There was something about the sunrise.

She gazed up at the dark sky welcoming the day. A dividing line was drawn across the clouds with one side still glimmering with the stars. The other was gloriously splattered with warm colored paint. The wind was pleasant but hollowing all the same.

She walked on with the wind blowing through her fiery hair while her footsteps echoed as she walked on the pavement of a sleepy morning. On her hand, she held flowers of gold whose lazy petals danced and joined the wind. She skin was fair and her figure was beautiful. Her dress lightly flowed in the direction of the wind. She looked like a goddess walking through a ghost town; warm, strong and powerful. But the coolness in her eyes showed that she was gentle.

No. Not gentle. Mourning.

She has been lonely all these years.

A sigh escaped her lips as she walked on. No one else around her to gaze at her. No one that she can talk to. No one that may open up to her. No one.

Tears formed in her eyes. As much as she wanted to fight them, they managed to roll down her cheeks.

The woman continued to make her way to her destination- the cemetery. Here, she would visit her beloved.

She first stopped at a familiar gravestone. Maxwell Tennyson, it read. She smiled and inhaled soft air. This was her grandfather who protected her and raised her.

But he was not the reason why she was there. The smile slowly disappeared and she looked down.

She made a slow turn and counted the steps to the grave where a man named Benjamin was buried. Where her Benjamin was buried. Her Ben. Her love-- lost.

One, she said under her breath. Two, Three, Four, Five, Six…

She continued. She found it harder and harder to count her steps. In every count, memories would come rushing back to her.

She remembered how he would make her smile and laugh without a care.

How he always managed to save the day, putting others' safety before his own.

How he supported her in his own innocent and sincere ways.

How her befriended the most unexpected strangers to come their way.

Sixteen, Seventeen...

How he subtly protected her from the possible dangers that may come.

How he chose her happiness over his own and made sure she would stay happy.

Eighteen, Nineteen…

That was the Ben she knew. But she has not seen him in a long time.

Twenty …

He got in way between her and Kevin. At that time, he seemed to be meddling in their affairs. But now that she looks back on it, he was only protecting her. Kevin only meant to hurt her.


She was also envious of Ben. She admired the way he can stay true to his feelings and openly follow his heart. She had always had cowardice to do such.


She wanted to muster the same strength to understand her own feelings. And he was there to help her.


By the time she realized her feelings for him, it was too late. He had left. As a person who wanted to return the favor of securing happiness for another, she could only let him go.


She had one regret though. Neither of them said goodbye. They were separated without knowing their feelings for one another. She never heard the words she wished would come from his lips. Now was too late.


"I love you, Ben" she exhaled as she slowly looked up.

Her eyes widened in shock.

There, standing before his own grave was the very man he longed to see. He was standing silent and serene looking down at the gravestone with melancholic green eyes. His hands were casually inserted in the pockets of the coat he donned. His brown hair shone lightly against the sun's growing light. He stood tall yet, undisturbed. He had not noticed the woman standing a few feet behind him.

Tears flooded her eyes while her hands reached and covered her mouth. The flowers fell and the low tap of sound it made as it hit the ground startled the man.

He looked around and both pairs of green eyes met. For the first time in a long time.

Hers were teary and full of joy. His were regretful and his body tensed, as if he did not want to be there. Indeed, he didn't.

"I thought you were dead" the lady managed to say in between her sobs. She reached out and held the man's hand. "Where were you?"

His eyes were downcast. After a moment of being quite, he looked up and wordlessly mouthed something.

She didn't catch what he said but hoped that it had been what she wished to hear him say.

She held him close in a hug and cried. "Please tell me."

"You know," a voice came. "Your cellphone's been ringing for quite some time now."


"Ah!" Gwen gasped as she sat up from bed.

"Well, good morning to you too, sleepyhead" her mom said. She was seated on the stool by Gwen's bedside. She looked at Gwen's cellphone. "You gonna answer that?"

Gwen, clumsily, reached over to get her cellphone on the nightstand, knocking the picture frame over.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Gwen?" a voice came.

Wait. It can't be!

"I need to speak with you."

It was really him!

"Uh, sure Ben" she nervously replied. "What about?" Please tell me you miss me and you want to see me!

"Look," Ben said. "I'll be coming over by this afternoon. Hopefully I can meet up with you somewhere."

Gwen gulped. He wants to se me today? But he's so far away. "Sure, but won't you find it hard to travel back within half a day."

She heard a chuckle. "Nothing would be to hard. I want to see you badly."

Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know what to say. "I-.I—"


Gwen inhaled. "Sure, I'll be there. Couldn't wait to see you either. Let's say Mr. Smoothy, 3:00?"

Again, she heard a chuckle. "Okay, will do! See you there, Gwen."

Both hung up their phones.

"Oh my God, Ben's coming!" she exclaimed.

Her mom, who was now downstairs, yelled back. "That's great! It's nice to hear from him now, don't you think?"

As Gwen made her way downstairs, she heard her father ask about Ben.

"He's fine, apparently" she replied.

"Good. I thought his Grandpa Max's death would scar him for years" he said, going back to his coffee.

"No. That's not like Benjamin at all!" her mother contradicted.

Suddenly, Gwen's breakfast tasted bitter when she remembered her dream.

What was that all about?

A/N: hey there. sorry this was late. holidays got me caught up. ignore the typos. i'm sleepy.

anyway, as you can see, this chapter is weird and surreal to match the whole dreamy thingy going on.

as i have said before, this is based on my graphic novel (which i will have yet to upload). this is actually an important chapter in it cause it forshadows an event that will take place after many years prior to this chapter. Take note of this. XD

again, reviews are welcomed. to the previous reviewers, thanks. i didn't think anyone would read this at all.