Disclaimer: The characters of "Veronica Mars" belong to Rob Thomas, UPN, CW.

Summary: Veronica is still looking for a missing Keith with Wallace and Mac's help. She's continuing to avoid both Logan and Duncan who it seems have reconciled their differences now that Duncan is back with baby Lila thanks to Keith's help with his case. Mac and Dick are friends.

Part 9

Present day

Wallace approached the help desk with a smile on his face. It fades when Veronica's hand drops from rubbing her red eyes.

"What's wrong?"

What would I do without Wallace Fennel?

"Nothing. Hours of video feed and nothing. That's what's wrong and that's why my eyes look like this."

She pointed to herself rolling said eyes. Looking around and lowering her voice so as not to be heard as they were in the library "Mac and I watched what she had for hours and then I watched it again later when I couldn't sleep and after breakfast this morning and nada."

"Mac still has that last credit charge though right. She needs to find some security video from that?"

Veronica looks discouraged for a moment, "I can't put everything on Mac."

"V, everything is not on Mac. We're your friends we want to help you. We care about you and hate to see you hurting. Remember? How many times am I going to have to drill this into your head?"

Wide eyed and innocent, Veronica manages a small grin back, "Only…hmm…at least three…probably more though." Shrugging, the smile grows at Wallace's affronted look. "Sorry."

"Speaking of being your friends and wanting to help you…"

Gathering up some books to reshelf Veronica frowns knowing where he is going with the discussion.

"Were we? I don't recall such a conversation."

Exasperated Wallace grabs the other books she can't manage and follows behind her.


"See, this is why you have to tell me so many times. You always follow it with ridiculous attempts of…"

"Did you not hear what Dick was saying at breakfast this morning?"

Putting the books back more angrily then she should, disturbing the students trying to study for midterms, Veronica asks in a hushed whispered.

"What is it with these group breakfasts anyway? Who invited Richard Casablanca's Jr. to our friendly morning get togethers?"

Wallace is the one now to roll his eyes, following behind her and handing her the books when she reaches her arm out for them. He answers her questions intended to redirect him before getting back to his point.

"First off, we've had two of these 'friendly morning, get togethers.' Second of all, you were the one to invite him remember?" He looks around for Mac remembering how Veronica threatened actually harm if he let this secret slip, "Mac…Dick… ringing any bells?"

She scrunches up her nose at the thought. "I plead temporary insanity. And if Mac ever finds out tell her I'm sorry?"

"Of course. Veronica! Would you just stop for two seconds? They went surfing together and Duncan was looking for a place of his own with Logan's help to get out from under Celeste's thumb. And Dick is losing the video golf tournament but kicking ass in the volleyball one…"

"Your two seconds are up. Sorry Wallace, but I gotta work."

He wasn't her best friend for nothing and even though Veronica body language and facial expression, even her words were yelling 'don't push.' Wallace knew this was one of those times were he had to do just that. He couldn't let her avoid forever because she probably would. Or until Logan caught up with her and that explosion of emotions wouldn't be pretty for any passerby.

"You can't avoid them forever girl."

Veronica halted because she knew it was true, but more importantly because Duncan and Logan had gotten sneakier at the stalking thing since they started on Saturday. Even from yesterday there was a vast improvement.

Her eyes flamed dangerously and she poked Wallace in the chest.

"Wallace Fennel, are you helping them?" His eyes looked away and if she wasn't expecting it from one of them sooner or later she would have been genuinely hurt. Granted, she assumed Dick would be the one helping before her best friend.

He mumbled something under his breath and she lifted an eyebrow. Wallace could sense the head tilt was next and caved easily.

"I may have mentioned to Dick after you stormed away from breakfast that it wouldn't be the worst thing if you were forced out of hiding."

Veronica huffed, "Thanks a lot. Now I'm homeless because Dick told them both I was at Mac and Parker's!"

"You are so not homeless. You have a home and a dog that probably misses you. And the important part, I think is that they were both there to talk to you, together. And you with the avoidance still? They did what you told them to, trying at least."

Crossing her arms stubbornly Veronica refuses to meet his inquisitive, concerned stare. Shaking his head in defeat Wallace sighs.

"I get that your worried about you dad Veronica, but we are going to find him. You don't have to keep torturing yourself."

Arms falling uncrossed and now shaking with other suppressed emotions Veronica's eyes tear up. "It's my fault Wallace. I don't know where he is or who has him or even if he's still alive. And what the hell could Vinnie even do about it, if I report it?" Taking a deep breath to calm her emotions she finishes the rest of her thoughts, not as determined as she liked to be but resolute nonetheless, "But I know this is my fault. Dealing with Duncan and Logan is distracting. I can't be distracted right now. My dad needs me."

Wallace nods in acceptance pulling Veronica into a hug that she goes into half-heartedly. "But you need both of them. To be your friend. To love you. To just be there and support you. You need them."

Veronica slips her arms around Wallace finally hugging him back. "I have you."

Resigned to the fact that Veronica won't deal with Duncan and Logan until she has her dad back Wallace nods in agreement "Just try and get rid of me."


It was early, to early to do what he was about to do, especially on a day when the two of them didn't have any morning classes, but that didn't stop him from walking into Dick's room carelessly and asking,

"Want to surf? The waves are like ten feet high today."

Dick was the only person Logan knew who slept lighter than he did. Unless of course passed out from too much drinking the night before. But Logan knew that wasn't the case for last night. It has been a while since Dick has gone out with the fraternity boys for all night parties.

He was surprised by how clean the room was, apparently he had mislead Duncan, Lila wouldn't catch anything in here. Not a drop of clothing was tossed on the floor, no dust could be found on the golden oak dresser or headboard, texts books were neatly piled next to his desk against one of the light blue walls. Logan was willing to bet Dick even made his bed.


Turning to check, assuming that Dick was already out catching some waves since he didn't answer he turned to find…not Dick, fast asleep in his bed.

Logan held his breath and slowly tried to back away without waking up the girl sprawled out in the middle of the bed asleep.

At the doorway though she turn her head and mumbled still half asleep, "Dick went surfing."

His eye's bulged out of his head and he tried to cover his mouth but he was a second too late.


She half waved at him, moving the white comforter and Logan saw her dressed in Dick's t-shirt. He squeezed his eyes shut and reopened them hoping the sight before him would go away. When it didn't dissolved before his eyes he turned and left before his mind could make further assumptions and jump to conclusions and then get in trouble for not telling Veronica about this most recent development even though she is the one avoiding him.

Logan was halfway back down the hallway in front of the door to his own room when Mac shot up in bed realizing who that was and what he just saw and what he was probably thinking.


Throwing the blankets down she was trying to untangle the sheet from her feet when Logan came back in breathing heavy from the short jog and reaching for the door before it banged against the wall.

She didn't even look up as she freed her self and stood up. Pushing her hair out of her face, "It's not what you think!"


Logan cringed because it came out sounding much worse and judgmental then what he meant. And the brief flash of pain that crossed in Mac's bright blue eyes told him to back track quickly.

"I mean not good because you and Dick shouldn't or…whatever. I just meant good because I don't have to try to explain to Veronica..."

Mac's brain was still a little slow this morning, it was after all barely seven and she had been up most the night with Dick having video game tournaments. Logan misunderstanding waved his arms trying to placate what he was sure would soon be yelling in his direction.

"You're good for Dick and I think you and him would be good for each other and you get along and if you guys like each other that's fine, awesome even."

His words started clicking in place and now it was her turn for her eyes to widen.

"No…you have it all wrong Logan. Dick just kept me up all night so this was easier than driving back to the dorm."

His lips are pressed together and his eyes alight with humor. Mac glares. "We were playing video games. That's it. It's not like that. Nothing…" Shaking her head Mac crosses her arms in defense.

Logan takes in her rumpled form; Dick's t-shirt and a pair of his shorts hang down to almost her ankles. He decides for her sanity he won't bring up the fact that Dick never lets girls wear his clothes, let alone sleep in his bed with clothes on. After all it might ruin her strategy of denial.

"He slept on the floor." She points to the folded up blanket on the back of a chair that Logan missed when he was inspecting the room.

Smirking at all this new information, Logan backs out again "I'm gonna try to catch up with him then. You said he was surfing?"

Mac huffs at his smirk but nods. "Tell him I said bye. I need to work on that stuff for…Veronica."

Logan freezes and for the first time regrets how he acted last week with Mac upon seeing her tense now. Surprising both of them, his voice is quiet and he asks the only thing that really ever mattered to him when it came to Veronica and her cases.

"Is she being careful?"

"For now."

Observing from across the room Mac can see tension add to Logan's shoulders and worry fill his eyes, he runs a hand through his hair in what she's almost positive is frustration over the tiny blonde in both their lives.

"Mac, can you do me a favor?"

She just knows that whatever it is will put her in the middle of the Logan and Veronica saga, but she genuinely feels as if they are both her friends now. Her and Logan spent a lot of time together last summer watching Dick, carefully wary of the tailspin that could result from Mr. Casablancas hanging around. Mac can't find words to agree knowing it will feel like a betrayal to Veronica and it's how Veronica would see it, but not even willing to listen feels like a betrayal to the friendship she now has with Logan.

Settling for nodding, Mac raises an eyebrow to see what this favor is.

"Tell me when she stops…stops being careful?"

Mac could definitely do that she just hoped the 'stopped being careful part' and the 'in over their heads part' were far enough away from each other that Logan would have time to call in the cavalry and rescue them from whatever trouble they found.

"Yeah Logan, I can do that."

He smiles and she manages to return it and only when the smile turns into a smirk does her's falter.

"No more sleep-overs until you tell Veronica."

Her mouth drops open and he's halfway down the stairs when she stomps her foot.

"There's nothing to tell!"


Floating on his board, Dick watches as Logan swims out to meet him and Dick can tell something's up because of the glint in his eyes. When Logan reaches him he sits up on his board rubbing the salt water out of his hair and smirks at his friend, an all-knowing smirk that rattles Dick.

Just like that, he knows he should have woken Logan up this morning when he first came out for the waves. Instead of asking and showing how concerned he is Dick grins back at Logan stupidly.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

When Logan's smirk only widens Dick frowns. "Nope, sleeping beauty is still in your bed."


Logan chuckles causing Dick to rethink his answer.

"It's not like that dude. We just…"

But Logan waves him off, "Video games, I know," yet he doesn't stop there because unlike with Mac, Logan feels like he can push Dick further, "It's cool that you like her."

"I don't." Dick defends too adamantly and too quickly his wet blonde hair sprinkling water droplets into the ocean as he shakes his head.

"You cleaned your room and she was sleeping in your clothes. You haven't had one random girl over since moving in and you talked about her on and off for two hours straight during the video game golf tournament with Duncan." As if he point was made Logan turn his board around searching for a wave.

"Golf sucks."

Remembering her parting words to him Logan repeated them for Dick, "By the way, she said bye."

"Mac left?"

Logan smiled triumphantly, "And that face right there…trust me dude, I know that face."

Without waiting for an answer Logan swam out to surf the next wave giving up on the mushy topic that could only be described as girl talk, even if Dick still wasn't talking.

Hoping to catch Mac and no longer feeling the urge to swim, Dick abandons Logan to the ocean and races up the beach to the back stairs of their house surfboard under one arm slowing him down. He sticks it up in the sand leaning it against the porch then jumps the two stairs of the deck and crosses to the patio door in three giant steps.


He stops, not breathing to listen for her response and when there isn't one, part of him is relieved. The part that realizes how desperate all of that just seemed and how against their silent agreement of ignoring and pretending they're only friends. The other part is disappointed and Dick worries because now that second part, the disappointed part of him is bigger than the relieved part.

See, it's that first side that reminds Dick he can't like Mac as anything other than a friend. Highlights his love for drinking and partying and being a man whore. All things Mac would not approve of, but Dick doesn't need anyone's approval. The first side helps him shrug off insults and ignore the serious stuff in the world. Points out how rich he is and doesn't need anyone else or anything else. Except, maybe Logan. The first side clings to surfing and video games. The first side tells him to keep away from Mac because Mac is Beaver's girl.

The second part of him is going to get him in trouble. Lots of trouble. He'll be in trouble with Veronica, with Mac, and even with Logan. It's the second part of him that questions, maybe partying is getting a little old? Asks, if Dick doesn't need approval why does it hurt so much that his parents aren't there? It tells him that he doesn't want to be Mac's friend at all. Assures him, because Mac laughs with him that he could be better, smarter, nicer, maybe exonerated.

See this side of him even knows words like exonerate.

It's the second side that whispers Cassidy is gone and Cassidy was broken and maybe just maybe you and Mac understand that in a way no one else ever can. But this side also holds in the guilt. And there is so much guilt.

Suffocating, crushing guilt that Dick doesn't want to deal with, thinks he really can't deal with so he embraces that first side, even if it is a little bit repulsive and only gets Mac as a friend. Because that first side doesn't have the capacity to understand guilt and Dick thinks maybe it might just be worth it to avoid feeling that emotion even if it means Mac is only ever his friend.


Pacing back and forth with the toddler in his arms Duncan ignores whatever it is his mother is trying to tell him. Not because he's ungrateful to the help his parents have finally given him, only because Lila is screaming in his ear.

Lila. He wonders if he should be upset knowing his baby girl will from now on always be Lila. Realizing that Lilly Kane would be too much for anyone to live up to, he decides it's a good thing the nickname stuck for him too. Never mind, that both Logan and Veronica thought of it while completely separate from each other.

He remembers that first week. Right after Meg died before he ran off. Veronica was sitting there plotting and all he could go on and on about was naming her Lilly. He recalls how Veronica flinched, but he ignored it. He thinks about the day when they had Lilly before he left. How carefully Veronica would hold her whispering songs under her breath and talking to her about her bright Aunt Lilly who Lila would have just loved. It was impossible for anyone not to love Lilly and Veronica told Lila she would be no different.

"…are you even listening?"


Celeste lets out a short sigh, the only sign that she's frustrated with him. "Duncan this is …"

It's as far as she gets before Duncan talks over her, "I know how important this is mom. I've known that since the beginning. Trust me, I was listening to everything the lawyer said at the meeting."

He shakes his head almost as if he's disappointed in her, which wouldn't be much of a stretch considering she's had longer at being an adult, more time in the role of parent.

"You can't coddle me anymore mom. No matter how much of it is just to protect me. You just can't any more. Lila's the one that needs your rabid protective instincts now okay?"

Duncan watches the crease in his mother's forehead at the name and the voice in his head that sounds like Lilly informs him that Celeste knows Lila is a creation from evil incarnate in the likes of Veronica and Logan. The voice chuckles softly at Celeste's displeasure and Duncan bites his cheek to hold in his smile.

Surprisingly, Celeste doesn't comment on the name she focuses at the slightly veiled insult. "Duncan, I…we…your father and I apologized for not helping before with…Lila. It was wrong and not only because we lost you in the process."

Taking the words in at face value, it's her use of Lila that allows him to accept the apology this time around, if he dares call it that. And perhaps it's because Lila is now gurgling happily in his arms or because Lilly's pleased chuckle has barely faded from his mind that he finds the nerve to push a topic that he's never dared breach before. A move that would have taken Lilly's bravado.

"And for thinking I killed Lilly? Covering it up?"

Duncan watches Celeste tense up and ponders what the emotions are that filter across her face but they're too quick and she's too practiced at steely them away so he's unable to name them. He doesn't blame them for thinking he killed Lilly, after all he believed it too after Logan told him about Veronica's files.

He loved Lilly and Duncan could have never hurt his sister, but he knows it could have been very possible to do such an atrocious thing during one of his 'episodes' as Celeste likes to call them. An apology isn't required for thinking their only son killed their daughter and he understands they wanted to protect him, well his future, and that's why they lied. But he thinks it would be nice if they could say the words out loud. And maybe he doesn't have the right to know, but he wants to know that they felt guilty for Lilly, showing her the same neglect in her death as they did while she was alive.


Trying to find the words to get out of this conversation, he turns away from his mother who is still searching for words to justify their actions. He didn't really want it to go this far. It was the mention of her protective instincts, that's all.

"Mom, just promise me. From now on, I need you to protect Lila like that, willing to do that for Lila."

She bustles resisting the urge to get up from the couch and straighten things. "I doubt it would come to that dire of a situation."

Briefly thinking of the Mannings, he sees Grace so terrified in that small space in her closet and Mr. Manning standing over him and Veronica with a baseball bat, Duncan's not sure how far they will drag this on, "You know what I mean."

Lila reaches out for Celeste, it's the first time she has willingly gone to her and Celeste tries to hide her shock as she takes the toddler from Duncan's arms. Lila smiles up at her and Duncan watches in amazement as his mother's eyes tear. Something he has never seen before in his life, not in any of the horrible days he remembered after Lilly was murdered, probably not even when he left. He couldn't have planned it better himself. Celeste looks away from her granddaughter to the knowing eyes of her only remaining child and nods.

"Okay, Duncan."

He can't even begin to explain the relief he feels at her promise and maybe because Lila is still smiling he pushes his luck.

"And one more thing?"

She sighs loudly, but Duncan knows there is no real frustration in it this time.

"It's a lot to ask, but I need you to…try something for me. No matter how hard it might be?"

Duncan studies her face and is pretty sure he detects pride because of his resolute tone. He wonders how long that will last when he finishes his request.

"I'm not saying you necessarily accept them for who they are because let's face it they are a handful, each in their own way. I just, I really need you to not hold them responsible for what their parents did. I need them in my life and I need you in my life and it won't work if you alienate them. And mom, I've never asked you for anything."

Celeste is nodding, but her eyes are far away lost in memories Duncan could never know of. Lila cuddles into the embrace dozing lightly and Duncan waits patiently to continue, but he doesn't have to.

"You mean Veronica and Logan?"

It comes out as a question, but there is no doubt in her eyes now that she knows exactly who Duncan is referring to and instead of answering a question she knows the answer to he reminds her of something just as well known but more easily forgotten for her.

"I love them mom. Lilly loved them."

He doesn't know why it works because Celeste barely seemed to tolerate Lilly when she was alive, but it does and Celeste is nodding again albeit hesitantly.

"I'll try Duncan that's all I can say."

Duncan rejoins her on the couch a grateful smile on his face. "Alright then, so I'll call Logan later and tell him the apartment hunt is off."

Celeste looks almost remorseful, "It's just the lawyers…"

Dropping a hand on her shoulder to stop her and show he understands Duncan interrupts her, "I know. It's better if I'm not living on my own with Lila because of the epilepsy."

"For now at least, with the Mannings and the custody." In amazement Duncan watches Celeste soften, "I don't want to lose her."

And it's the absolute truth, even if part of her is still thinking of another blonde little girl with that smile.