Konnichiwa! Soooooo this is my second fan-fic about the bestest couple in the world, Ferio + Fuu!! *Huggles*

And I have nothing to do with Magic Knight Rayearth *Just a very humble fan ^^;;* they belong to Clamp.




Ferio looked up from the table, as Umi sped into the room.

"I'll KILL him!!" She screamed, searching under the table. "Where is that stupid puffball??!!!"

No-one answered, as was the safe thing to do.

Finally, Umi gave up her search, and sat at the table, breakfast magically appearing. "Third time this week!" She grumbled, stuffing food into her mouth.

Hikaru, Umi and Fuu, now 19 years old, had come to visit Cephiro, as they always did every month.

Fuu smiled to herself, and quickly glanced at Ferio, across the table. He met her gaze, and she looked down, blushing furiously.

Hikaru grinned happily, and turned to everyone. "I can't wait!! It is today Tatra and Tarta are coming right Ferio? Its gonna be so nice to see them again!"

Ferio nodded, and Umi cheered up quickly. "Really? I just LOVE their style of clothing, so elegant!"

Caldina bit her lip and groaned. "Oh darn, I should stay out of the way I guess."

They all stared at her.

"They want me to come back there, as if!" She added, throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"Perchance they have guys in Cephiro?" Umi asked, then wished she hadn't as Ascot looked hurt.

"Yah of course!" Caldina laughed.


"Umi!! Hikaru! They're here!" Fuu called, as the two girls came tumbling down the stairs.

"Ok, ok!! Be honest! Do I look okay??" Umi asked.

"Yes you look lovely Umi-" Fuu laughed, as Hikaru cut in.

"They won't laugh at me will they??..."

"No no no! Lets go!" Fuu grabbed their hands and they ran out of the castle.


Tarta and Tatra stood with a girl of about seventeen. She looked nervous, her sparkling dark blue hair swaying in the wind.

Everyone greeted them, and the afternoon flew by. The girl, was called Kaigan, and she was as shy as she looked, but also very pretty. Hikaru had asked Umi why they had brought her, but she had just shrugged.

As the evening grew dark, Umi walked along the halls, and heard voices. Peeping inside, Tarta, Tatra, Kaigan, Ferio and Clef sat at a table.

"Our people are complaining Prince Ferio, Clef. They grow weary of our alliance." Tatra said to the two men.

"And it has lead to one thing." Tarta continued.

Clef frowned. "Surely not war?....."

"Marriage." Tarta answered simply. "Our people would hardly want to be with war with Cephiro if their Queen originated from their homeland."

Ferio cleared his throat. "Marriage??...."

Kaigan blushed, and Umi realized why she had been brought along that day.

"So, Kaigan, fair spirit and face, *Umi felt like saying 'yeah right, no ones perfect!!'* has been brought here." Tatra raised an eyebrow at Ferio, beckoning to Kaigan.

Ferio looked helplessly at Clef, who answered. "If that is what is needed to prevent war. But surely......"

There was silence, until Ferio broke it. "But I- I do not even know Kaigan....."

"Then get to know her. Please Prince Ferio, my sister and I do not want or need war." Tatra looked almost sad.

Ferio let out a long whoosh of air. "But, I am......." He stopped, Umi wishing he would say what she thought he was about to say. He was IN love already, wasn't he??

More silence, Kaigan spoke up. "I am, very loyal if that's what you are fearing Prince...."

Clef nodded. "Then, marriage it shall be." Everyone's heads turned sharply to him, all smiling broadly except Ferio, who looked dumbstruck.

Tatra clapped her hands. "Wow! This will be perfect! When will it be?"

"Oh!! And where will it be??" Tarta grinned.

"Lets say three months from now, but we must keep it quiet. And, how about the castle garden?" Clef suggested.

"Yes! Of course! I love the flowers there...." Tatra looked dreamy.

They discussed for a few more minutes, Umi leant against the wall, her face white. What had just happened? It couldn't have...... She breathed heavily, then clasped a hand over her mouth. 'Shhh you idiot!' She scolded herself.

"Well then! We must be leaving, it is getting late." Tarta giggled.

It was funny how they suddenly got silly as soon as the marriage had been arranged, Umi thought.

Footsteps told her they were leaving the room, Umi gasped and hid behind a plant. Tarta and Tatra were giggling and talking excitedly about the wedding dress, Clef walking beside them, while Ferio and Kaigan walked behind, talking also, Ferio seeming a little quiet.

Umi stared into space. Telling Fuu....... would be harder then ever......

"I can't, I just can't......" She said aloud.

There was someone she could tell....

"Hikaru..... yes Hikaru!" Umi cried, jumped to her feet and sped the opposite way, down the halls.


"Hikaru, wake up! Please!" Umi shook her red haired friend.

Hikaru groaned as Umi pulled her out of bed. "Whassa wrong??..."

"Just come, its important." Umi pulled her down the hallway and out into the castle grounds, they stood by a fountain. "Hikaru, do you know, one of the next times we'll be here, we'll be celebrating a wedding."

"Really??!!" Hikaru cried. "Awesome!"

"No! Its not, Hikaru, I...." Umi couldn't continue, and Hikaru sat her on the fountain edge.


"Hikaru, I was walking in the halls, when I heard voices. It was Ferio, Clef, Tatra, Tarta and Kaigan...." She said with spite.

Hikaru nodded.

"Tarta and Tatra were saying how Chizita were growing restless with their alliance. Or something, so they needed marriage. Hikaru, Ferio is gonna marry Kaigan!!" She burst out desperately.

Hikaru sat in silence, not being able to say anything. Then she looked up. "What can we do?? Should we tell Fuu??"

"No." Umi decided. "Not yet. The marriage will be in three months."

"Yeah. But, then, Fuu would be heart broken."

"Isn't that obvious??" Umi spat out, making Hikaru recoil. "Sorry...... I'm just worried so much, I almost wish I hadn't overheard."

"Overheard what?" A voice asked from behind.

They turned round and put on fake smiles. "Hi Fuu."


Like? Don't like? Review!! I might continue if I get six or more reviews ^^ Ja ne for now!