Harada paced back and forth, he couldn't get the feeling of that demon out of his mind. The mutant had in fact been pure and it made his body shiver with excitement knowing he was the Nightcrawler's first.
"I have to have him."The samurai said to himself and left his estate with his mission set in mind.
Logan pulled the sleeping elf closer to him as the two laid in the bed they had just made love in a little over a half hour ago.
Kurt moaned softly in the big man's arms.
As Logan watched him sleep, he soon heard a knock at the door.
"Logan?" it was Kitty, "Is Kurt going to be okay? You two have been in there a long time now."
Logan chuckled a bit, "Oh yeah, the Elf is going to be just fine." he answered.
Satisfied, Kitty gave a thankful sigh and went back down stairs.
Kurt slowly opened an eye and rolled over putting his face in Logan's chest.
"You ready to get up Blue?" Logan asked with a smile.
Kurt's tail waged a little as he got ready to sit up. "Yeah, and I vhink I have my appetite back." He grinned. His food was still sitting by the bed untouched; he grabbed it and took a bite out of the muffin.
Logan kissed Kurt on the ear. "I love you so much Elf." He whispered.
Kurt finished what was in his mouth before speaking, "And I vou Logan."
Logan pushed Kurt back down to lay, and hungrily kissed him. Kurt squirmed under him.
Kurt soon broke the kiss to speak, "We really should get dressed."
Logan rubbed Kurt's soft fur. "Nah, I like you better this way." he grinned.
Kurt playfully pushed Logan off of him, "Ya, well I doubt vhe vorld vants to see us in our birth day suits."
Logan laughed at this and grabbed his and Kurt clothes.
Harada, the Silver Samurai, thought of a plan to get 'his' demon back. All he had to do was wait where he lived and wait for him to come out...alone.
Driving in his small car, just the right size to go unseen, he pulled up near the Institute for Gifted Youngsters and parked the car around the corner and hid in the nearby trees that surrounded the place, and waited.
Kurt and Logan went down stairs to greet those who were there, which of now was only Kitty, Rouge was still out, and no one else had been back to the place for mouths.
Kitty saw Kurt was up and about, and smiled, "Nightcrawler, you're okay."
Kurt nodded with a grin; "Vhanks to Logan." he put a hand on Logan's shoulder as a friend.
Looking over at Logan, Kitty asked, "What did you do?"
"Oh, just gave him a little friendly comfort." He smirked.
Kitty just smiled, after all everyone knew Logan and Kurt were close. They were each other's best friends anyone could ever ask for. She expected Logan to be able to help Kurt, after all Kurt was the only one ever to help Logan in his times of need.
"Well I'm glad you're okay." She smiled.
"Vhat about Rouge?" Kurt asked looking behind Kitty to a back room as if Rouge was in there.
Kitty shook her head, "She's still out, she will be until Friday…but she's breathing, that's a good sign."
"Good, last thing we need is to worry about the death of another X-member." Logan remarked walking past Kitty to the room Kurt had looked at just a moment ago.
The two watched Logan enter the other room and slowly followed.
Rouge was laid out on the couch where she had been since the day her and Kurt opened that trap of an envelope.
"I'll tell ya'll one thing," Logan began sensing the other two behind him. "It sure will be nice to her voice once she's awake." he half joked, after all, Rouge was the one female who ever really talked to him and didn't just snap at him for things he didn't do, not that he blamed Kitty, but still it was just one of those thoughts in his mind.
"I think I have a pretty good idea who might be able to help her." Kitty spoke up after a short moment of silence. Logan looked over at her ready to hear.
"If we can find him, I bet Dr. Hank has a way to wake her." Kitty said
"Ya know Half-Pint that's the best idea you've had all day." Logan grinned.
Kitty shot Logan a playful glare, "I've had better, you just weren't around to hear them."
"Yeah, sure Half-pint." he shot back in the same playful tone. "Well, if Beast is our best bet to help Rouge, then we better get going...come on Elf." Logan said heading for the door.
"Hey wait what about me?" Kitty asked.
"You stay here and make sure Rouge there is safe until we get back...besides I'd feel better if Kurt stayed with me."
Kitty folded her arms but nodded in understanding.
"Be back before you know it Half-Pint." he grinned. And with that he walked out the door, Kurt following right behind.
"Do you vhink it is vise to leave the girls alone vike zhat Logan?"Kurt asked worriedly.
"Don't fret Elf, nothing can get past Kitty, and besides its you those jerks were after, not the girls." Logan pointed out.
Suddenly they heard a cry come from the mansion.
"Of course I've been wrong before." Logan remarked as they headed back quickly.
As they ran Kurt felt the urge to try out his teleportation, to see if he was now able to teleport, so he grabbed Logan's hand and bamf, in moments they were inside the institute.
Looking around Logan and Kurt didn't see anyone, which wasn't good. Kitty and Rouge should have been in the living room.
Sniffing the air Logan gave out a growl. "It's him…"
Kurt snapped his attention to Wolverine. "H-him…how vid he get in?"
"I don't know…but he ain't going to live long to give an explanation." He said still growling and headed into another room.
Kurt followed the bigger man, sure he was nervous of finding the Silver Samurai, but he was more nerves of what Logan might do to him. After all Logan had a very short temper, and even more short when it came to the man he'd been wishing to kill since day one.
Wolverine continued to sniff the air, searching the house.
Suddenly Logan heard a noise and ran into a random bedroom where the sound seemed to come from.
Kurt ran in after him, but before he got to the room he saw Logan's limp body fall half way out the door.
Kurt gasped and backed away slowly fearing whatever knocked Logan out would knock him out too.
In the dark room Kurt saw someone slowly step out, stepping over the limp body on the floor. His eyes growing wide as he saw none other than The Silver Samurai.
"Hello….my pet." He mocked walking closer to Kurt as the elf backed away a bit faster than before.
"Leave me alone. Vour plans of sacrifice vere already destroyed, vou have no reason to be here." Kurt continued, still backing away, never letting his eyes off the man for a second.
The man grinned, "I'm not interested in you for a sacrifice. I'm interested in you for my own purpose."
Kurt gulped involuntary. The bigger man pulled out his sword from his sheath and pointed it at Logan's throat. "Tell me demon, what does this man mean to you? Enough for you to come with me without a fight? Or should I just kill him here and now?"
Kurt stopped moving back and gave a glare of his own to the man before him. "Von't touch him."
"Ah, so you do care for him." He mocked again placing the sword on Logan's jugular threatening to stab him.
"Von't!" Kurt yelled.
The Samurai smiled evilly, teeth bared. "You want me to leave him alone? Then I take it you will come with me on your own?"
Kurt put his head down and gave a weak nod.
"Good boy." Harada smirked putting the sword back into its holder.
The moment the Sliver Samurai put his weapon away, Nightcrawler leaped on to him and teleported them both outside.
Unable to do anything at the sudden action Harada panicked, swinging his arms at the blue elf.
Once in an opening Kurt moved away from the man. "Vhere are my friends?" he demanded with a glare.
The man glared back and without a word pulled out his sword again and ran at Nightcrawler.
Thinking fast Kurt ported behind the man. But Kurt wasn't aware of Harada being prepared for his sudden move, and the man turned around just as fast as Kurt appeared near him and injected the elf with the same serum he must have used to keep him from teleporting.
"I don't waste time with games when I want something." Harada grinned holding a syringe between two fingers to show the Nightcrawler just what he meant.
Kurt felt weak and dizzy all over again, and fell to the ground.
Harada grinned and climbed on top of the young elf. "Don't worry, I'll make it feel better this time. I promise." He said sweetly and licked Kurt's neck making the blue mutant shiver in fear.
Harada's hands roamed Kurt's semi limp body, his lips brushing against the others in a loving way.
Kurt trembled, he wanted his Logan so bad he wished he had enough power to at least port away but couldn't.
As The Silver Samurai filled up on the Nightcrawler, Kurt heard a low growl and his heart began to pound in a rush of hope.
"Keep your filthy hands away from my Elf!" From the moment Kurt heard Logan's voice, was the moment he felt Harada no longer on him.
Logan hit the man to the ground both not willing to give up.
Harada quickly pulled out his sword as Wolverine took out his claws. Both giving it all they had slashing and blocking, both determined to kill the other.
After a few more blows from each fighter Wolverine got The Silver Samurai down on his back. Without thinking Logan ran at the fallen man, claws aimed for his neck for a kill strike.
Kurt watched on in horror as the man he so loved was slowly being consumed with rage and hate. Fighting off whatever it was Harada put in him Kurt found the strength to teleport.
Just before Logan succeeded, he found himself some three feet away from his target.
"Elf! What do you think you're doing?" Logan snapped.
Kurt put a gentle hand on his lover's shoulder. "Logan….it's not vorth it….his life, as much of a scum he is, is no less than yours or mine." Logan gave a glaring look to his Elf. "Killing him is not the answer Logan, for even the good Lord says to forgive those vho have vronged us, and as hard as it is, I still will find it in my heart to forgive even the vorst of people like him."
Wolverine, as much as he didn't want to, took Kurt's words into thought and slowly slid his claws away. "If you can forgive him…I guess I can too."Logan said reluctantly. "But only because I love you, and respect your wish."
Harada slowly got up but he wasn't filled with the same rage he had only moments ago, but instead confusion.
After another moment he shook it off and leaped at Logan. But Kurt quickly intervened.
Kurt ported and sat in mid air for a split second above a river and dropped The Silver Samurai before porting away. Harada fell into the water with a heavy splash.
Kurt ported back to Logan. "He won't be bothering us for a good long time." Kurt grinned.
Logan gave a look but slowly smiled. "If you say so Elf." Turning around Logan saw the man's sword on the ground. "Even if he does come back, he won't be much without this." With that Logan took out his claws and slashed the sword to bits.
Kurt suddenly remembered something, "Logan! Where are the girls? We never found out."
"Don't worry Elf, I found the girls. Remember when I was knocked out?" Kurt nodded. "I wasn't really out, when I glanced into the room I saw him have both Kitty and Rouge tied up with his blade at Rouge's neck. When he tossed something at me I acted like it hit me so I could set the girls free since I knew he would leave to go after you."
Kurt seemed a bit hurt at this, "So I was bait to lure him away?"
Logan glared, "Don't give me that Elf. Just because we're together doesn't mean you're not an X-men! You know how to handle yourself, once the girls were free I was able to save you…Though I probably wouldn't have faked passing out if I knew he had the needle on him."
Kurt nodded in understanding and gave a smile, "Vanks Logan."
Logan smiled back, "Your more powerful then you give yourself credit for, Elf."
Putting an arm around each other they headed home.
Harada drifted a long ways downstream until he was able to reach shore and climb out, wet and exhausted.
Once on the ground, the former noble Japanese rested on his back as a person came out from the brush.
He sat up quickly and grew wide-eyed as the person before him touched his face with a bare hand, making his collapse on the spot.
"Take that as a token from Wolverine." Rouge grinned putting her glove back on and walked back to the mansion.
So how was the story? Hope you liked it. This chapter gave me a horrible writer's block at first. XP anyways please REVIEW!