the platform he was standing on, "stop, don't want to fool yourself now don't you". Drake started to growl but something stopped him, he turned around and felt an impact against his face. An ebony hedgehog appeared were Drake was standing.

(Background music I am all of me)

"YOU!" shouted Drake

Etna started to laugh at Drake; Drake on the other hand was really pissed. Drake charge at the ebony hedgehog and tried to deliver some blows to the stranger, the hedgehog was to quick for Drake, he dodge all of his attacks with ease and parried Drakes every move. As Drake crashed against the ground, the group of Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Tails, Vector, Charmy, Cameron, Espio, and a gold hedgehog came running from the opposite direction

"SHADOW!" shouted Sonic

Drake looked at Etna how was sitting on the platform laughing at his defeat.

"Shut up Etna" shouted Drake, "Edin and Lucrecia already started planting the plague, go get the west side of the city and start building up plague forces their"

Etna nodded and vanished once again; Shadow looked at the group and grunted, "danm faker look what you did".

Sonic looked around not knowing what Shadow was talking about.

"Sonic lets split up to stop them," suggested Tails

Everybody agreed with Tails; Sonic nodded

As the moment the group was thinking about who should go were, Shadow and Drake started to fight once again, but this time Drake was able to deliver some blows to Shadow.

"What are you waiting for faker go after the others" shouted Shadow

Sonic nodded; he looked back at the group and decided who will go were, "Ok me, Tails, and Amy will go west. Knuckles, Charmy, and Espio will go east. Last, Vector, Cameron, and the new guy go north"

Everybody nodded and followed orders, running toward their destinations. Drake notice everybody running toward the locations of were the Plague were being planted; Drake tried to stop one of the groups but Shadow teleported in front of him and delivered a massive uppercut. Drake flew back and crashed into a wall. As Shadow landed on the ground, a big gust of wind came from the spot were Drake crashed. Shadow notice that Drake was the cause of this, and to his eyes was true. Drake opened his wings and flapped them toward Shadow sending big gust of winds.

"Argh" grunted Shadow as he was sent back by the gust

"AHAHAHA" laughed Drake, "do you actually think you can win? The Plague will flow through the streets, killing all who deify father. And soon, we'll meet father once again once the surprise attack happens to the holder of the Sol emeralds, Blaze the cat"

Shadow started to form a yellow sphere in his palm, "Plague?"

Drake drew closer to Shadow, "yes the Plague, their inhuman demons that feed of the sins of people--"

"Chaos spear" interrupted Shadow

Drake dodges the attack smoothly and laughed, "the day of reckoning is here. ITS TIME TO LET CHAOS BLEED"

The skies change color from blue to a reddish color. Drake flew on top of the platform from before and started to laugh manically. Shadow had enough of Drakes somewhat gloating and charged at him

"TIME FOR CHAOS TO BLEED" repeated Drake

Well that's it for chapter 3, sorry for the long wait but I have to get my grades up in school if I don't then its poof off for military school for me. For the character Dawn the cat, thanks to Chibi-lucario-catgirl for giving me full rights to our character since she wont be able to do her story since she got's work and other stuff. Well for this I'm not asking for a lot of reviews but the more reviews I get the faster I post, and btw I do have chapter 4 and 5 done. Well take care yos its time for me to sign out