
Ok fist of this entire entire tale takes place in book two: The Burning Bridge. It is a revision of the end of the twenty-fifth chapter, where Will and Evelyn are captured by Erak and his men. It isn't that I didn't enjoy the way John Flanagan took the story that inspired me to write this. I was merely curious of what would happen if things went a little differently with Will, and did my unsurpassed job to create that. So with this said I hope you enjoy the story and thank you for taking time to read it. I appreciate honest reviews, and any tips or suggestions are loved.

I do not own Ranger's Apprentice.

Chapter One: Capture

Will allowed a slight grin to cross his features. Despite the enormous heat radiating from the bridge behind him and the cramp he was now registering from the rocky plateau he was kneeling on, he couldn't help but feel the warmth of satisfaction running through his veins.

After causing the mighty Wargals to retreat from his arrows, all self doubt Will had once felt vanished from his system.

Yet the beam faded once again, as more figures emerged from the cave. Will sent an arrow above the shapes heads, as a warning. However, instead of retreating again like he had expected, they scattered into the depths of the rock formations.

It wasn't long before the apprentice recognized their strategy.

He turned to Evelyn who had just finished the fire, "That's good, go back!"

Trusting him to follow her, she darted across the foundation, doing her best to mimic Will's movements of being fast and careful.

Will continued to fire arrow after arrow at the advancing Skandians.

A figure darted across his line of sight. Seeing his chance, Will reached for another arrow. His hand searched for the familiar feel.

However, his heart plummeted to his stomach and he began to feel nauseas as he realized that, there were non left in his quiver. Quickly, he turned back to the burning platform. Evelyn was a few foot from the other side. If I go now I can make- He had no chance to put his thoughts into action.

For a meaty hand clasped onto the back of his cloak and jerked him backwards with enough force that sent him through the air. A trick Halt showed him popped into memory, and once he felt the ground meet his back, he used the momentum to do a backwards somersault and bring himself once again to his feet, not wasting valuable time on the ground.

Again his heart skipped a beat, for when he straitened again, his back collided into another large, overweight pirate. Will tried to dart forward, but was encased by the man's arms. Will kicked and struggled with all his might. Unfortunately, even with almost a years training with Halt, this man was at least three times stronger than Will.

Abruptly he glanced up just in time to see the impressively sized fist, launching itself towards his unprotected face.