Aro was very pleased with the new member of the guard. He found Rico while he was on his second honeymoon with his wife Sulpicia, in Mexico. He was so pleased that he made Rico the head of the guard. But Rico's gift was too powerful. He could convert a vampire's age to any age he wished. But the spell only lasted a week.

One day Aro told Rico that him, Caius, Marcus and the wives were going away for the weekend. Aro left Rico in charge of protecting the castle and the guard while they were away. Rico immediately told the guard of Aro's decision to leave him in charge and told them to be on their best behavior. Felix was immediately thinking of a ten step plan to wined Rico up for the weekend.


1-Put yoghurt in Rico's DC runners

2-Paint Rico's brand new Citron hatchback pink and program "I'm a barbie girl" to his car's sterio

3-Feed Rico a drug addict and film Rico going crazy

4-Use that video as a blackmailing token

5-Steal all Ricos clothes while he is in the shower

6-Leave a pink dressing gown in the clothes' place

7-Leave a porn magizine and a pair of Rico's underpants in Janes bathroom

8-Leave a note from 'Rico' for Jane and Alec asking them if they are still 7

9-Crash Aro's car, blame Rico and leave Rico's sunglasses in the front seat as evidence

10-Tell Rico the Elves did it when Rico blames him

When Rico left the guard, Felix excused himself and went to put his list into action.

Rico took some of Felix's clothes to wear and tracked him down to the living room where he was playing 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' on the xbox. Felix used number ten on his list and Rico boiled over with rage.

"I'm going to kick your ass!" Rico screeamed as he chased Felix into the great hall.

"You can't kick wht you can't catch!" Felix shouted back.

The Rest of the guard followed them into the great hall to watch the fight, they thought was about to break lose. Jane and Alec went to get some chains from the dungeon for Rico so that he could tie Felix up. Rico decided to take revenge by using his power on Felix. Thats where everything went wrong.

Rico unleashed his power on Felix, focusing on the age of 12. But wasn't conentrating hard enough and looked up from Felix as the rest of the guard entered the room. Forgeting to stop using his power he swept along the faces of the guard and then back to Felix. Rico stopped using his power, realising what he had done. Completely by accident he had turned the entire guard into 12 year olds.

Alec and Jane re-entered the room with chains in their hands. Alec blinked twice then fell to the floor clutching his sides in pain as he burst into laughter. Jane looks around the room, her grin stretching from ear to ear. Then finally see looks towards Rico with a gracious smile and says,"This is probably the single greatest moment in my entire exictence. Thank you."

Rico smiled back at her and said," happy to be of service to you."

"What the hell just happened?" Demetri asked, his voice ranging from high to low in one sentence.

"NOOO!!! What the hell age did you make usss?" Felix asked in a high voice, in disgust.

"I made you twelve i think." Rico answered.

"TWELVE yearsss old? YOU BASSSTARD!!" Felix answered with a lisp.

"Dude, whats with the lisp?" Demetri asked in his high-low ranged voice.

" NOOOO!! My lisssp iss back. This sucksss asss. I only got rid of my lisssp when i wasss ssseventeen! And dude, whatsss with your voissse?"

"My voice broke when i was twelve--"

Alec was now rolling around on the floor in busts of laughter and Jane was still standing in the same spot with the same wide grin on her face.

All-of-a-sudden a scream broke throught the conversation and everybody turned around to see who had made the terrifying scream of pain. Heidi stood there with her face in her hands and screamed,"Why me? Why me? Why must I have been the chubby kid?"

Alec bust out into harder and louder laughter, while he clutched his sides in pain. The sight of the chubby Heidi had everybody laughing. Then it was Aftons turn to be humiliated.

"You g-g-g-guys I t-t-t-t-think we have a p-p-p-p-problem. H-h-h-h-how are a b-bunch of t-t-t-twelve year olds supp-p-posed to protect a c-c-c-c-castle."

"Shit, dudesss he'ssss right, we're fucked. Oh man you have one bad sssstuter." Felix comented.

Just then Renata made a dash for Rico. She tripped over her own foot and stummbled to the ground. "Damn it!" she shouted. "Stupid un-cordination!"

Alec looked like he was about to explode, only this time Jane joined him on the floor. They looked more like twins now than ever before, rolling on the floor laughing at the misfortune of others.

Corin stepped in then, "Guys you shouldn't make fun of us like this. How would you feel if this happened to you and we made fun of you." Everyone looked at Corin, he was freakishly short. He looked about the height of a 9 or 10 year old.

"Well... i'd... zap..... you...." Jane replied still laughing. She was creased up in pain now aswell. "Oh god, now i know how you guys feel when i do...."

"Qué están hablando de?" Santiago asked in spanish. Everyone - execpt Rico - stared at him with uncoprehending eyes. His question even stopped Jane and Alec's laughter.

Rico was the one who answered Santiago, "Hice todo el mundo excepto Jane y Alec doce años de edad."

"Tú idiota! Lo que el fuck! Si yo pudiera hablar, diría Inglés Aro ahora mismo!" Santiago cussed back at Rico.

"What are you two gibbering on about?" Jane asked in annoyence.

"Santiago can't speak English," Rico answered in a calm tone.

"Okay, so let me get this straight - Felix has a lisp, Demetri's voice is breaking, Heidi is fat, Reneta is clumsy, Corin is freakishly short, Santiago can't speak English and Afton has a stutter- a beautiful stutter." Chelsea stated. "Then whats wrong with me?"

"Nothing, your perfect." Afton blurted out straight away, before anyone else could answer. Jane made a sound like she was throwing up as everyone watched the two twelve year olds stare lovingly into eachothers eyes.

"Yeah, your perfect, you bitch! There nothing wrong with you!" Felix and Heidi both screamed at Chelsea and stormed out of the run.

"I developed early.." Chelsea amended when Felix and Heidi had left.

"Well.... this is going to be one long week." Rico stated, "What am I going to tell Aro?"