Hello, my faithful readers! How are all of ya? I'm alright, except I'm totally booked with every day life. e.e Now that I'm 17, it's like...okay, do this and that and make sure you have all this done so you can get into a good college. I don't even know what college I want yet. *sob* As long as it teaches good Veterinarian skills. Lol.

Oh and I've just discovered how SMALL my vocabulary is...damn big words. T.T

Alright, well...here's you're next chappie!

Chapter 7: It's More Like Curiosity

She didn't know how this had managed to happen...she had told them earlier that she liked the idea of sleeping in a different room a lot more than sleeping in the puppet's room. So why the hell was her bed in there? The look on her face seemed almost terrified when she saw the small bed sitting in the corner of Sasori's room that night. It wasn't so much the thought of Sasori trying something, which she believed he wouldn't do, but the fact he'd probably be staring at her while she slept. Did he even sleep? She'd be sleeping with a man awake in the room all night, every night?

"I thought...I was sleeping in the next room..." She started, looking up at the blonde who had been the one who informed her that she wasn't going to be in her own room. His blue eye looked amused at her as his head tilted slightly.

"I'm not surprised you are afraid of Sasori-Danna, hm." He grinned. "He's actually the one who said we should put you inside his room." When she gave him the 'Why?' look, he responded. "Don't ask me, yeah. He's confused me just as much as he's confused you. He usually doesn't have the patience for anything, hm..."

"He really isn't...well..." She bit on her lip as she looked for the right words to say in this question. His laugh interrupted her, as he seemed to know what she was saying already.

"Don't even worry yourself about that! Sasori-Danna has no emotions except that annoying impatience of his, yeah! He's not going to take any interest in you. Most likely, he just doesn't want to waste his time walking to your room to check on you every 10 minutes, un..." He exclaimed, making her embarassment only rise as he continued to chuckle at her assumption.

"Thanks a lot, Deidara-San..." She replied, crossing her arms as she chewed on the inside of her lip. His hand slipped around to grab her face and pull it towards his again.

"He's not the one you should worry about anyway. You should be looking out for me, yeah." He stuck out his tongue enough to caress her lips, releasing her and walking away. Once out of sight, she brought her arms up and rubbed at her mouth.

"Yuck..." She groaned, shoulders slumping as she walked into the room, flopping onto the bed. She didn't bother to pull the covers on, seeing the room was rather warm. Sasori was not present in his room yet. The last time she'd seen him was when she was talking to everyone in the main room.

She turned on her back, noticing the many puppets hanging from the ceiling. Just counting them made her feel dizzy. She was still afraid to be in this room, remembering how pissed she'd made him for entering it last time. Why did he agree to let her sleep in there when he was angry at her for going through his stuff? He was...so confusing. The thoughts of him were actually overwhelming...she felt haunted by those cold brown eyes.

"Ugh! How many times have I thought about those eyes?" She screamed, sitting up fast with her head in both hands. She couldn't take this unknown fascination!

"What are you squawking about?" The emotionless voice asked from the doorway. She blinked and looked up, immediately feeling the familiar redness crawl up her cheeks. Great....he came in at the wrong time.

"Uhm...nothing. Nothing at all." She smiled nervously, placing her hands in her lap. He rose an eyebrow, obviously not believing her. She wouldn't either...not with the nervous way she spoke around him. He didn't reply, walking over to his work table and sitting down on the wooden chair. The silent minutes ticked by, the exception being the clinking and clunking of his puppets. "...Danna...?" The clinking stopped and she took this as a sign that he was listening. "Are you still upset...? I mean...I was confused when you said you wanted me to stay in your room. It surprised me..."

Sasori was quiet for a few seconds, which seemed to eat continuously at her anxiety. Another clunk against the table signaled her that he'd dropped what he was doing. When that wave of fiery red hair turned, she came to see the hard look upon his face and it sent tingles down her spine. He was still angry...wasn't he?

"I'll make one thing clear, Kohiki." He started, his chair spinning with him so his whole body faced her. "I should have maimed you for doing something you shouldn't have. But since I'm in charge of watching you now, you can eventually learn that playing the wrong games with me will get you in a lot of trouble. And you were moved in here because I'm not going to waste my time checking up on you."

She lowered her head. Deidara was absolutely right about that then. "Oh, and this little act you keep putting on...it makes you look pathetic. It aggravates me..." She felt a little offended now. She was supposed to learn to behave, but she wasn't allowed to put on an act of acting obediant? If she acted like herself, she'd probably get her ass kicked. "Go to sleep." Sighing deeply, she flopped back onto the bed, rubbing her hand over her forehead.

It wasn't long before she passed out.

When she awoke the next morning, Sasori was nowhere in sight. This made her feel a little relieved in a way. She stretched out and climbed from the bed, upset about the fact this wasn't all a dream. So everything had really happened. In one day, she'd nearly been raped 2 times, nearly killed by Sasori, and lost her first kiss to the little terrorist freak. She had to find a way out of here...any longer and she wouldn't last.

A loud rumble emitted from her belly. "Oop...need food..." She laughed at herself and stood up, walking into the kitchen where it was occupied by the shark and his partner. Now that she thought about it...Itachi looked too nice to be a member of the Akatsuki. Just something in his expression. "Morning, Kisame-San...Itachi-San." She waved lightly.

"Hey there, Kohiki." Kisame greeted whilst Itachi simply gave her a blank stare. "How are you holding up? Having fun?" He grinned, showing the rows of sharp teeth within his mouth.

"I wish." She replied, running a hand through her hair as she walked up to the cabinet. "Although a lot of you aren't as violent as I thought. Which is a good thing." She opened one of the cabinets. "You hungry?"

"Hell yeah." The shark ruffled her hair again. She was going to get tired of that sooner or later. "Oh...we're all violent, Kohiki. Some of us are just content inside the lair. Lucky for you. Or maybe not." She frowned, pulling out an old carton of eggs.

"Who put eggs in the cabinet?" She questioned, almost horrified at the sight and the smell lingering around the carton. Kisame's broad shoulders moved up in a casual shrug. "Oh, guys...this belongs in the fridge..."

"What? We don't cook." Kisame answered, leaning against the wall near the door. She tossed the eggs into the old garbage can at the side of the counter. "Don't worry about cooking all the time, Kohiki. We get food from outside too."

"Yeah, but I'm not allowed to leave." She stated, closing her eyes. "Eh...I guess it's rice again." She grabbed one of the many bags of rice stowed away in the cupboard. It only took a few minutes to cook it and soon, she was shoveling it into her mouth with utmost disgrace. She was in the house with a bunch of men. What was the use of manners? "Is it alright, Itachi-san?" She asked the silent male who was slowly picking at his food.

"...It's fine." His voice was deep, rather sexy. The first time she'd heard it. She smiled.

"I'm glad. Where are the others?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Missions. Itachi and I are about to leave. Zetsu is still here though. So is Deidara, but Sasori is off doing his own thing somewhere around here." Anata's happy mood seemed to disappear. Being left alone with Deidara again wasn't her idea of a good day. In a way though, it was better than being by herself. She'd probably do something stupid again.

"I see. Well, you two please do well..." She replied, still mentally kicking herself for wishing the enemy to be safe. Kisame finished off his bowl and sat it down on the table just as Itachi rose to his feet.

"Thanks Kohiki, even if you don't mean it." He laughed, swinging his sword over his shoulder as they both exit the kitchen. Now that she was alone, she could take the opportunity to look around for any places to slip out that didn't include the front door. She stood up, dropping the dishes into the sink before making her way into the main room. The urge to bolt out the front door itself was so tempting, but she refrained. Instead, she headed down one of the hallways, scanning every area for any escape routes.

10 minutes later, she found herself growing incredibly frustrated. There were no openings anywhere. The place was closed off, all except for the windows in some of the rooms and the front door. Most likely the roof door as well. She kicked the wall next to her, crossing her arms as she stomped almost childishly back to the main room.

"Ahhh, there you are. Almost thought you tried a hasty escape, yeah." Deidara grinned from his sitting position on the couch. She shuddered a bit, knowing how much this blonde seemed to creep her out.

"Wouldn't try it...there's no point." She said, her eyes narrowed slightly. She really disliked this guy...no matter how many times he'd save her. She just didn't like him. He was cocky and arrogant as far as she knew.

"Well, you're smart. I'll give you that." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and then licking his upper lip. "I ate the rest of that rice you left sitting in the pot, un..." She nodded, really uncaring whether he did or not. "Hey, what's with your dull expression?" He stood up and walked over to her, making her instinctively step backwards. "...Hnn..."

"Nothing, Deidara-San...I don't feel well." She replied, her tone seeming kind of smart, which made the blonde's blue eye narrow in anger, right before she felt the hard slap to her cheek.

"Drop the attitude, Kohiki, yeah..." He snapped, leaning over to look at her face, which was now red on one side. Her hard stare did not change. "You know...next time you get in trouble, I think I'll back off." He smirked lightly and turned around. "See how far you get without my help, hm."

"My act aggravates Danna. Might as well end it, right?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as his head turned back round to glare at her.

"So you only listen to him now, hm?" He questioned, his voice laced with annoyance. "Didn't know you were into the fake human..." Her cheeks flushed in her own anger now.

"Into? Not exactly. But he's a lot more intimidating than you are. And I find it more reasonable to listen to him than to someone who acts younger than he really is." This seemed to irritate Deidara and he took it upon himself to grab her again, snagging both wrists in one hand and holding them high above her head as he pushed her into the wall. What was with this boy and his aggressive personality...?

"I'm tired of listening to you, Kohiki..." He growled, the mouth on his hand grabbing a hold of the shirt she'd taken from his room and ripping the front to shreds. "Took my clothes too, hm? How nice..." He lowered his gaze upon her partially bared upper body.

"Is this how it'll turn out every time?" She asked, hard expression unchanging. "You'll start something and be interrupted every time?" She couldn't really hide the beating of her heart, though her words were strong, her mind was weak and she realized how stupid she had been to talk like that.

"Not really...this time, it'll definitely go farther, un." The smirk that crossed his face brought new chills through her body. As she opened her mouth to retaliate, she didn't have the chance for it only came out a gasp as his hand slipped right through the front of her pants and was touching her bare with those fingers.

"A-Ah! What are you doing? Get your hands off me!" She squeaked, her head pressing back into the wall behind her as he neared her face with his and pressed his forehead against her own.

"Go ahead, Kohiki. Make some noise. It's only me and you in here, yeah..." He chuckled, letting the tongue slip out over her folds, making her eyes widen as her cheeks flamed and a moan slipped from her throat.

"D-Don't...Deidara-San...stop." Her arms pulled down on his grip, though unable to slip through and her legs seemed to grow weak under her own weight. She'd never felt anything close to this and she didn't like it...but did her body?

"Oh, backing out now?" He frowned lightly, leaning towards her ear. "We haven't started yet, hm..." She twitched, pulling her head away from him as far as she possibly could. She was about to reply when he suddenly pulled away from her and his hand slid back out of her pants. "What the fuck, dammit?"

Anata managed to open her eyes again when her hands were free, immediately catching the red-haired puppet that stood behind the blonde with his emotionless expression intact. From his fingers emitted the chakra strings and the other ends were attached to Deidara. "Sasori-Danna..." Her face showed surprise, as well as the blonde's.

"Brat, I'm forbidding you from putting your hands on her anymore..." Sasori stated, dropping the strings and Deidara turned to face him with the pissy look on his face.

"Forbid me? Who the hell says you can forbid me, yeah?" He asked, clenching his fists together as Sasori's brown eyes narrowed. Another cold shiver. Anata found his glare to be much more frightening than anything.

"Because you are easy to control and I'm in charge of her, so keep your hands to yourself. Your boyish horomones are a nuisance." Deidara's face flushed at these words and it was easy to tell he refrained from starting a fight with his partner right then and there.

"Danna, you're crazy." Deidara chuckled as Sasori dropped the strings. He lifted his hand and slipped one finger into his mouth as his eyes turned to Anata. Her face went up in four thousand colors of red before her eyebrows pushed together in a glare. "I'm sorry you can't feel this kind of stuff, yeah. You'd be more into it than Hidan." He laughed again and walked away.

Once he'd disappeared down the hall, Sasori's attention turned back to her. She twitched, immediately dropping her head to avoid looking him in the face. Her arms crossed over her chest to hide her body, her legs still trembling under her. Irritation once again crossed the puppet's features, the only expression he seemed to have.

"Kohiki...come." He ordered as if she were a dog. Rather than complain, she gulped once and drug herself across the floor after him, forcing her feet to pick up as he seemed to be walking at quite a fast pace. He pushed open the door to his room and walk in, leaving it open for her to slide in. Without waiting for him to tell her, she closed the door behind her and slowly sat down on her bed, her head still lowered.

"You seem to get into a lot of trouble, don't you...?" He questioned, taking his seat on the chair next to the tables.

"...I'm sorry..." She mumbled, her hands clenching in the torn shirt. She heard him scoff.

"I didn't ask for an apology. Raise your head. I told you I'm tired of your weak act." She didn't have to be asked twice. Her head quickly rose to see his dark brown eyes staring her down, almost as if challenging her. She was hesitant to say anything. But she managed to.

"Sasori-Danna...it's not an act." His expression didn't change. "...You scare me..." As much as she hated to admit it, it was the truth. She was raised not to fear and that's why she was nearly made an ANBU. She was strong-willed, powerful, and she feared very little. But Sasori...well, he was a whole other deal. She had never met anyone like him. Silent, cold, inhuman...fearful.

"Is that so...?" His voice was filled with an unknown amusement. She didn't break eye contact with him. "...Drop your arms, Anata..." Her features turned to surprise, mainly from what he said. But he'd also called her by her first name. Had Deidara's words really gotten to him?

"B-But..." She stuttered, pressing her arms tighter to her chest. His eyes narrowed.

"Don't make me do it for you..." She shuddered and forced herself to obey, letting her arms drop from her chest and to her sides, letting the torn cloth fall over and expose her upper body. She was greatful for the undercovering. She brought her gaze back up to his. His expression was still unchanged. He really didn't have any other emotions...what did she expect from a puppet?

"D-Danna...?" She murmured, her hands pressed into her lap as she watched him. His wooden hands twitched.

"Why do you look that way?" He asked. At the sight of her confused expression, he continued. "...your face." He was talking about her embarassment. She let out a shuddery sigh.

"I...well...I'm...half naked..." She replied, unable to come up with anything else to say. The smirk that slipped over his lips gave her a bad feeling. His hand lifted, motioning for her to come towards him. She obeyed, steadily moving towards him and stopping when she was close enough.

She felt his cold grasp on her body and she was pulled into his lap, her back pressed into his chest as his hands slid over her waist, one reaching up to grab her bare shoulder. "D-Danna...what are you...?" His hand clapped over her mouth, sealing her words.

"Shush. You are to let me do what I wish." She closed her eyes, sighing weakly against his palm. What was this he was showing? Curiousity? She could feel his free hand exploring her body, sending shivers up her spine.

She muffled words through his hand, which he allowed by moving it from her lips. "Danna...it feels weird..." Why wasn't she fighting him? She'd fought against the other two, but pulling away from Sasori was the last thing on her mind. She didn't hear him reply, but he took a grip on her throat and pressed her back once again, letting her head fall onto his shoulder.

He couldn't feel anything...there was nothing happening within him. Was this what Deidara had been saying? Why was he letting the brat's words reach him like this? It didn't bother him...but he was interested in this look that kept crossing her face when her body was touched. "Do not ever do anything stupid...to get yourself in trouble like you did today. No longer are you allowed to be touched like this by anyone else. If you do...you're going to be in a lot of trouble."

When she tried to reply, a gasp left her throat when his hand cupped her roughly. "Ahn...y-yes...Danna..." She whimpered, just as he released her and pushed her from his lap.

"Get dressed...there's spare clothes in that drawer." He turned away from her, back to his puppets. With her legs still shaking, she stumbled to the dresser and grabbed the clothes in there, quickly dressing up without bothering to see if he was actually watching her. "I'm taking you with me today. I want to see your skills. The brat can stay here." She blinked a few times.

Here was her chance to find an escape...

Me: Whoooo, finally! I can't believe how long that took! T.T

Sasori: ..........I'm not like that...

Me: Yes you are. Seriously...if Deidara had said that to you, you definitely would have tried to figure out what he meant.

Sasori: ...

Me: *sighs and write reviewers*





Me: Awww, only 3? *sad face*

Sasori: So is your next chapter going to take forever too?

Me: It just might if you don't STFU. Oh, hey everyone! I bought a picture from a girl on Deviantart for this story. Hopefully it comes in soon! I spent a lot of money on it so you better like it! See you next time!