Hey!! Chapter 6!

First, I'd like to thank Joanni, who has read my others fics, and reviewed them, put me on her fave authors list, AND even asked me to email her for the next chapters ^^ Thanks for your support Joanni. And everyone else, for reviewing my fics, Thank you!

By the way, when you read Kaigan Aoi, Aoi is just her second name, k?


Ferio and Fuu turned at the same time, their faces wearing the same expression.

"Ferio??" Kaigan repeated.

Ferio didn't reply, clearly searching for an answer.

"Well?" Kaigan spat.

"Kaigan, its just......"

"Just what?" Kaigan cried, her face spilling over with tears.


Umi sat on her bed, dozing off. No, she must stay awake....... Fuu might need to talk..... must stay awake........


"You return again I see?"

Umi looked up to see the same woman who had been appearing in her dreams.

"Just what is this all about? Is it really a dream?" Umi stood up shakily.

"Both life and dreams....."

Umi shook her head, trying to understand. "What did you mean when you said 'Am I disappointed?'"

"You were not, it is unimportant for now."

"Just tell me already!" Umi screeched.

"In Love." She answered.

"Disappointed in love?" Umi forced herself to understand, but to no avail. "If I'm not, then who is? Fuu?"

"Fuu Hououji was never disappointed."

"Then Kaigan?"

"Correct......" The woman turned to walk away, but Umi grabbed her shoulder.

"Just what are you talking about?"

"Kaigan Aoi, is not of this time."

"Meaning?" Umi grew impatient.

"Kaigan grew up, and died, as we all do. But she never experienced true love."

Umi frowned. "What?"

"Her 'lover' cheated on her, and heartbroken, Kaigan committed suicide. She never found anyone before him, and that was her aim in life, to fall in love." The woman continued.

"That was her aim?!" Umi scoffed. "Love isn't everything!"

"We are all different." She gave Umi a piercing stare. "When I walked upon Cephiro, I was a powerful sorceress, so after I died my spirit lived to help others in need."

"Soooooo, you gave Kaigan another chance? To fall in love right?" Umi understood, but she didn't think it was right. "To fall in love with someone, it ruined a perfect couple!"

The woman shrugged. "It was what she would have wanted, after what happened to her in her previous life."

"But its wrong! And what if Ferio wants to be with Fuu, what will Kaigan do?!"

The woman sadly looked into the distance. "Whatever her heart feels, Kaigan will do....."

Umi gasped. "She might try to kill everyone though!"

"Its possible."

"This is bad, let me get away from here! Please!" Umi screamed.


"Ferio! Answer me!!" Kaigan screamed, lunging for him.

Fuu fell off Ferio's lap and onto the floor as he managed to dodge Kaigan.

"Who do you love?!" Kaigan yelled, grabbing Fuu's arm. "Me or her?"

Ferio looked from Kaigan to Fuu. "Fuu."


"Fuu...." He repeated.

Kaigan let go of Fuu's wrist, and slapped her round the face.

"Hey!" Ferio stood up. "Thats enough Kaigan!"

Kaigan ignored him, pushing her thumb into Fuu's neck, making her feel faint. "You ruined my love, I hate you!"

Fuu struggled, feeling weaker and weaker. "I- I never ruined anything....." She choked.

Ferio ran to them, and raised his arm to punch Kaigan. "Let go of her before I kill you!"

She ignored him again, and he threw down his arm....

"Nnngh." He groaned, his arm had been stopped by magic.

Kaigan laughed *They do that alot don't they?!* "I'm not as weak as you'd think honey. I've been here causing all the trouble."

Fuu coughed, the colours around her were fading. "What?"

"It was I who almost drowned Umi, I would have, but that fool Ascot ran past me and I fell over!" Kaigan explained.

"Wait! What does Umi have to do with this??" Ferio shouted, trying to force his arm to make contact with Kaigan's face.

"She didn't agree with this wedding, she tried to stop it. Now she is trapped in a world of dreams forever! And that weed Hikaru, she won't be around for long either once I'm finished with you Fuu!" Kaigan smiled with pleasure at Fuu's cries of agony.

Ferio watched the glassy eyes of Fuu, if he didn't break the spell soon, then she would die. "Fuu!"

"Hahah- Oh!!" Kaigan was knocked out of the way, by a red figure.

"Hikaru?" Fuu whispered, massaging her throat.

Hikaru grinned, pinning Kaigan to the floor, while Ferio ran to Fuu.


Swirling colours told Umi she was waking up........ staring at her room around her with a relief she'd never had.


Everyone's eyes were on a sobbing Kaigan, who lay on the floor.

Umi entered, but to everyone's surprise, she walked over to Kaigan, and patted her gently on the back. "Its okay, I understand......" She soothed her.

Hikaru and Fuu stared at her, but Umi only shook her head, mouthing, 'I'll tell you later'.

Presea and Clef ran into the room.

"What has happened?" Clef asked, looking from Kaigan, to the weak Fuu.

Presea blinked. "I'll go send for Tatra and Tarta."

Clef tended to Fuu, after afew seconds, he sat knelt beside Kaigan, who's head was on Umi's knees.

"Kaigan Aoi, can you hear me?" He murmured to her.

"Uh huh." She sniffed.

"Will you tell me what is going on?" He questioned. "Do you belong in this world?"

She only sobbed and Umi stared at Clef, did he know something had been going on from the start?


"Thank you Fuu, Ferio, I hope you have a good life together...." Kaigan bowed respectfully to them both.

They smiled back, nodding.

About a week had passed, all had been sorted out, and now Kaigan was returning to Chiseta with her mistresses. The marriage had of course been cancelled, but Kaigan had taken it all well, considering what she had been through.

She turned to Hikaru. "I'll miss you, goodbye Hikaru."

She reached out a hand to shake it, but Hikaru burst into tears, and hugged her.

Finally, reaching Umi, Kaigan grinned. "I hear you're a good fencer Umi, I must come to your world some time and watch you."

Umi hugged her, and Kaigan caught up with Tatra and Tarta, dissappearing.

Umi had decided to keep Kaigan's past a secret, only telling Clef, maybe she'd tell Fuu and Hikaru..... but she wasn't sure.

Everyone walked back into the castle, leaving only Ferio and Fuu behind.

"So, everything's back to normal...." Was all Fuu could say.

Ferio nodded, putting a hand around her waist, and pulling her to him.

"Yep." He answered, kissing her. "Back to normal."


Kawaii ^^

What did you think????? Hope ya thought the story wasn't too boring....... ^^;;, I try my best....... what with this writer's block neways.....

Btw, my next fic.... it won't be about the bestest couple, I think I should start writing other fics ^^;;

Je ne!
