Hi! This is our first story in fanfiction! Im writing it with my best friend Jimena! Thank you so much for helping me! I owe you a big one! Hope everyone enjoys this fanfiction as mucch as we enjoyed writing it. Please read and review.

All characters belong to SM.


I woke up feeling like I had slept for seconds rather than hours. I was so tired. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was only 6.30; I still had an hour before my first day of teaching at, guess where, high school starts. I will have to bare crazy hormone teenagers all year. The story of my life.

I got out of bed, and looked down at me. I was wearing a pair of black boxers and no shirt. I went to my closet and looked for something appropriate for a teacher. I ended with a pair of black dress pants and a white shirt. I quickly cleaned myself, taking a shower, brushing my teeth's, shaving the small beard that had begun to form and changing quickly. After that I quickly grabbed a bagel from the kitchen and ran to the door.

When I got to the parking lot of Fork High school, I parked my silver Volvo at the teacher's side. There were already cars parked there. I recognized a big green jeep parked there. Before buying my baby, aka, my Volvo, I was thinking on buying one of those monsters but decided against it. I got out of my car grabbing my black bag and walking to the main entrance. I got a couple of stares from giggling girls but didn't say or didn't do anything about it. I got to the staff room, looking around. Most teachers were in their nearly forties. A couple of them were just a little older than me, so at least I wasn't the youngest one, I hope. I went over to the food table and got me a cup of coffee. There was a tall and scary looking guy there. I stood beside him, a little intimidate by his figure. He looked down at me and grinned widely making his dimples appear.

"Hey there pal" he said in a strong but friendly voice. I smiled,

"Hey" I said shyly,

"I'm Couch, McCarty, but for you, I'm Emmett" He stuck out his hand in front of him. I took it and said, "Edward"

He nodded, "You're the new history teacher right? Pleasure, now I don't have to listen at that old man talking about my grandfather's time"

I chuckled, "It sounds like you've been doing that for a long time"

"You have no idea. It's my second year here" he nodded, "How can I've never seen you before in this incredibly small town"

I shrugged, "I lived at California before but my parents moved here a while ago and I decided to come here"

He nodded, "Oh, cool .It's a small school but the students are great. We are having a new student today. Cant remember the last time that happened" he laughed, the loudest laugh I've heard in a while and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. He may look scary but he was really friendly. We talked a little more until the bell rang indicating registration.

"You know were your class is, right?" He asked.

I took out the time table they had given me a few weeks ago.

"I believe it's this one" I asked showing him the class number they had written there.

He nodded, "Oh, wow, you have all the year groups. Good luck with that" he said before waving at me and disappearing at the door.

I didn't have a tutor room so I stayed a little longer at the staff looking around. It had uncomfortable brown couches; a flat screen placed on the wall, some tables, toilets, a small dart game board, and a small kitchen. It looked nice. I walked out of the staff looking around the school I will be coming so often. My mind wondered back to my parents, and my decision to come home. Personal reasons. I sighed as I opened the door to my classroom. There were a lot of brown desks, a table at the front and a white board. There also was a TV and a DVD player. I sat down on the black chair that was behind my desk. I got out some papers and waited until my first class got here. The seconds passed quickly and soon I had students from freshman year, gathering around my class. I had butterflies in my stomach as I saw the students entering. It was my very first time as a teacher, I was good at teaching, but I was shy as well, so it was a little hard to face a crowd of students. I had been at high school before, and I knew how students talked about the teachers even though at school I was more of the freak of the class, I still knew what others thought about them.

I stood up as soon as all the kids were sitting at their places. I leaned in front of my desk and placed my hands back at the table as I looked at all the student's faces.

"Morning, I'm Mr. Cullen, and I will be teaching you history this year. I don't know any of you, and I'll try my best to remember names, but be patient and im sorry if I get any name wrong" I said nervously. All the boys looked bored at my little speech, but the girls looked like they were drooling.

I sighed, "The first thing I want to know is how much of the World War II you know and also so I get to know you a bit better" I looked around, "So any of your ancestors were part of the War?" I asked, three kids raised their hands, I asked the girl who was closer to me,

"What's you're name first"

"I'm Jessica" the girl said. She had light brown hair and looked a bit enthusiastic. Not a bad thing but I had a feeling it wasn't about history, "and my great, great grandfather was part of it, he died there as well" she said proudly. I nodded and smiled. "Good, who else?" I asked. After that I felt more comfortable and my classes past by as the end of the day got closer. I had two freshman classes, two junior classes, A and B, and at the last period I will have my senior year class. I was looking forward to that one. Seniors take history more seriously than other grades. Even though im just two years older than most of them, its still weird teaching people who are just as old as me.

I sat at my chair and went through some of my other classes, before reading my seniors names. After reading them I had remembered a few of them. Mike, Angela, Tyler, James, Alice, Jasper and Isabella. The last name stayed in my mind a little longer than necessary. A few flashbacks played in my head at the sound of that name. A holiday thing I remembered myself. I will never see her again. I sighed, and I couldn't stop the flashback to appear again.

It was New Years Eve, and I was sitting at the deck of the hotel my family and I were staying at, looking at the stars. This is the worst new start of the year I have ever had. I repeated at myself. How can a 20 year old guy be so dead bored when I could be partying with friends? Oh right I don't have friends.

I kept staring at stars, thinking that maybe time will pass faster by doing that. I saw figures move in front of me at the bay of the sea. There was a girl and a boy younger than me, walking hand in hand. After a few minutes the girl pulled away of his hold and said something that sounded like ´stop it´. My brows furrowed thinking that maybe his boyfriend or whatever had hurt her. If I was lucky enough to have a girlfriend I will never hurt her. They started to argue, until the boy pressed his lips to her, she didn't kiss him back but didn't fight against it either. When the boy pulled back for air, the girl brought her right hand up and punched him right in the face. I wanted to laugh but when I realized that the boy wasn't hurt at all and the girl was, all laughing thoughts were gone. She was holding her hand against her chest, and although I couldn't see her face I knew she was crying. The boy tried to grab her hand but she turned away and ran towards the entrance of the hotel. Were I was sitting at. She run passed me and I caught a glimpse of her face. With tears in her eyes, and a pain look on her face, she still looked beautiful. I stood up as soon as she ran inside and debated with myself if I should go after her. The boy, who had hurt her, came running and stood beside me. I looked up at him; he was a few inches taller than me. He had dark brown skin, black long hair and looked hurt. He looked at me and cracked a small smile.

"I don't know what to do" he said irritated as he sat down at the stairs I had been sitting at a few moments ago. I sat down beside him and asked, "With what?"

He looked at me and said, "With her, she just keeps rejecting me every time. It's like she doesn't want anything more than friendship. I know that we are cousins but…"

"You're cousins?" I asked interrupting him. How can he like his own cousin?

"Not blood cousins, but our parents are best friends since forever and we are like family"

I nodded, "Maybe you should give her time" I said,

He laughed, "No, I'm through. I can't keep hurting myself anymore but I know that she will come begging me soon. Telling me that she needs me, and I would reject her, so she will know the pain she put me through"

I was shocked by his words. How can he be so mean to someone he loves or thinks he does? He then looked at me with an angry expression, "You must think I'm heartless but you don't know anything. She goes out to dates with every one that asks her, but not me, no ´how can I date Jacob´, she didn't even wanted to go to the spring dance with me, saying some stupid excuse about going to Jacksonville" he said, I nodded, "Maybe she just doesn't like you that way" I said, trying to calm this stranger.

He nodded "Do you think I'm blind. Of course she doesn't. Okay maybe it's because I cheated on her, on our date but it was because I was tired with her nonsense"

"So you did go out with her" I pointed out.

"One time, I practically begged" he said like it was nothing,

"How did you cheated on her?" I asked, curiously.

"Well, we went as a double date with two other friends, Leah and Mike, and well she went to the bathroom. Mike was nowhere to be seen, so I just made my move with Leah. She came back and saw us, and didn't do anything but said she knew it was a bad idea to go on a date with me" he shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

Was he blind? How can he still think she will date him after he did that?

"Do you honestly think she will date you again after that?" I asked voicing my thoughts.

"I hoped. It was a mistake but I'm a teenager, okay, I date and kiss. That's what I do"

"How old are you?"

"16" he said, "I had 15 when that happened"

"And her?"

"Right now 17" he said, "I'm going inside. I think she broke her knuckle but why the hell did she punched me" he stood up and walked inside. I sighed, damn this kid was crazy. I stood up and went inside too, looking around for the girl. I checked the lobby, the small doctor area, the stores, until I finally gave up and walked out to the deck again. I saw someone sitting at the beach, and soon recognize her as the girl I was looking for. My brain didn't ask me about it, but soon I found myself walking toward her. I was standing a foot away from her, when I was deciding on whether I walked away or sit beside her. I decided that if I walked away I would regret it the rest of my life, so I sat down. She jumped a little frightened by my sudden appearance and looked at me. I looked at her, and when my eyes locked with her chocolate brown eyes which I could see with bright clarity even on the dark, I knew I had made the correct decision. I smiled at her and she returned the smile. My heart was beating fast and my brain was thinking furiously. Do I ask something? Introduce myself? Just stay quiet? What do I do? I decided that it's better if I said hello first.

"Hi" I said shyly. I wasn't good at talking with girls. She smiled a smile that made my heart beat fast. What is wrong with me, I don't even know her!

"Hey" she breathed, a beautiful pink colour appeared at her check and I couldn't help but stare. She ducked her head down when she noticed me staring. I had to say something now! Why am I such a dork?

"How's your hand?" I asked pathetically.

She looked at me, her eyes widening and a hint of sadness showing on her face.

"You saw that?" she asked. Her voice was the sweetest thing I have ever heard, I nodded, "Sorry, I was sitting at the deck and saw it" I said, looking back at the deck, she nodded, "Its nothing, I just think I cracked my knuckle or something"

"Did someone check it?"

"No, I just put some ice on it" she said.

I panicked and asked her "Do you mind if I see it, my father is a doctor" I shrugged,

She nodded; "It's really nothing" I took her hand gently, so she wouldn't feel any pain and took her small feminine hand in mines. I stroked it a few times and looked closely at her knuckles. Surely her thumb was a little sore.

"You didn't keep your thumb inside your fist, did you?" I asked her.

She laughed, "No, I don't go throwing punches around, you know" she said, I chuckled,

"Can you move it?" I asked, referring to her thumb. She nodded and moved it a little but then winced, "Hurts" she said before biting her lower lip. I nodded, "Sorry, you should probably go to a doctor to get it checked" I said,

"I will, but later" she said.

I don't know what got to me but suddenly I placed a soft kiss on her hand, and after that I didn't let go. I kept stroking it, and a comfortable silence washed through us. I looked up at the sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked, looking at the sky as well.

"Very" I said looking at her. She looked at me then, and blushed. I smiled at her.

"I'm Edward by the way" I said.

"Isabella, but I prefer Bella" she said. Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl.

"Nice to meet you Bella" I said, she smiled, and I could feel my heartbeat fastening.

"Me too, Edward" a thrill shot through me when she said my name.

"Did you come here for the holidays as well?" I asked,

"Yeah, me and my dad and some family friends, and you?" she said.

"The same, but just me, and my parents" I said,

"Are your parents at the party at that restaurant?" she asked,

"Yeah, but they will be here soon, they said they wanted to spend the night with me"

She nodded, "I'm supposed to stay with Jake and Rebecca, his sister but…its getting old" she said, I knew that she didn't want to bring the topic of the guy named Jacob again so I let it go.

We talked about everything and nothing. We laughed about nothing in particularly until our sides hurt. She told me some stories about her life, and I told her the little crazy things I've done. She wants to be a writer or a chef. I know, two completely different careers, but after talking to her for what seemed like seconds rather than hours, I knew she was very talented. She lived in Phoenix with her mother after her parents divorced, and I learned a lot of new things about her while talking. It felt so…good talking with her, I felt normal and comfortable opening up with her.

We were lying on our backs looking at the stars –well, she was looking at the stars, while I was looking at her from the corner of my eye – when we heard people doing the count down.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1….happy new year!" we both sat up and fireworks appeared on the sky.

"Wow" Bella said, as she looked at the fireworks. I looked up at it. The whole sky was replaced with multiple colours and it was beautiful. I looked back to Bella, the colours from the fireworks shined on her pale skin and I could see her better. I softly gasped at her beauty. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever met. She was smiling brightly and in her chocolate brown eyes the fireworks resembled.

"You're beautiful" I blurted out before I had the chance to stop myself. I could see the soft colour returning on her cheeks.

"Thanks" she said, looking down at the sand. I held her chin up and looked at her eyes again, "You really are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I said. Her blush deepened and I don't know what came up with me after that. I slowly but hesitantly I leaned down looking at her lips. I was an inch apart, her eyes were closed, when I whispered, "Happy new year, Bella" and then I crushed my lips to her. It was a soft and sweet kiss. Well in general it was my first kiss and I was glad it was with Bella. She kissed me back and I smiled. She had returned the kiss to me! Not like when the other boy kissed her, she actually kissed me back! We kissed until we were out of breath and I was more than happy. I pressed my forehead to hers and she whispered, "Happy new year" I smiled my crocked smile at her. We looked at each others eyes, and then her phone started beeping. We both jumped at the sudden sound and she ducked onto her pocket to get it.

"Hello" she said, the other end started talking and Bella's eyes turn sad.

"Sorry dad, I'm at the beach, I'm coming. Okay, sorry, bye" She hanged up quickly and stood up from our place on the sand.

"You're leaving" It wasn't a question I already knew it and my heart dropped.

"Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow morning and my dad wants to see me" she rolled her eyes.

I nodded, "Will I see you again?" I asked her,

"I don't know, I wish I can see you before I go, but I leave around 6am".

Between sleeping more and seeing a beautiful girl I just kissed, for the last time…I don't even have to think about it.

"I'll be at the lobby, meet me there" I said, she smiled, and nodded, "See you" she said before running off to the hotel. I smiled at her back, hoping tomorrow will come sooner. How wrong was I at the beginning? This has been the best New Years Eve in my whole life.

The bell of the school ringing brought me back from my thoughts. If you want to know the ending, I did went to the lobby but she never appeared and when I asked the reception man if he knew an Isabella and if she had left he told me the Swans left early. The good thing about this whole mess is that she wrote me a letter. A sweet goodbye letter, I wish I had given her something too, but at least I had this short letter, which I'm embarrassed to admit, I read it frequently. My seniors were gathering around my classroom by then and I stood up from my chair to write something on the board. I heard a few giggling and people talking but didn't do anything about it. I turned around to see all of my seniors already sitting on their desks, I smiled. I looked out the window, not bothering on looking at anyone.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Cullen, ill be your history teacher this year" I said looking out at the window. My hands were sweating and I had no idea why. I looked back at the class and froze when I saw a very familiar face. She wasn't staring at me, but at her book in front of her. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes widening. I looked away quickly to the boy beside her. It can't be her, it's not her, it's not my Bella. No, no way she lives at Phoenix. I quickly looked around the classroom and back to her. She was looking at me, and I bet I had the same expression as hers.


Hope you liked it so far, next chapter will be out tomorrow or later today. What are you waiting for???? Hit that review button now!-Jimena and Fiore.