Warning this fic will make many rude religious jokes and kind of make fun of religion so please don't read if this will offend you. I do not want to hear about how I'm going to burn forever in hell. I like heat so whoo woo for me!


It was two days before Halloween, a cool wind turned up the fallen red and golden leaves and they danced around freely. The nighttime sky slowly stared to become tousled with dark purple-black clouds. Soon the full moon's light could no longer reach the waiting ground below. Alfred loved Halloween and all but the late night scary movies kept him up at night with horrible and strange nightmares. Even though he hated scary movies, he couldn't help but to watch them all alone, in the dark, wrapped up in a warm blanket, with a huge blue bole of popcorn. The blond-haired American was so engrossed in the movie that he didn't even notice a pair of bloody red eyes peek in at him. Slowly the door inched open and a different pair of eyes peeked in at him. The two figures entered the house and they started to move across the floor to the couch. Alfred shoved some popcorn and took a few gulps of coke. The smaller figure reached forward and grabbed onto the American's shoulder. Alfred screamed as loudly has his lungs could handle, the bole of popcorn went flying across the room. He turned around to see what or who his possible attacker could be. His cheeks flushed bight red when he saw that it was just his younger half brother Matthew and Matthew's roommate Gilbert. Gilbert was shaking as he tried not to laugh his ass off. The other blonde-haired man blinked.

"Holy shit Matt you scared the scared me!" Alfred said his eyes still wide behind his glasses. With that, Gilbert lost what little control he had left and started to laugh like a drunken bastard. Matthew did his best to calm and hush his friend; he knew that his brother did not like the albino German.

"Gill it wasn't that funny!" Matthew told him. Gilbert however was already failing horribly to get him self settled down, it seemed the harder he tried the worst it made it. In all of the commotion the two didn't even notice Alfred leave the room and come back with two beer cans, by now the albino was panting for air.

"Heads up." Alfred called as he tossed the can to the German. His brother got a hopeful look Matthew really wanted the two men to get along and drinking together was a good sing in male bonding. The two guys opened their cans and were blinded as beer sprayed up into their faces. It was then Matthew's turn to laugh. However, he only giggled softly to himself. Once the beer and popcorn mess was cleaned up the men started to chit chat like a bunch of school girls.

"Hey Al when do you plan to get out there and date. I mean you live alone and you don't have that many friends. You must get really lonely and stuff." Matthew asked his cheeks taking on a pink tint. He gave Gilbert a nervous look.

"Na I like being a lone wolf. It gives me more choices on what kind of pray I want to eat up that night." Alfred said with a cocky smile. A tree branch scratched at the window and the two blonds shivered and turned over at the TV. They never did turn it off. It showed a girl with red hair running her small pink tank top and matching mini skirt was stained with blood. Her c-cup boobs were bouncing wildly around as she ran from something that could not seen. The girl looked behind her shoulder to see what was after her and her heal broke. Alfred knew what would happen next; he closed his eyes and covered his ears just in time to block out the red heads final scream. Gilbert took a drink from his beer even though it was warm. The German looked over at the clock and he tapped Matthew on the shoulder and pointed.

"Wow its pretty late, we better get going. See you latter Al." Matthew said as he and his roommate stood up. Alfred mumbled his good byes after he was done re-wrapping himself in the blanket.


Gilbert and Matthew climb into the seats of their car. The albino German looked over at the blond-haired man.

"I thought you said that you were going to tell him about us."

"I know I'm just scared. What if he freaks out?" Matthew sighed and gave Gilbert an adorable but worried look. The German smiled and placed a light-feathered kiss onto his lover's lips.

"Don't worry about it babe. He's your brother it's only natural for him to freak out but he'll get over it." He then slipped off Matthew's glasses and places them on the dashboard. Matthew smiled and wrapped his arms around Gilbert's neck and pulled him in for a forceful kiss. Gilbert ran a hand high up on the blond-haired man's inner thigh. The windows began to fog up as the temperature heated up inside the metal car.


Alfred wobbled up the stairs he was exhausted out of his mind. The wooden steps creaked as if they were in pain under his weight. The hallway light blinded him when he turned it on he hissed and crept into the darkness of his bedroom. Alfred didn't even bother to change into a pair of pajama pants he just stripped down to his boxers and crawled under the blanket. It didn't take long for him to fall into a deep sleep and thanks to the movie his dream had him dressed in a pink shirt with a matching mini skirt. The of all the thing that could have happened the Jaws theme started to play. Alfred's heart started to beat franticly; he looked around to see what would have caused the music. His blue eyes got wide as they landed on a tall figure dressed in a black robe and before he even knew what was happening he was running. While he was running, he noticed that something did not feel right. Alfred looked down at his chest and saw that he now had a huge rack.

"Holy fuck how do chicks run with these things?!" He panted he was already all out of breath. Alfred finally figured out why the female characters died so easily boobs were hell to deal with. The killer grabbed him with enough strength to stop him dead in his tracks.

"You wouldn't kill a gender confused guy with glasses now would ya"? He begged. The killer responded by pulling out a long sharp kitchen knife and stabbing Alfred once in the top of the left breast. He jumped awake and went straight to work feeling around to make sure everything was back to normal. With a sigh of relief Alfred tried to go back to sleep but his eyes weren't even closed yet when a loud crash/thump sound came from out side. It was to dark outside to see what had made such a loud sound so he grabbed a flash light and some pepper spray.


Sorry, people no angel yet ;p