
A drabble/ficlet/oneshot book of ReaderXBreak

[The Unbirthday]

[Y/N] got up, same as always. Today wasn't the same as always though. Today was special. Today was Break's birthday. Getting up and sitting at the dining table you started to brainstorm about what you'd need.

"Well... I suppose I'll make an Unbirthday[1] cake... I definitely need some candy and to invite everyone. I should get my nice china and fancy tea ready as well." you said out loud while writing the list down. "Off I go~"

Getting dressed and grabbing your coat and wallet, you're first stop was Liddell's [2] Candy Bar. You just hoped that you wouldn't run into problems there...

Of course I run into problems when I need them the least!

How could you miss that white head of hair browsing through the candy? You can't. Ducking under the checkout counter as quietly as you could earned you a glance from the male employee.

"What could you possibly want from under there?"

You sweatdropped. "Uhh well... Haigha[3]... I'm trying to throw a birthday party for my friend... Except he's in the store right now."

Haigha giggled. "You pronounced my name wrong you know~ It rhymes with the word mayor! Would you like some help? I can gather the stuff for you, then let you leave through the back exit if you want."

"I would be really grateful if you could!" You said nodding enthusiastically, while handing him your candy list.

A few minutes he returned to take your money and showed you to the back exit.

Opening the back door he said "Good luck with your party!"

"Thank you, I really need lots of luck." you replied, stepping out the door.

You half-speed-walked to L.C.L.[4] Baker Supplies to pick up the rest of the cake ingredients.

"Unbirthday cake... I need some chocolate, fondant, and some cake mixes. There's so much to do today." You thought aloud.

Stepping into the quaint shop, you looked around at the crowded walls and shelves for what you needed.

"Some white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate... Ah! Here's the milk chocolate." you said, picking up the medium sized package.

Continuing to look around you started to sing a song:

"A very merry unbirthday to me
To who?
To me.
Oh you!
A very merry unbirthday to you.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Oh, me!
Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea.
A very merry unbirthday to you!
Now, statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday.
Imagine, just one birthday every year!
Ah, but there are three hundred and sixty four unbirthdays!
Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer
A very merry unbirthday to you, to you
To me?
To you!
A very merry unbirthday
For me?
For you!
Now blow the candle out my dear
And make your wish come true
A merry merry unbirthday to you!"

Finding the chocolates and cake mixes you needed, all that was left was the fondant.

A young lady wearing a simple white shirt, black jeans, and a simple employee apron with the store's logo tapped you on the shoulder, "Hello, I'm Lorina. Please call me Lory though... You look like you can't find something. Do you need help?"

"Ah yes Lorina-"

"It's Lory." she said, cutting you off.

"Sorry Lory... My name is [Y/N]. Uhh... I'm trying to find some fondant." you said, finishing your reply. She was petite, but you got the feeling she could speak up when she wanted to.

She nodded. "It's right here." she started to lead you through an aisle. She grabbed a hefty package and handed it to you. "Is that a good size?"

"It's perfect." you replied gleefully.

After paying for the things, you went back to your house and started on the cake.

-Time Skip A Few Hours-

You put the finished cake on an elegant mahogany table, and set up the tea set.

"Ahh it's finally done! Now for the easy work~ Inviting people!" you said, cheering half for you're completed cake, half for it being over with. You invited everyone: Alice, Oz, Gilbert, Reim, and Sharon. You recited a birthday poem to each of them over the phone.

"Don't Be Late!
For a Very Important Date
Break's Birthday Party

If you're feeling quite MAD
We'll make you right GLAD
On the date that is today.
Come in foolish attire
For all to admire."

One by one everyone arrived.

"Welcome everyone, the party will start soon, but I need to get the Mr. Hatter himself over here so be quiet while I call him, kay?" You giggled. This was going to be one HECK of a phone call.

Picking up the phone, you dialed Break's phone number.



"Break? Is that you?"

"Uh, who do you think it is [Y/N]?"

-commence girl ranting phase-


Laughs came from the other side of the room, you shushed them.

"Now, my dear, I'm sure that you're lying."

"Ah... Guess you've caught me~ Anyways I NEEDNEEDNEED you to come to my house right now!"

"I'll be over in a few minutes then."

"Good!" You hung up the phone, smiling.

"Now we wait to ambush our Hatter." You said winking at everyone.

-10 Minutes Later-


Everyone ambushed Break in a hug, even Alice, though she pouted.

"Break, Happy birthday~" you said, practically dragging him to the head seat at the table, with everyone sitting on the side seats. "I hope you enjoy your very merry Unbirthday party!"

He laughed, looking at the wonderful gathering set up by [Y/N]. "I didn't think anyone would do this. I haven't celebrated this holiday in quite awhile."

Everyone took a bit of the Unbirthday cake you made. It was designed to be hat-shaped, and it was intricately designed with the candy you bought earlier, and some ribbon that you tied on it. Oz served the tea to everyone, being careful not to chip any of your china.

"Mm..." Break started, his eyes closing. "English Breakfast Tea is delicious."

Wait, I didn't save any of the candy to give him as a present... Grr...

"Break, can you come here for a sec?" you said, pulling him into the next room.

He questioned you. "My dear [Y/N], what's wrong?"

"Ehh..." you sighed. "I forgot to get you an actual present."

He chuckled. "Is this whole thing not enough of a gift?"

"Well... I guess I have something I can give you, but you can't tell anyone about it." you said, a little flustered. "Close your eyes please!"

Listening to your request, he closed his eyes. You gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran back to the table, flushing 10 shades of red. Break followed, wearing his usual smirk. The party continued through the rest of the evening, with a very satisfied Break.

[ T H E – E N D ]

A/N: Heheh. 4 pages-ish. Some oneshot eh? ;D I hope you guys enjoyed. I couldn't really fit in much character, but it focuses around YOU, my dear, lovely, reader. I'm started a book, and a ReaderxBreak, which is something people on here don't really do... But yeah. I took lots of references so be sure to check them out! R&R PLEASE! 8D

-Note that these are all Wikipedia links. blocks urls.-

[1] Unbirthday - .org/wiki/Unbirthday

[2] Liddel - .org/wiki/Alice_Liddell

[3] Haigha (March Hare) - .org/wiki/March_Hare

[4] L.C.L (Lorina Charlotte Liddel) - .org/wiki/Lory_%28Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderland%29