Okay, I know I suck. So here's a one-shot to make up for my laziness on updating Demons and TMTSATMTD. So . . . yeah.
"They do not!" I yelled, gathering myself to my height, standing on my tiptoes to make myself taller. It didn't make much of a difference, he still towered over me.
"Yes, girls do. Rima, face the facts." He smirked.
We're fighting. Again.
See, here's what happened :
"And she closed her eyes, leaning in closer to his face, they were inching closer and closer, she could almost taste his want . . . Eeek! This is so exciting! I can't bear to read on!" Amu squealed, shutting the book, but keeping her thumb on her spot, "I have to read more!!" She turned to the book once more, but then she noticed my smirk, and the laughter barely concealed in my eyes, and she flushed bright red.
"I didn't know you were into those types of books Amu." I smirked.
She put on her 'Cool&Spicey attitude, "I'm not," she replied, a little to fast to be passed as the truth "I just, wanted to try something else…"
"Sure Amu" I rolled my eyes.
Then someone stole the book from Amu's hands, "She closed her eyes eh?" a voice said "Now, I always wondered why girls do that when someone is about to kiss them, is it instinct?" a certain male, mellow, voice said.
"What do you want, crossdresser?"
He winced at the name.
"Why, just to know why girls close their eyes when someone's about to kiss them, do you know? Chibi devil?" He used his nickname for me.
I growled
~End Flashback~
"Face it Rima, a girl closes her eyes when some ones about to kill them, it means that she's giving herself up to the male."
"One: Girl's do not always close they're eyes when their about to be kissed, and two: It doesn't mean that we're giving our self's up!" I defended the female species.
"We?" he quirked an eyebrow.
He looked very sexy.
Where's my mind soap?
"I speak for all women." I turned my nose up. I don't care if I looked snobby.
"Would you like to bet on that?" He asked getting . . . all close.
Now, if I wasn't mad, I would have seen were this was heading, but I was mad.
"Sure. Let's bet." I sneered.
"All right, but either way I get what I want." He smirked.
He grabbed my face. And pulled me towards him.
And he kissed me.
The worst part?
I closed my eyes.
Damn, it he was right, but I don't really care know.
So? Watcha think?
I will update everything else soon!!!! I blame school!!!!