Hey guys! Really sorry for the long wait; my computer unfortunately broke down, so in the meantime, I learned how to improve my writing. I've also been on the Percy Jackson and the Olympians fandom, which is in a terrible state with the horrible stories. :P Anyways, please enjoy!
I was, let's keep it simple: appalled. In reality, I would've replicated a Bella Swan move and fallen down 2 flights of stairs and out a window, just to get out of the wedding. You do know the Twilight series . . . right?
Moving on: Unfortunately, I wasn't Bella Swan, and I didn't have the courage to walk out of the room to bail out on the first dance, much less take a vampire bite. It would look bad, and I would be disappointed. Not me me, but future me.
I couldn't get my head around it. Me and Chad. Dancing. This sounded worse than me back in Wisconsin trying the cow milking contest with a red hoodie jacket tied around my waist. Apparently, cows don't like red, either. Well, technically, both cows and bulls don't care about the color, I read it in a science article; they only get agitated because of the movement of the blanket in those matad -
"Here they are!" DJ Chris announced, snapping me back to reality. "The newlywed couple!"
When Chad and Sonny (from the future, obviously) arrived, I conspicuously looked around to make sure that we weren't at a Dancing with the Stars taping.
Future Me was sporting a flowing blue dress, and Future Chad was wearing the same tuxedo as the wedding portion. We looked great. Especially me.
"I look good!" Chad admired. I raised an eyebrow.
"What about me?"
Chad glanced at Future me for a millisecond, and then nonchalantly responded, "You look reasonable enough."
"Let's kick up some old tunes…" DJ Chris muttered as he lowered the rock song's volume and put in the new CD.
A beautiful ballad began, starting off with a melodious violin solo. (Tell me in your review by what part you recognized the song. Kudos to you if you know it by now!)
Chad and Sonny walked over to the dance floor, and began to the ballad that was their first dance as a couple.
I'd never gone with the wind
I'd just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Chad protectively wrapped his arms around Sonny, and kind of rocked her back and forth. The present Chad scooted closer to me, only to snicker quietly when the Chad up on the dance floor dipped Sonny. I oh-so-gently kicked him. Note the sarcasm.
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Newlywed Chad picked up Sonny and wildly spun her around. She started laughing hysterically, but she was crying silent tears as well. Her mascara didn't smear, though.
Baby you showed me what living is for
I don't want to hide anymore
I swayed to the music, which was pretty current in my time. That made me wonder what Taylor Swift was doing now.
Crazier, crazier
Tawni and the girls squealed when the dancing Chad slowed to a stop, only to plant a kiss upon Sonny's nose.
The couple left, and DJ Chris announced that they would be back soon to greet the guests. The rest of the day flew by quickly, and all I could think of was how much I loved that dance, the same exact one that I would have years later.
Much later, during dessert time, Chad and Sonny got to our table.
"Hey, Zora, Holloway!" Sonny bubbled. "Can I talk to these two privately really quickly?" They nodded, and walked off to talk to Portlyn.
"Okay." Future Chad started. "During the whole night, you can't intentionally talk with any of these girls or boys-like engage in a conversation. It'll mess up the space-time continuum. Most of these people-we've told them the truth that you're from the past. They believe us, but if they see you, they're going to spill it, and the future-well, everything is going to be ruined. You also can't let anyone kiss you during the song, 'Two is Better Than One.' Dance with each other."
"Why can't you tell us what will happen?" I protested. "You've gone through this, apparently."
"We can't." Sonny shot back. "Or else the same thing will happen. And Zora doesn't know that you're from the past, so you can talk to her."
Chad popped his collar. "This'll be a breeze. I'm aloof and conceited anyways; it'll be easy to ignore the social underachievers around me, seeing as they're all out of my league, which is the same league that Brad Pitt is in."
I raised an eyebrow. "Did you just . . . compliment and insult yourself at the same time?"
Chad thought for a moment, and his face turned red. "I did not insult myself. I . . . merely stated my characteristics." And off he went.
When I turned, I discovered that I was alone. Future Chad and Sonny had left.
I was having a lot of fun. Loud music was playing, and the reception's end was nearing. Many people were dancing, but I didn't, seeing as I didn't have a partner.
Chad and I won second place in the Group it Up game, where the contestants walked around in a large circle formation, and DJ Chris would suddenly shout out a number. Everyone had to get into groups of that number, and the people that weren't in a group of that number was out. Other games, not that great,
I'd caught up to Chad and Zora, when a boy my age walked over to us.
Before I could slip away, he greeted, "Hey. I'm Chace, Zora's friend."
"Hi." I forced out. I started to walk away, but Chace stopped me by grabbing my shoulder blade. He grinned radiantly.
"It's fine! I won't bite." Chace studied me. "Want to dance?"
I nodded, figuring that I just didn't have to talk to him, and everything would be fine.
I was way off.
I was kind of bored at the wedding. Not that I didn't like it, it was just that no one hung out with me. I'm Chad Dylan Cooper! How can someone not want to hang out with me? Well, I knew that I was posing as…well, not the other Chad Dylan Cooper, but I deserved some attention.
I scanned the scene, only to find Sonny uncomfortably dancing with some other guy. I narrowed my eyes. That diphthong! She must've forgotten the promise we made to our future selves! I was having a horrible time, not talking to anyone except Holloway, who just gazed at Zora half the time. The other half, he was either silently swinging side to side in a futile attempt to dance or informing me about the oh-so-wonderful invention he and Zora had made that prepared all of your clothes for you after you inserted the place, occasion, and time you'd be wearing the outfit in a touch-screen window you would attach to your wall. Your closet would have a long stick coming out of it, attaching to the opposite wall, and the selected clothes would come out on a coat hanger.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sonny, making sure that she didn't talk. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I left Holloway droning on and on about another contraption and walked up to Sonny.
"Sonny!" I looked at her, giving her the best evil eye that I could without looking like I was deranged.
The loud rock music changed into a slow song, and that guy started to dance with Sonny. Sonny, not paying attention, danced with him, her head turned to the back, where I stood.
"I know." Sonny sounded bored. "I can't turn down someone, though. I'm not talking to him."
The guy grazed her cheek, which went unnoticed. "Well, we might ruin the space-time whatever!" I protested.
"Gosh." Sonny retaliated, hurt. "Tough room."
"Well, I'm just trying not to destroy the space-time something! You should, too! What if you're the one that ruins it for everyone?"
She gaped. "What are you talking about? I've been eyeing you this whole time, making sure that you weren't screwing up!"
"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow. "I've been watching you!"
We stood in silence, daring one another to make a move. We stayed like this until the song faded away.
DJ Chris announced, "And that was 'Two is Better Than One' by Boys Like Girls, featuring Taylor Swift. A nice song from a few years ago, hey?"
Sonny and I froze. Our future selves worriedly widened their eyes. Suddenly, Future Sonny vaporized, and Future Chad stared in shock.
And that was when everything went black.
I opened my eyes, confused. I was still at the wedding. I looked around. Nothing seemed to be out of place. I sighed in relief, though it was kind of weird when Future Sonny vaporized. Maybe it was my astigmatism acting up, if that's what astigmatism does to you.
But when I looked around more closely, I saw that Sonny wasn't here. Or anywhere. Instead, a brunette haired girl donning a emerald green dress came up to me.
"That was so weird; watching our wedding," she giggled. "Huh, Chad?"
I stared in confusion. "What do you mean?"
She raised an eyebrow. "Hello? We're at our wedding in the future. Haven't you noticed?"
I'd like to say that I took the news well.
Actually, I couldn't. After a few minutes, I figured out that the girl was Lucy, apparently Sonny's best friend, who moved to LA after a while. She developed a crush on me, Sonny was devastated, and to be a good friend, she backed off and lived a lie by dating people she didn't even like. Trying to get rid of the pain, she helped me fall in love with Lucy, which I did. Right now, Lucy and I were dating.
At first, it was weird. Then something came over me. The space-time continuum was bending to Sonny's mistake, reforming the past, present, and future. If the present had changed, that meant that…I was supposed to be in love with Lucy.
I was confused. Lucy was confused because I was confused. I chuckled inwardly, pretending that nothing was wrong. "I have noticed." Lucy smiled brightly, showing off her slight buck teeth. I tried not to gag.
Future Chad walked up to me. "Excuse us, Lucy," he quickly stated, and dragged me to a quiet corner.
"Okay, here's what happened. You were supposed to kiss Sonny during that song. That's how you guys fell in love. Since Sonny and that guy were dancing away, you, frustrated, went back to the present time by the house's elevator; it shorted out, causing a similar reaction to the photo booth's lightning. And you bumped into Lucy, you talked, yadda, yadda, and Lucy's already told you the rest." Future Chad explained. "You have to find Sonny and bring her here before the Boys Like Girls song comes back, or else…"
I looked up at my future self. "Or else what?"
Future Chad stared, as if thinking of how he could put it in a way that I could understand. "Or else . . . Sonny will be gone forever."
I opened my eyes with a small gasp. I had been transported somehow. Worried, I looked around. It was pitch black, except for the mist was curling around me, which was a striking contrast against the dark room. With a bloodcurdling scream, I looked at my hands.
They were the same semitransparent color as the mist. They appeared like they were mist, the edges blurry and floating. With a start, I realized that the rest of my body was the same. When I studied the back of my hand, I saw a mahogany mark imprinted on it in a shape of a star. I looked down, and saw that I was in rags. I was poor, branded ghost.
Furiously, I attempted to pinch my arm, but my hand went right through my appendage. When I retaliated, my arm returned to its original ghostly state.
"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" I yelled, my words echoing off into the darkness. "Worst dream ever!"
I looked over to my left, and saw a lonely girl looking about the same age as me walking towards my direction. I can't tell you what she looked like with much description, because all of the color was drained out of her. She had wavy hair, a few loose strands blowing in the wind. Her sandals looked like little platforms of mist, and a cotton dress hung on her skinny frame.
"Hello," I grinned, despite the misery that I was facing. She weakly smiled back, but then a look of comprehension dawned on her.
"You're Sonny Monroe," she recalled. "You're on So Random." She stuck out her hand. "Hi."
I shook it, glad that I had at least one friend was here in my nightmare. "Hey. Who are you?"
The girl hesitated before answering. "I'm Mandy Rodriguez, former member of So Random."
Hey! So, in your opinion, have I improved? I think so, but that's me. So please give me a long lengthy review!
PS: I have a Formspring. Please ask me anything! (/PeaceLiveLove)