AN: Okay, so finally found another opportunity to sneak onto my mom's computer. To those of you have still stuck with the story even when I was horrible at updating, thank you!

Anna Fetterman was sitting by the fire in the senior common room when she heard screaming coming from the top of the stairs that led to the girl's dorms.

"Macey, wait!" It was Liz Sutton.

Anna began quaking like a mouse, and went and hid behind a chair.

She heard the thundering footsteps that could only be caused by a pair of combat boots and then the pattering of three pairs of flats. She pressed herself deeper into the corner.

Then she heard mumbling at the top of the staircase that led to the boy's dorms.

"Tommy!" It was Zach. "Go calm your girlfriend, I'm trying to sleep."

Macey continued shrieking.

"When I find Walters, I'm gonna kill her!"

Four boys clad only in pajama pants came stumbling down the stairs. Only Tommy and Jonas were awake. Jonas and Liz sat down at one of the tables, trying to identify the handwriting, Tommy tried calming Macey down by smoothing her hair down, Bex and Grant fought for dominance of the comfy chair, and Zach had fallen asleep in Cammie's lap. Cammie was smiling and stroking his hair and he murmured in his sleep and sighed. Finally, he blinked blearily, and threw a pillow at Grant's head. Grant immediately fell down, and Bex took the chair. All was quiet except for the murmurs exchanged between Jonas and Liz and soothing words whispered by Tommy.

Zach sighed and was about to return to his "pillow" (Cammie's lap) but stopped when Jonas spoke up. Groaning, Zach sat up.

"Well, it turns out that there is a story about all of us. Not really portraying us in the best light." Macey chose this time to scream, "SHE CALLED ME A SLUT!"

Zach really looked interested now and took the stack of papers from Jonas. He read, passed them around so that everyone could read them and then frowned. "Well, who did it?" he asked.

"Well, we're not sure, but whoever did, is a really good writer."

Anna, not able to pass up this opportunity to prove herself stood up. "I wrote them!" she said.

Macey stood up, her eyes flashing. "Fetterman, you're so dead." When the girls had finished reading them, they all stood up.

Bex cracked her knuckles. "Let's hope you were paying attention in P&E today," she warned. "Because we're not going to go easy on you-"

"Even if you did give yourself a bloody nose by opening a can of pringles." Cammie said.

Anna squeaked and ran out the door.

She ran until she reached the front doors. That was when she noticed that the girls were not following her.


Because they had been held down and tied up by their caring boyfriends, who knew they would regret killing Anna Fetterman when the deed was done.

"So, you're fine with her writing that stuff about us?" Cammie asked, struggling to untie herself.

"Nope," said Zach, ripping the papers.

"But we think we can scare her all year, instead of doing it all at once. Besides, she is our classmate," Grant reasoned.

Liz, Bex and Cammie nodded in understanding.

"But she called me a SLUT!" Macey protested. 7 pairs of eyes turned on her.

"Oh fine," she grumbled. "But I wonder why she would write that? It's soo not true."

*Flashes to a tiny house*

Gallagher Rose: HA! Thank you Anna Fetterman for this wonderfully false story!

*Hears knocking on the door*

Gallagher Rose: (Opens door, sees the 8 students) OH NOO! DON'T HURT MEEE!

*Hours Later in a random hospital*

Gallagher Rose: Thanks alot for ratting me out Anna. OW!

AN: I know, it's horrible, but I wanted to get this over with. Hope you still liked the the story, and my hopefully funny ending. So, this is the ending to 7 sinners, but I'm thinking of starting a new story. Check my profile to find out what it's about!