Ocean Blue.

A Blue Water High Fic.

Pairings: HeathFly, MattPerri, EdgeBec, JoeAnna.

Chapter 2.

'Come on Perri, what's the matter with him?' Bec demanded.

Fly grinned and watched, as she lay on Perri's bed upside down, as Bec and Perri argued. Anna was there too, leafing through a surfing magazine. They were having a girl talk. Fly liked it because she actually felt like she was fitting in at these times.

'He's so immature!' Perri cried, throwing her hands up as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Peter Holler, one of the better looking guys at Blue Water High, had asked Perri out for milkshakes and she had declined. Much to the shock of Bec, who had grown up with the guy.

'I agree there but he's a great guy!' Bec added.

'He's just –'

'Not like Matt' Anna finished mildly, still staring at her magazine.

Perri rounded on her. She looked shocked, and denial plastered her face.

'For the last time Matt and I do not have a thing!' she hissed.

Anna, Bec and Fly exchanged glances. 'Denial' they sang in unison.

Perri opened her mouth to say what was on her mind when the door was flung open. It was Edge, clad only in board shorts causing Bec to flush pink.

'Hey guys Simmo and Deb want us downstairs, some meeting' Edge said, shrugging his shoulders.

'Right Edge, we're coming' Fly said, making preparations to get up.

'What were you doing upside down?' he asked confused.

'Getting a new perspective on life' she said as she led the way down the stairs.

'So Edge did you really not do the Geography assignment?' Bec wanted to know.

'Nah I did it'

Bec coughed. Edge looked mock wounded. Then they burst into laughter.


'Simmo you really can't be serious!' Bec cried.

'Come on now Bec, be reasonable' Deb intervened.

'Be reasonable? Simmo you know what happens every time we surf against them!'

The whole gang stared at Simmo, glares plastered to their faces. Actually Anna and Fly were more grimacing. Simmo had just told them that the next surf meet would be against Paddle Wave.

'Simmo I agree with Bec' Edge put in suddenly 'Those guys were glaring at us like they wanted to kill us or something this morning'

'Joe told us that the result is always bloodshed when we surf against them' Anna said, looking worried.

'Be that as it may this is part of your contract' Simmo said 'You guys must compete in every contest of the season'

Bec folded her arms, looking defiant. 'Not only do they hate us but there are eight of them! Eight. Simmo we only have seven surfers'

'Well if one of you can convince Joe to help us out we'll be right' Simmo said, then left.

Bec cried in disgust and sat down on a chair. 'Can't believe them' she muttered.

'So whose gonna ask Joe?' Perri asked 'No way am I doing it'

'Yeah he'll look at us like we're crazy' Heath said.

'Anna's the only one who has a chance' Matt put in rationally.

Anna smiled gently. 'I hate it when you guys do this' she remarked.


'No way!'

'Come on Joe! Why not?' Anna demanded of her boyfriend.

'Do I look like I want my face rearranged by a bunch of surfer grommets who hate our guts?' Joe snapped.

Anna frowned. 'I don't like it either but we really could use your help! We could loose our contracts if we don't surf'

'I won't'

'Yeah because you don't have one!' Anna cried, throwing her hands up into the air 'Did you ever consider that maybe Bec and I could use your help?'

'Look Anna I'm sorry but maybe you could find someone else' Joe said, looking really apologetic.

Anna's frown deepened. 'You're the best one for the job' she said softly 'You should have had my place, you were good enough'

Joe ran his hands over his head. 'Anna' he began.

'I can't believe it, the guy who challenged me to surf the Gallows scared of a few surfers'

Joe stared at her. Anna sighed heavily and turned to leave. Joe swore under his breath. 'Anna' he said 'Wait'

Anna rounded on him. 'For what Joe? To tell me you're sorry' she snapped.

'No' he said, stepping closer to her. 'To tell you that, even though I'll regret it, I'll do it'

Anna grinned like a loony. 'You mean it?'

'Yeah I guess so'

Anna crashed her lips against his. Joe smiled into it and lifted her up and swung her around a bit. 'You so owe me though' he said when they broke apart.

'For sure' she replied before he claimed her lips again.


' He's said he'll do it' Anna told the others later that evening.

Heath sighed with relief. 'That's one disaster averted'

'Disaster?' Fly wanted to know, she was sitting next to Heath. Her hair was lying over his shoulder. Heath could smell her shampoo, it was making him sleepy. She really was beautiful when her hair was down. Trying to put her out of his mind he answered her question.

'Well I don't know about the rest of you but I feel like there are holes in the back of my head where that big guy Kyle Lowe was staring at me' Heath added 'He looks lethal'

Fly nodded weakly. Edge looked at her from under his lashes, noticing the change in her behaviour when Heath mentioned Lowe. He frowned.

'He is lethal' Perri replied.

Matt nodded and then Bec spoke up. 'Look guys I think we should not take any major risks out there okay?' she bit her lip.

'Yeah we don't have to prove anything to anyone' Heath added.

But as they all trooped upstairs to bed Fly muttered. 'That's what you guys think'