Hey, everyone. Welcome to another one of my many stories I've written. :)

This story is Harry/ Luna. I have no idea what to do with Ginny, but I'll just throw her in with Dean. I really have no idea. They're cute together. Anyways, enjoy my story and leave a reply please!

Disclaimer: See my page. Sadly, I am not J.K. And own nothing. Except this laptop. He he. :)

Oh, and this is redone. Sorry if you guys were the ones that reviewed it at first, I'm really bad at this 'final copy' thing. I'm sorry it took bloody forever, also. Please don't hurt me. I hope you like this chapter better than the others...

Luna opened her eyes, looking around the dark, rusty room that was all too familiar. The shadows of cell bars and tiles covered the floor, along with dirt, vomit and blood. The sunlight was growing over the horizon, the sky a tropical orange and yellow color. Clicks of heels echoed throughout the hall, drawing Luna's curiosity to the corner of the cell, watching Bellatrix Lestrange, a death eater, come up to her cell, a smirk on her face. Her straggly black hair fell behind her broad shoulders, and Luna just stood in front of her, curious of her appearance.

"Lovegood, get back, we don't need you in our faces," she spat in her face. Luna didn't flinch or even blink, but stared into her burning eyes of hate and torture. "Back now, back."

Why am I here? Luna thought sadly. She stepped back slowly, sitting back in her favorite corner of her cell. Bellatrix turned back from Luna and joined her fellow death eaters. Four of them, plus Lord Voldemort. Luna never feared death-not her own, anyways. She always thought about her friends and her father, pondering if they were safe or in good health.

"You're daddy's dead! Lovegood's dead," Bellatrix chanted happily with her sharp, wispy voice echoing off the walls and the ceiling. Luna stumbled to the back of her cell and for once, succumbed to tears.

A dark shadow was visible in the moonlight of the basement's caged window. The tall, stout body stood in front of Luna's cell, and she turned back around to see Voldemort staring into her eyes. She looked back, unafraid, but sad. Her silver eyes glowed into his black, unforgiving pupils.

"You're next," he said slowly. Two of his followers-death eaters-Fenrir Greyback and Bellatrix Lestrange came into her cell and grabbed her by her arms, clutching her tightly. Greyback's sharp nails pierced into her shoulders, a line of blood trickling down her arm. Luna stumbled from trying to stand on her own, but the death eater's clutched her without mercy, pulling her into the main room of the basement in the manor, the Hall of Release. Despite it's name, nobody was released in this room, but killed or tortured. The name was used to taunt and tease the prisoners.

Chains and ropes surrounded the walls, containing and strangling the prisoners until they were slaughtered or tortured to death. Luna's silver gray eyes reflected the room's distinct darkness.

The two death eaters threw her against the wall, a snap quickly closing two chains around her ankles. Luna looked at the two heavy chains and fiddled with the lock, which was unused to magical wizards and witches. The death eaters looked on, laughing at the petite, dirty girl.

Snape stepped towards her, his wand in front of him. "Stop moving, Lovegood." She slowly took her hands off of the chains and turned towards the death eaters, her back against the wall. The fire ignited in the torches surrounding the room were dying down, making it harder to see. A sharp and bright, yellow light appeared in front of her. Luna looked closer at it. It was just the spell Lumos. She breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at her bleeding arm. Another bright light appeared in front of her, and before she could register the spell, the curse hit her, and sharp pain spread throughout her whole body, making her scream in pain, curling up on the floor.

Suddenly, five footsteps echoed through the halls, the sound getting louder and louder. Luna barely opened her eyes and saw her friends running towards her and the death eaters, wands at the ready.

"Crucio," a death eater muttered. Luna suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous, her bones and insides churning, stretching and contracting constantly. Her sight went dark, and so did her world, only more hazy.

Okay, that was really short. The next chapter will be when she wakes up, and I expect it to be longer. Anyways, thanks for reading and leave a little review, please?