Chapter 1
I woke up to the sound of banging, when I released it was someone knocking on my door. I sighed " I'm coming, this better be good, its 5,00 in the morning," when I slowly open the door it was the dorm monitor.
"I'm sorry to wake you but, this was just delivered to us and he said it was important" I raised my eyebrows at her, and she handed me a letter,
"Who sent it?" I asked trying not to yawn.
"Why don't you read it and find out" with that she turned and walked way, Okay whatever. I closed the door and went to sit on my bed, I slowly open the letter.
I just wanted to tell you that your training starts again today, I know it been a few more days then expected, but with everything that's happened you can understand why.
I expect to see you in the gym at 6.00am and not a minute later.
Dimitri.What 6.00? That was just plain mean, I lay back down on the my bed, it had been almost two weeks since we stopped the training session, since we came back from Spokane. Just thinking about it brought back all the imagines of Mason, the look on his face, the sound of his neck snapping.
I had to stop thinking about it or I would end up crying again, I gathered myself together and went for a quick shower, as I only had 45 minutes before I have to meet Dimitri.
Over the last to week I haven't really seen Dimitri, and the last time I did he more or less told me that he loved me and then kissed me. I remember my heart thumping hard as he pulled away and walk out of the gym, that was a week ago,
I didn't know what to think I know he feels for me like I do for him, but like he said before, we can't be together because of Lissa, my best friend. Both me and Dimitri were going to be her guardians and if we became closer to each other then we would want to protect each other more then her, and we cart do that. She's my best friend, and a Moroi, which differently means she came first.
When I got out of the shower I pulled on some old grey sweats and a black tank top, Grabbed my bag and left my room.
The sun was still up so everyone was still in bed and won't be getting up for at least an hour or so, so I walked to the gym everything was still and quiet, but it didn't bother me, I was to busy enjoying the sun on my skin.
I got to the gym and to my surprise it was empty, I look at my watch, it was 6.00 and he was not here. Well this sucks I thought to myself, he tells me to be on time and now he's late.
I dumped my bag by the wall and started to warm up, 5minutes later he still wasn't here. I started to wonder if something had happened but then pushed the thought away, he probably just got held up. I figured I would do my running, he normally tells me to anyway, at least I can get it out the way.
I left the gym and headed for the track to start my 4 mile run, he got me to do this everyday and it was easy, but as I hadn't done it for almost two weeks I wasn't as fast as I used to be, I'll have to work on it again.
As I got the end of my run I clapsed on to the ground and just lay there trying to control my breathing, and I watch the sun set, it was beautiful, the sky was covered in reds and oranges.
As I lay there I heard the door to the gym open I glanced over just in time to see Dimitri walk in.
Well if he wanted me, he'll just have to look, I'm not getting up. I told myself.
I guess he released I wasn't in there as a few minutes later the door opened again, and he came back out, and looked around.
"Rose", he shouted, I guess he found me. I didn't really acknowledge him, he said my name again but this time he was closer to me.
"Rose, what are you doing? didn't you hear me calling you?" he was still walking forward and stopped a few feet from me.
"Nice to see you to comrade" I looked up at him he didn't seem impressed, but whatever, I didn't do anything wrong.
"I'm sorry I got held up with Stan, he needed help with some stuff" he did look kinda sorry but I was in a bad mood with him.
"Whatever" okay that was a bit mean,
"Come on Rose that's not far" I stood and looked at him. He looked at me as if he was going to say something but changed his mind.
"I know, but I was very rudely awakened at 5 am because you wanted to see me, so I'm very sorry if I'm not in a good mood." I took a step forward "and I've been running laps for the last half hour waiting for you".
"Well good, I guess we can go straight into sparing then" he had his business face on which showed no emotion or anything.
"Sorry comrade, but I have to go, I've got class." I went to walk past him but he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.
"Roza…don't be like that, I'm sorry it couldn't have been helped" when he said my Russian name it always made my heart jump.
"Dimitri, I know but I have to go, ill see you after class, okay"
"Okay" he released my arm and I turned and walked away without a backward glance. I know I was being silly, but he didn't say anything and left me to help Stan of all people, the person in this school that I really don't like.
I walked back to my room to get ready for breakfast, I got changed and brushed my hair and things, before going to meet Lissa in the commons. When I got there her and Christian where already sat at the table so I quickly grabbed some toast and went to join them.
"Hey Rose, are you okay? You look like you want to hit something!" she's good she always knows when I'm pissed off. But I didn't think I was pissed off enough to show it.
"I'm good, just a little annoyed at Dimitri. That's all" Lissa still didn't know about Dimitri and me, well about how we feel about each other anyway.
"Not that I care or anything but what did he do" he paused, thinking about something. "I can set him on fire if you want" he said with a huge grin on his face "ow" Lissa just hit him on the arm.
"Em, no thanks, it's just that he got me up at 5.00 today and then didn't bother coming to practice, I waited for ages, then when he did show up, he said he was held up helping Stan, of all people." Okay, I know I sound like a bitchy little brat but I didn't care.
Christian giggled " Someone please pass me the tissues"
"Shut up Christian" I snapped back at him.
"Good come back there, you got me good on that one" and they burst out laughing.
"Don't push it Christian I'm not in the mood." Now I was even more pissed off at myself as well as him.
"Will you two stop it now!" Lissa shouted at us, and we both become silent, she wasn't one for shouting but she did it.
"Sorry Lissa" we both said looking at her in shock. I've known her for most of my life she been my best friend since kindergarten, and believe me it took a lot to make her shout.
"Don't be sorry, just don't do it again" she was calm and controlled again. "Come on we are going to be late for class." And with that we all got up and went to class.
The rest of the day went by as boring and uneventful as ever. I was so glad that class had finished for today that I almost forgot about Dimitri.