Ocean Blue.

A Blue Water High Fic.

Pairings: HeathFly, MattPerri, EdgeBec, JoeAnna.

Chapter 1.

Fly stared out at the ocean, watching as the waves rolled in. She sighed and let the wind play through her hair, blowing it into her face. Everything was different now. Should she stay at Solar Blue? Or run as fast as she could? That phone call she had been dreading had come yesterday. So far Fly hadn't slept.

She hadn't told Heath, or Anna. Nor had she told Edge. She and Anna were close, almost like best friends. She could tell Heath anything. Edge was like an older brother to her, they had met before whilst she and her family were on holidays on the Gold Coast. She and Edge could talk for ages, she didn't trust as much as she trusted Heath but she still trusted him. Thinking back on it she wondered why she hadn't told Edge about him.

'Stupid!' she said. 'Absolutely idiotic!'

She sat down in the sand, pushing her feet into the sand. Finally she reached up a hand and pushed the hair out from her eyes.

'Someone's an early riser'

Fly looked up. Matt was standing there, clad in board shorts and thongs. She faked a smile and gestured to the sand next to her. He lowered himself gingerly into the sand.

'I couldn't sleep' she confessed.

'Worried about mid-terms?' Matt questioned, raising an eyebrow. He knew Fly was a hard worker and often stressed about tests.

'I guess so' Fly said. Instantly she felt sick about her lie.

'You don't sound so sure' Matt pressed.

'I'm fine Matt' Fly said and grinned, fake again. 'Really, just mid-terms'

'If you're sure' Matt said and then smiled 'Hey come one lets get back'

'Why?' Fly asked.

'Well I don't know about you but I'd rather have an edible breakfast than something that Dean Edgely calls food' Matt said, making one of his rare jokes. He held out his hand, pulling Fly to her feet.

The two teens made their way back up the beach towards the house. Fly turned to Matt suddenly.

'You won't tell Heath or Edge will you?' she asked.


'About my not sleeping well' Fly said, sounding panicked. 'It's just Heath will get sick with worry and Edge will give me a lecture'

'Why would Edge lecture you? I didn't think you two were that close' Matt said, confused.

'We're old friends. I met him on the Gold Coast about two years ago' Fly explained.

'What?! You mean you two were like –'

'Ewww! No way Matt!' Fly cried. She knew this was how people would react, which is why she and Edge had decided to keep their relationship one of mutual respect. He respected her anyways, after the time she flogged him out of the water on the Gold Coast.

'Good. You had me worried there' Matt said starting off again ''Coz I thought Edge was into Bec'

'Oh he is' Fly said, grinning. 'He's head over heels. He just won't admit it'

'Speaking of head over heels' Matt began, kicking up some sand. 'What's with you and Heath?'

Fly blushed. 'What's with you and Perri?' she retaliated.

Matt flushed. 'Nothing' he said 'But I want there to be' he added softly.

'So what's holding you back?' Fly asked.

'I dunno. Maybe it's because she has status, you know. I'm just the surfer grommet who knows everything. She can do so much –'

'Shut up Matt! You're a great guy! Perri would be lucky to have you! You have a chance with her!' Fly cried. 'Not like me. I have no chance with Heath!'

'Now it's my turn to say shut up. Fly you're a great girl. You have a wicked sense of humour and Heath does care about you. It's written all over his face' Matt said.

'I guess we're just two very confused people aren't we?' Fly asked sheepishly.

'Yeah' Matt agreed 'It's a Saturday. Let's hit the waves I think, free time!'

Fly grinned. 'I bags the biggest one!'


'So' Perri said, as she tied up her hair 'Did you guys finish that assignment for Geography?'

'What assignment?' Edge asked, jumping from foot to foot.

Fly rolled her eyes. Trivial things such as school assignments meant nothing to surf-obsessed, hyper active Edge. Heath had his camera out, filming her.

'Hey Fly, give us the lowdown on the break' Heath grinned.

Fly flicked back her hair and smiled the fake one she had used on Matt. Said teenager was strapping his board to ankle.

'Good break this morning. Waves are cranking in. Three to five feet. Easy stuff' Fly stated.

'Excellent' Bec commented, smiling widely. She didn't notice Edge smile in her direction as she did so. Totally oblivious.

'I say we just have fun. No pulling any idiot tricks right guys?' Matt said, his eyes raking over Edge then Perri. With Perri's diabetes being discovered Matt was determined to make sure she didn't get hurt.

'Yes Simmo' Perri said sarcastically and took off into the surf.

Matt looked wounded. He stood stock still as the others ran past him. Fly paused and put a small hand on his upper arm.

'Don't worry about her. She's just – Perri' she muttered.

Matt turned to her and smiled. 'Come on' he said 'Let's catch some waves'

Minutes later all of Solar Blue surf team were carving up waves, cheering and screaming with fun. Heath did a hand stand on his board and Edge dunked Bec.

'Thanks a lot Edge!' she cried.

'No problem' Edge winked.

Fly grinned. Bec couldn't see that Edge's mucking around in her presence was his way of flirting. She was oblivious. She thought he didn't like her back. Boy was she wrong.

'Hey Fly'

Fly turned on her board and saw Heath, straddling his own. He was grinning all over his face. 'What?' she asked.

'You okay? You like quite pale' Heath said, concern in his deep brown eyes.

'Yeah just mid-terms, you know' Fly replied.

'Tell me about it' Anna's German accent cut in. 'You think you guys have it tough. In Germany we had lots of small tests not these larger ones'

'Relax Anna, you'll be fine' came a male voice.

'Joe!' Anna cried and turned around on her board.

Joe was paddling out towards them. He reached Anna and kissed her cheek. 'What's happening guys?'

'Surfing, what else?' Edge put in, grinning happily.

Bec took off suddenly on the next wave, a solid three footer. She carved it up, putting some of pent up energy into it. Joe watched her, smiling with pride at his sister's skill. But when Bec returned she was scowling.

'What's the matter?' Perri asked, flicking her wet hair back so that Matt copped a face full of sea water.

'We've got company, from Paddle Wave Surf Academy' Bec informed them.

The only person who reacted was Joe. He frowned, his face full of anger. Fly furrowed her brow, confused. 'What's so bad about them?' she asked Bec.

'They hate us, coz they think they're better than us' Bec snapped.

Edge snorted. 'Exactly' Joe put in 'Every time we're in a surf meet with them, the result is blood shed'

Perri winced. They all stared at the beach where a group of teenagers were waxing their boards. Fly shook her head. Heath looked slightly peeved. Edge looked content, ready for a challenge.

'Guys when they get out here, just ignore them. Especially Ashley Greene and Kyle Lowe. Ashley is the blonde girl and Kyle is the heavy built one. They're trouble, both of them'

Fly's stomach flipped over. 'Kyle Lowe?' she asked hoarsely. There's no way, she thought wildly.

'Yeah' Joe said, grinding his teeth in anger. Anna put a hand on his arm and he seemed to calm down a little.

'You know him?' Edge asked, instantly worried by the look on Fly's face, which had gone pale and stricken.

'By rep' Fly said, recovering herself. She mustn't let anything slip.

'Oh yeah?' Matt said 'What's his deal'

'He's an aggressive, arrogant –' Fly trailed off.

'Son-of-a-bitch' Bec finished.

'Bec!' Joe snapped.

'What?! It's true' Bec informed them 'He snakes everyone's waves. He's always up in your face even if you're a girl. He's disgusting. Thinks all girls should worship him'

'Can't see why' Edge said bluntly 'He's got the face of a guy who's run head first into a brick wall'

'Let's head in' Bec sighed 'Before this gets ugly'

As Fly ran up the beach a minute later she looked steadfastly in the other direction. She swore she heard Kyle Lowe mutter 'Run, run, run little Fly' under his breath. It was hard to stop herself from vomiting right there and then.