Okay, so to make up for the shortness of the last chapter this one is longer :P
This chapter is sappy, but I had to get it out of the way, so I could get back to the funny.
I tried my best to make the start funny so I hope it is..
And I hope you like it though :)

Rico POV

As I passed the game room, peeked in to see how Alec and Felix were doing. The concentration was obvious on Felix's face because he had his tongue sticking out of his mouth, his eyes were slits and his eyebrows were arched. Whereas, Alec was lounged back in the chair and looked like he wasn't putting in any effort at all. I gave it about 5 minutes before Felix did something stupid in an attempt to beat Alec. Only thing was that this time I wasn't going to get involved. I was wrong, he was more annoying as a child that he was as an adult.

Rico sitting in a thrown in the Great Hall. Felix standing next to him.
Felix: "Please!"
Rico: "No."
Felix: "PLEASE!"
Rico: "No!"
Felix: "Please, please, please, please please, please, please, please, PLEASE!..!..!.."
Rico: "Felix, I said no! I'm not taking you to McDonalds so that you can play in the ball pit!"
Felix: "You're mean!"
Felix then pretends to cry..
Rico: "That's not going to work, you know?"
Felix thinks and his devious mind comes through for him. He then persists in poking Rico.
Felix: "How 'bout now? How 'bout now? How 'bout now?"
Rico sighs.
*End of flashback*

God, if only Felix wasn't a twelve year old, I would have punched him straight in the stomach.

I left the two of them to the fight that was surely going to break out in the not so distant future, and continued my journey to the garden and whoever lurked there. Yeah, I could have just jumped out a window, but where's the fun in that? At least this way I could easedrop. From what I could hear the girls were talking about how hot the guys were while eating ben and jerry's cookie dough ice-cream in the kitchen, and the guys were talking about how hot the girls were while trying to find an online translater for Santiago. I was just at the doors to the garden when I heard Felix's oddly girly scream, which of course meant that I was right. As I went out the door I heard him shout "Dude! Thisss iss ssso not cool!" around giggles, so my guess was that Alec was tickling him.

Wow…. The castles garden was truly magnificent at night. However, the scene was made even more beautiful by the small brunette dancing around the trees. She danced as carelessly as the warm summer breeze that accompanied her, whipping at her hair and dress. Her dress was a deep forest green that brought out the crimson red that glowed in her eyes, and her long brown hair framed her small pale face. I was so taken in by the scene that I didn't even register the different pieces that made this girl who she was, maybe it was because I had never seen this side of her.

The strange girl danced her way over to the fountain and hopped up onto the ledge of it. The fountain sprayed droplets of water onto her and making strands of her hair curl. The lights from the castle lit the droplets of water that fell around her so that they twinkled and sparkled like the stars in the night sky. I decided to get closer. The girl obviously hadn't noticed that I was there, so I took that as encouragement. The water continued to fall around her and it was only when the girl laughed that something clicked inside me. I knew that voice, that hair, those eyes, and that small slender body…. "Jane?"

Jane POV

I was still dancing around the garden. I'm not sure why I was doing it in the first place. All I know is that I was worked up and it felt good to be carefree with the wind, the trees and the flowers. I danced over to the fountain and jumped up onto the ledge and continued to dance around. The breeze whipped mist and droplets of water from the fountain at me, and I knew that my hair was getting wet and that meant that it would curl. The water and my hair tickled my face and a giggle escaped. Then, everything changed.


I was snapped back to reality. Someone called my name and whoever it was, they weren't far away. I turned to see who was there and my bare foot slipped on the water that had pooled on the ledge. In seconds I was falling and then I was in the fountain. Unfortunately, this was no ordinary fountain. It was about four to five metres in diameter - including the feature in the centre - and at least two metres deep. I'm not sure why I didn't just swim back to the surface, I guess I was just in shock. In the end, it didn't matter anyway. You don't need to worry about drowning when you don't need to breathe.

Then a hand grabbed the back of my dress and pulled me up. As soon as I was up, I grabbed the ledge and the hand released my dress. I looked up to see Rico standing over me with his dazzling smile and his shirt wet up to his shoulder. I didn't know what to say so I just hung there staring at him. My guess is that his charm acts as an anti-awkward device because my gaping didn't seem to faze him. He simply smiled and said, "Want some help there?" I nodded, because my voice was a traitor. He grabbed me under each arm and pulled me out so that I was standing in front of him.

"You're.. ahh.. a little wet there.." He pointed to a spot on my shoulder. This made me laugh. God, could I sound any more girly! My guess was yes, so I tried to play it cool. "So what happened to your shoes?" He asked, snapping me once again back to reality.

"Umm.. I guess I must have kicked off while I was you know?.." I scratched my head. I could admit that I was dancing, it sounded wrong coming out of my mouth. And I guess he figured that out.

"Yeah, I know." He stepped closer to me. "I liked it you know? What you were doing out there."

As if in response - without my permission – I stepped closer to him. "You did?" I tried to hide the surprise from my voice.

"Yeah.." We were very close now. I could feel his breathe as he talked. "It was different. I've never seen that side of you before."

"It's not really a side of me. I don't even know what happened. I came out to the garden to clear my head and then-"

"To clear your head? Of what? What do you have to worry about? The fearless Jane!" He laughed.

"Fearless? Yeah right! Every time we leave the castle I worry that something will happen and I could lose Alec. I worry that Aro will eventually tire of me and Alec and.. and.. I don't even want to think of what comes after that." I tried not to get worked up and failed. I'd never shared my fears anyone except Alec, but for some reason I wanted to tell Rico.

He place a hand on either side of my face and tilted it up so that I was staring right into his beautiful crimson eyes. "Hey, hey. You and Alec are the most badass vampires I've ever met. You could never lose him. And as for Aro, you can tell that you and Alec are his favourites. There's no way he's getting tired of you any time soon."

I willed myself not to say anymore, but my brain and my mouth had a different arrangement. "What about you?" I grasped his arms, his hands still holding my face.

"What about me?" He seemed confused.

"What will happen to you when Aro returns? Does he care about you enough to look past what you've done?" I wished I would just shut up! "What if something was to happen to you? I don't think I could face it!" I blurted out the truth like it was poisonous.

He seemed so search my face for something. "You truly care for me?" I made an attempt at a nod. I couldn't believe what a fool I was making out of myself.

His face came closer to mine. Our faces were now only inches apart, and getting closer.

"Jane? Rico?" Alec came crashing down on the scene. "Are you guys out here?" Then he came into view as he walked towards us.

"Alec!" I ran to him and was immediately welcomed into an embrace.

"What happened to you?" He held me away, so that he could take in my still wet attire.

"I fell in the fountain." I laughed, to ease the tension.

"Then, what are you doing out here?" He asked Rico.

"I was looking for Jane. Then I saw her fall into the fountain and I pulled her out." He held up his wet sleeved arm as proof. I gave him a look to urge him not to continue, and he understood because he didn't say another thing.

"Well, I think you should come inside and get changed." Alec laughed.

"Yeah, I agree. Lets go." I laughed with him.

"Hey Rico, you comin'?" Alec asked over his shoulder.

"I'm just gonna stay out here for a while." Rico was looking down at his shoes.

"Okay, but don't take too long. Felix sucks at Fifa, I need more of a challenge!" Alec put his arm around me and began to go inside.

Before we went inside, I looked back at Rico. He had his back to us. He had his hands in his pockets and was looking at the fountain.

I wasn't sure what really happened out there at the fountain, but what I did know was that it couldn't be good…

Well, I hope you enjoyed it :)
The next chapter should be funny again, and should include the rest of the gang :P
So please be patient and please review :)
JessiRocks95, Over and out! x