Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or Harry Potter so don't sue me!

Alibandi has asked me to write a fic where Harry Potter works in Yugi's family's game shop, it's after the war.

Chapter 1

Please tell me who you want Harry to be paired with in this fic, Bakura or Ryou or Seto? Please keep in mind that Harry will be the Sub/uke/bottom in the relationship. Our if you ask nicely Harry could have more then one lover.

"How do I get myself into these things?" Harry asked himself as he banged his head against the window of the plane, then Harry spotted the Weasley twins waving good bye as the plane lifted off, "Wait, I know, it's all thanks to them, though I don't know whether to thank them or murder them."

Flash Back:

"You've what!" asked a very shocked and tired Harry.

"They're following the cliché plot from fanfiction and trying to kill you off as they think you've gone dark," both of the twins said.

"I guess I should of known that they would try this," Harry said, ignoring the twins play fighting "Though what am I going to do? I mean I'm pretty useless with these legs now."

During the final battle against Voldermort, a missed spell had hit his legs which meant that they were now weak and he could only walk a few steps without his crutches, though he wouldn't let that stop him, he would prove that he was as good as everyone else.

"Don't worry little brother! We've worked it all out; you're going to Domino, Japan!"

End Flash Back:

"I might as well go over my deck, it's going to be a long ride," Harry thought as pulled out his duel monster's deck. He had gotten it when Hermione and her parent's had taken them out to muggle London one day. Sorting out his deck which was made up of any cards that Harry had felt a certain 'pull' to.

***Time skip, plane has landed***

"Sir? The plane has landed, would you like any help?" asked an aeroplane worker, it was only Harry's training that had stopped him from jumping at the sound of her voice.

"Err, no thanks, I'm ok," answered Harry who then put his backpack from the woman and put it on his back. He then got his crutches and moved himself so that he was standing in the walkway, "See, I'm fine."

"Well I'm still helping you don't those stairs," the assistant said stubbornly.

'Great, another Molly Weasley…no Harry, don't think about them,' Harry thought and with a nod of his head Harry slowly made his way of the plane with the help of the motherly plane assistant when he had to go down the stairs.


"Thank Merlin that's all over with," muttered Harry as he made his way down one of Domino's streets. The way people had tried to help him made him almost lose it, he was just thankful that he had shrunken his belongings and placed them into his pocket before leaving England.

"Right then, I need a place to live and a job," Harry said to himself.

It was then that he saw an old man with spiky grey hair outside a shop that had a 'help wanted' sign above it. Gathering his courage, Harry approached the old man.

"Sir? I see that you have a help wanted sign in the window of your shop, would it be alright if I ask for some information about the job?" Harry asked.

"Don't be so scared my lad, call me Solomon and you seem to be the type of person I was looking for, now follow me," the old man, now Solomon said as he started walking back into his shop.

"Sir, what would I be doing? After all I'm pretty much useless when standing without these crutches," said Harry as he walked into the shop.

"Don't worry my boy, you would just be working on the title and helping customers, and if you can't do it then don't worry as at least one of my grandsons will be with you at all times to help you out," Solomon said.

"Alright then, I'll take the job if you'll have me, I'll be back to see you when I have a permanent address," Harry said as he turned around.

Before he could turn around, Solomon called out to him "You could always just live here; we've got a spare bedroom on the ground floor if you'd like, and we can decorate it how you want."

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind? What about your grandsons?" Harry asked nervously, though happy when Solomon sat down on the bed meaning that he could join him and not look weak.

"No, I wouldn't mind, the only thing you'd have to be careful with is that my grandson's are gay and a lot of their friend's are so I hope that you wouldn't mind that would you? They most properly won't tone down or anything," Solomon said with a pricing look.

"N-no, I'm bisexual myself so it would be a bit stupid of me if I did care right?"answered Harry, not looking at Solomon.

Solomon's POV:

Looking at the boy in front of me, I could see that he was in need of a family, love, care and a lot more. I decided then and there that Harry would become another unofficial grandson to me. Whatever had happened to the boy, I wouldn't let it happen again and I had a feeling that Yugi, Yami and his friend's wouldn't either.

"Right then, let's show you the shop first and then the house," I said getting up slowly as to give Harry time to get up.

Alright let's just say that Solomon has just given Harry the tour and there in the game shop with Harry sitting behind the till while Solomon teaches Harry.

"That's it, well done! You're great at this," I said with a smile, trying to calm down Harry. I had found out in our short time together that the boy was very shy at times.

"Thank you, I think with a bit more practice I'll get the hang of this thing," Harry told me.

Hearing the phone starting to ring in the hall way I excused myself and went to answer it. It was another museum asking me to go on a dig to Egypt again.

Unlike last time, I said yes with full confidence that Harry would be able to handle the shop and anyway, Yugi and Yami was coming home with their friends soon, they was going to be having a sleep over which would be good for Harry as it would allow him to have a few friends his own age.

End of Solomon's POV:

"Harry, I know that this is sudden and everything but I've just gotten a call from a museum asking me to go on a dig to Egypt, would you mind if I left you here to look after the shop? My grandson's will be back in time to help close up," Solomon asked as he walked back into game shop.

"Alright then, if you don't mind," Harry said as he placed his crutches against the nearest wall and made himself more comfortable on the stool that Solomon had gotten him earlier.

"Thank you Harry. Now my grandson's are going to have a sleep over, I think you should join them! In fact, I'll phone them up and tell them about you as they'll not be too worried about what's going on," Solomon said to himself as he walked out of the room to pack for his trip.

"I-I'm going to be hanging out with them?" squealed Harry at Solomon when he had returned a few minutes later with a bag full of supplies.

"That's right, I don't want you only coming out of your room to work, it's not healthy and you're a part of this family now so you're going to meet everyone," Solomon said and with that he walked out of the door and down the street to where the taxi's where.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Harry muttered to himself as he banged his head against the shop's counter.

Time went by, people came into the shop and got what they wanted and left. It had been a few hours and it was nearing closing time when they entered the shop, or more importantly to Harry it was him who entered the shop.

To be continued?

So what do you think? Should I continue with this fic? If so who should Harry be paired with? Keep in mind that it's a yaoi fic!