Hello !

This is my first atempt to write something that could actually be called a story, so please don't be harsh (much). But please, tell me what you think so I can get better ! ^^

I believe this isn't very original (if any of it is) but oh well, I have to start from somewhere.

I'm pretty sure I will use references from other fanfictions, so if you recognise any don't think I'm "stealing".

These first chapters might be a little boring.. but I'll try to change that. Also, the characters will be OC, but have in mind, this is AU. And I confess, as I wrote this I had in mind the Kaname and Zero from some fanfictions rather than from the actual manga -_-'

Oh, if anyone would want to beta this for me, I would be forever in debt with you ( someone .. please *_*)

Disclaimer: Me doesn't own, Matsuri Hino does!


Chapter 1

"How the Lord met the Minion" ~~

"The moon shone brightly on the velvet black sky, sprinkled by the tiny sparkling stars. And it's light illuminated what was apparently , the perfect world.

Humans and Vampires, after centuries of fights, are finally living in harmony, the technology has advanced but also have the environmental cares. The skies are clear, the animals live free and people, vampire and human, live happy and in society. Apparently. For there are things that still happen that shouldn't. That old textbook was right... There's nothing but people's greed to destroy the world."

Kaname laid down his pen and stretched on the chair he was sitting on.

"How come did things become like this?" he thought, sighing. He looked over his shoulder so he could see the figure laying on the bed, sleeping. That figure belonged to his little sister, Yuki , to whom he was betrothed against his will, and hers.

They were Kuran Kaname and Kuran Yuki, heirs to the Vampire Throne.

Once they had been a happy family, Kaname, Yuki and their now deceased parents.

"No. Not deceased. Murdered." Kaname corrected himself bitterly.

He could remember that day as clearly has if it were yesterday, although it had been quite some years ago. How his former self, a younger and naive Kaname found himself staring at the lifeless eyes of both his parents.

It was too much for a young child to handle. He couldn't tell what was worse . His parents laying dead on the floor with their blood pooling around them or his uncle standing behind the bodies, with his mouth pulled into a smirk, a bloody one in fact, for it was painfully obvious that he had had a snack on his beloved parents bodies.

His own uncle ! His father's beloved brother ! How could he ?! How could he have betrayed them ? How ... How could he have "devoured" them ...?

Disbelief and mostly anger swam through his veins, but the almost imperceptible sound of footsteps made his veins who were on fire, to freeze.

"Yuki !"

Oh dear, not Yuki. Not now ! How would she react ?

He turned his desperate eyes to his uncle, begging him to help. To do something ! But he did no such thing. If anything, he seemed amused.

The next moments were nothing but a blur to Kaname. Yuki coming in. Her desperate scream. Her running to their parents dead bodies. Her face drenched in tears, begging for an explanation. And all he could do was stand there. He was paralyzed. And then, as suddenly has Kaname as changed, Yuki stopped crying. Instead, she turned to their uncle. And what happened next he just couldn't remember, and maybe, that was better.

Now, they were a sort of prisioners of their own titles.

Kuran Rido had proved how much he was worth when he killed his bother and sister-in-law, not more than what a pig could spit, Kaname thought.

As Kaname was still a minor, he could not reign, so, Rido took the throne for himself and is now the regent. And, being the one in charge, preceded to start do destroy the somewhat still fragil peace between vampires and humans. Vampires had more power than humans, more rights, more money, more everything. Humans living in the street or orphans were taken as slaves for sale, and would become slaves for vampires, if not sex slaves.

This more than anything disgusted Kaname. Treating people as objects, he couldn't understand how they could do it.. He just couldn't.

And he didn't just changed the coexistence laws, he changed the vampire ones as well.

No noble could marry a pureblood or a comonner. And to marry a human, was taboo.

This happened to every social class. They were only allowed to marry someone from their one class, and sex. This has brought a lot of commotions between vampires.

The vampire race is known for their way of thinking, their lack of taboos. People could get married to whoever they want, either they were human, commoners, nobles and even from the same sex. As long as they were happy, there was no problem.

But Rido changed that, and Kaname and Yuki found themselves entangled in this. They were the only purebloods within their age, anf the fact that they were siblings was no problem for their uncle.

The vmapire mentality accepts the union between persons who share the same blood, brothers or cousins.. What mattered were the feelings involved. Well, Kaname and Zero did love each other, but not like that. They loved each other as siblings and couldn't even imagine the fact of being married and producing children of their own, for that was the only thing they expected from a marriage between purebloods.

"Is there something wrong, nii-sama ?" a voice broke the silence and took Kaname from his own little world.

"Oh Yuki, you're. Did you sleep well ?" he inquired, smiling softly at his sister.

"Yes! I had the most stupid dream ever ! I was ..."

Kaname only shook his head and smiled at his sister exagerated movements and constant rambling about her dream. She was indeed his life. He had to protect her from the world they were living now, he wouldn't be able to live through another loss.

He got up and went to her, stopping her rant with a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you, imouto."

Yuki blinked with her big and shiny doe eyes, tilted her head and smiled that sweet smile of hers.

"I love you too, nii-sama."


His birthday was approaching, and he honestly wasn't looking forward to it.

He felt he had no right to celebrate.. Did he ?

To make matters worse, this was his first birthday ever since his dear uncle allowed the human slave trafficking, and he was constantly talking to Kaname how would it be wonderful to have someone always waiting and doing everything for you.

He did not need one slave. He already had everyone kissing his feet, not that he liked that.

But having a person as a possession.. He was disgusted.

But he wasn't going to ilude himself. He knew why his uncle kept bringing the topic up, he probably had been already checking for a potential slave for him.

Kaname sighed. "Why did this happened ?"


The vampire prince was sitting alone in a bench by the pond, watching through vacant eyes the koi's elegant bodies twirling around each other in an hipnotic dance.

Today was the day. His birthday, and he was dreading the moment his uncle would announce he had brought him his gift.

A voice sounded far away, but he paid it no mind. The voice insisted, getting louder and louder by the second.

"..me! ..name! .. KANAME !"

"What!? Holy.. You scared me Taku."

He addresses his childhood friend by his oh-so-deplorable childhood nickname, with a smirk on his handsome face.

"You called me that on purpose, did you not ? " Takuma asked, pretending annoyance, but with that constant goofy smile on his face.

"What if I did?" Kaname replied, starting their friendly banter that lasted for a couple of minutes.

They talked and laughed for a while, but suddenly, Takuma stood up and gazed at Kaname with now serious eyes.

"Come, Rido-sama's gift must be arriving now."

"My gift ? Oh no.. Please don't tell me he .."

" I don't know."- Takuma cut him off.- " Please, just go, you know it's never good to keep him waiting."

"Yes, you are right. Thank you Taku, I'll go and visit you sometime this week." Kaname said as he passed Takuma and playfully pinched his nose.

"You better ! " Yelled Takuma when Kaname was already walking away, rubbing his nose.

"Oh, that Kaname.. If only he knew what he has in store for him.."

His heart was hammering on his chest as he walked to where he could feel his uncle was, and he could also tell he wasn't alone.

"Oh god, please don't tell me he bought someone! " he thought desperatly and walked faster, almost jogging.

As he was almost about to turn in the corner, his uncle suddenly showed up.

"Ah, Kaname-kun. I see Takuma went to fetch you. Well come here. Come and see what I got for you." Rido spoke.

Kaname felt his heart had stopped beating.

An angel was standing in front of him. A tall teen, with milky white skin and slighty thin was staring at him through nervous unusual amethyst eyes. Beautiful eyes that were slightly covered by an equally unusual silver hair.

"Beautiful.." it was the only thought running through his mind.

But... oh no, he was human! That meant...

"Meet Kiryu Zero, your new personal slave."

Oh no..




Uff, so here is the first chapter !

How do you feel about it ? Is it too bad ?

Please review !