A/N: I know, I know. I should be working on the other story. But this one begged to be posted. So I did just that. : D

Chapter One: Requests And Conditions

"Come on, Hermione!"

"No, Ginny. I don't need one. Not now, not ever."

Ginny Weasley huffed then sat back on her chair in the Gryffindor Common Room. It was Friday night and Hermione Granger was spending it finishing up all her homework. Hermione used to be the bushy-haired, know-it-all of Hogwarts, but in her later years, she grew up. Her body developed its natural shape and he hair thinned out a bit. (It wasn't as bushy as before.)

Ginny was pretty as well. Her hair turned nice and straight. Her body curves were more fluctuated than Hermione's and she was one of Hogwarts' most beautiful girls. Every boy eyed her, except for one though. Harry Potter had never even glanced at her.

That very day, though, Hermione was confessed to. And being Hermione, she turned him down, telling him that she needed to focus on her studies since she was in first year. When Ginny heard, she was furious. Hermione was always turning down boys. (She'd get confessed to a few times every year.) Ginny knew Hermione was tactful and smart and she'd pass her NEWT's in a heartbeat. But she needed a love life. A boyfriend was just what she needed and Ginny was trying to convince her that but Hermione was as firm as ever.

Ginny had been in such deep thought that she didn't notice that Hermione had kept her scrolls and sighed exasperatedly.


"Yes?" Ginny had perked up instantly.

Hermione looked a bit sad and regretful. "M-maybe you're right," she looked up and caught Ginny's surprised gaze, "m-maybe life isn't all about studying and books. Do you really think I need a boyfriend?"

Ginny smiled and jumped up. "YES! Hermione, this is brilliant! I'll definitely find you a boyfriend!"

"NO! I'm just wondering. This isn't a definite thing, you know. I'm just thinking things over."

Ginny groaned and sat back down. "Hermione, don't you ever want to experience your first kiss? Or—or go on dates?"

Hermione smiled slightly and shook her head. "I haven't really put much thought into it until you brought it up,"

"I see, I see," Ginny nodded understandingly.

"Well, I was just thinking it wouldn't be so bad, I guess. And maybe I-I—" Hermione groaned and thumped her head on the table, "oh, God, I really need a coach on this,"

Ginny smiled. "That's it! You need a coach on all this!"


"You know, someone who knows what guys like and stuff! Someone from the opposite gender who'd be willing to help you!"

Hermione grimaced a bit. "Who do you know would actually help me?"

"I don't know, but I'll find someone! Leave it to me, Hermione!"

And with that, Ginny raced up to the dormitory rooms to think of decent tutors for Hermione.


"Dean Thomas?"

"No thanks."

"Seamus Finnigan?"


"Yeah, you're right. He doesn't have too much experience on girls. Hmm, how about Michael Corner?"


Ginny snickered. "Draco Malfoy?"

"No way in hell, Gin!"

"Ooh, the Head Girl just swore."

"Shut up!"

Madam Pince glared at them behind her desk. "Girls!"

Ginny and Hermione stayed quiet and laughed inaudibly. They were in the library, observing people to see who could help Hermione. Ginny had been pointing out different people for the past half hour or so, but Hermione refused all of them.

"Hmm," Ginny glanced around the smirked, "Neville Longbottom?"

Hermione scowled and hit Ginny on the arm. "Stop it, Ginny!"

"Fine, fine. How about my brother?"

"Ron? No thanks, he and I clash on a daily basis."

"True, true."

"Well, we'll find someone. Come on, let's get out of here," Hermione stood up and pulled her satchel bag on her shoulder.

Ginny immediately followed. On their way out, Hermione crashed her head into someone else's.

"Ow," They had both said it at the same time.

"Sorry," The boy got up and picked up the things that had fallen out of Hermione's bag. She returned them. The boy had taken her hand and helped her up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Hermione looked at him and was shocked. His eyes were the greenest eyes she had ever seen.

"Your eyes. They're such a beautiful green," murmured she. She immediately gasped and turned red.

"Huh?" Harry Potter's eyes widened and blushed a bit, letting go of her hand. Still a bit red in the face, Hermione immediately pushed her way out of the library. Ginny ran after. Finally tiring at the shore of the Great Lake, Hermione breathed hard.

"That was so embarrassing!" Hermione exclaimed, still blushing. "I can't believe I said that out loud!"

"I know, me too. Although, we've found you a coach. Harry Potter is perfect. (Except for his taste in women. I mean, how could he not like me?) He definitely knows what guys look for in a girl. Come on, Hermione, ask him!" said Ginny.

"After that, there's no way he'd do it," said Hermione.

"Just ask him," said Ginny.

"I-I guess I could,"



It was Monday. Hermione was nervous. Ginny and she were in the library, watching Harry work on his essays. He was alone, which made it easier for her to ask him.

"Do it now!" said Ginny fiercely.

Hermione swallowed audibly and nodded. She approached him carefully and stood beside him.

"Er—is anyone sitting here?" asked Hermione, pointing to the empty chair behind him.

"No," said Harry flatly and not even caring to look at her.

Hermione inhaled sharply and sat down. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just saying things that popped into my head,"

Harry looked at her with a blank expression. "It's no problem, really."

"Anyway, I was just wondering, well—"

"Hermione wants a boyfriend," Ginny interrupted from behind.

"What?" Harry exclaimed.

Ginny waved her hand dismissively. "Don't flatter yourself. She doesn't want you for her boyfriend. She wants—rather needs—a coach."

"And you think I can coach you?" He directed his look and question at Hermione.

Hermione looked apprehensive. "Well, yes."

Harry looked blank then he glared at her. "I'm sorry, but I would never coach you. I hate girls."

Then he stood up and left.


"That was horrible. I'm never going to get a boyfriend. I give up, Gin."

"What?! There're other coaches," Ginny argued.

"There aren't! I really wanted Harry. I mean, I sort of trust him and everything,"

Ginny looked thoughtful then asked, "Hermione, do you by any chance like Harry?"

Hermione looked shocked then recovered. "Certainly not."

"Then there're other coaches."

Hermione looked a bit sad. "I guess."

That night, Hermione went down the hall to the Head Girl/Boy dormitories. As the portrait hole opened, she stopped. Harry, who was Head Boy, was asleep on the sofa. The flickering fire had an effect on his features and hair color. Hermione crossed the room to him and crouched in front of him. Just as she was about to finger his hair, his eyes shot open and Hermione froze and fell backwards.

"I-I'm sorry!" She stuttered.

Harry quickly stood up to help her. "It's fine," said he, holding his hand out. Hermione took it and he pulled her up.

"W-well, I'll just be going then," Hermione turned to leave.

Harry gripped onto her hand. "Wait,"

Hermione turned around slowly to see his face. He looked serious but there was a hint of a smile on his face. "I'll coach you, although I don't know much."

Hermione looked appalled. "R-really? That's great!"

Harry's face became even more serious. "Although, there are a few conditions."

"What are they?"

"You can't fall in love with me and absolutely no crying."

"Done," Hermione had no problem. For her, Harry was probably the second to the last person she would fall in love with. (Ron Weasley being the first.) And she'd never cry in front of Harry.

Harry smiled now. "Great, so we can start training tomorrow. I guess we could start with your wardrobe tomorrow," said Harry.

Hermione grinned back. "Thank you so much!"

She gave him a quick hug then ran up to her dormitory.

Harry just sighed then sat back on the sofa with a small smile of amusement on his handsome face. Maybe coaching wouldn't be so bad after all.


"Your wardrobe is sort of… plain and a tad bit on the boyish side."

"R-really? Is that too bad?"

"No, I like plain,"

Hermione cast him a curious glance. Harry looked a bit taken aback then blushed a bit. They were in her room and Hermione had laid out some of her favorite clothes, which was composed mostly of jeans and sweaters. She only had one skirt and that was her school skirt.

Harry's hand went up to his shirt collar. He pulled on it a bit, while trying to stop himself from blushing. "I mean, well, a lot of boys prefer plain girls. But I guess you could spruce it up a bit."

"Hmm," murmured Hermione thoughtfully, "well, I'm not too good at this kind of thing,"

"It's fine!" Harry said, panicked. "Like I said, I like plain—I mean, some guys prefer plain clothing styles."

"Oh, I see," Hermione nodded.

"Well, we could always go to Hogsmeade to shop for some clothes for you,"

"Really? You'd come with me?"

Harry shrugged. "Sure,"

Hermione smiled. "Thanks, Harry!"

Harry blushed a bit. "It's no problem. Really." Harry glanced at his watch. "I've got to go anyway. I said I'd meet Ron and Dean at the Quidditch pitch. See you,"

Then he sped out of the room. Hermione looked a bit puzzled but decided to ignore him. She put her clothes back and left to find Ginny.

Ginny was out on the Quidditch pitch as well. She approached Ginny, who was talking to Katie Bell, a fellow Chaser on the team. She passed by Harry, who was fooling around with Ron and Dean (Ron was wrestling him to the ground while Dean was ruffling his already messy hair.) Hermione didn't notice herself, but she was watching them with a smile. Harry caught her gaze and gave her a tiny wave and smile. Ron and Dean followed his gaze then grinned and started teasing him.

Hermione just shook her head in amusement then continued to look for Ginny. She approached Ginny.

"Ginny!" She called.

Ginny spun around and looked surprised. "Hermione! What're you doing here?"

"It's about Harry, he's agreed to coach me."

"Really? That's great Hermione!"

"He's going to help me look for clothes during the upcoming Hogsmeade trip."

"That's great, but wait," Ginny frowned a bit, "won't it look like a date? I mean, if it's just the two of you, that could look a bit weird,"

"Oh, I haven't thought about that, but I guess it doesn't bother Harry since he suggested it,"

"Really? How surprising. How about I come along to help and it won't seem like a date?"

Hermione wasn't too keen on the idea but she couldn't turn her best friend down, so, "I guess you could. I'll ask Harry,"

"Honestly, Hermione, you don't have to. I'm sure he'd be fine with it,"

Hermione shrugged. "See you around then,"

She didn't know why she was feeling a bit strange about Ginny's behavior, but she was going to ask for Harry's consent anyway.




Ginny Weasley? She's going to come with us?"

"Well, if you don't want her to, I could always—"

"No, it's just that, well, I've never been comfortable with her."

Hermione felt a slight pang around her chest area. "Because you like her?"

Harry looked thoughtful then shook his head. "No, not at all."

"Oh," Hermione felt relief slam into her, "what's the problem then?"

"Nothing, I've never been particularly fond of her, that's all,"

"Ah, well, you could just avoid talking to her then. There's nothing with that, I guess."

"Well, I'll keep my distance then."

Hermione nodded then looked at her watch. "I guess I'll see you this Saturday for the Hogsmeade trip."

"We're in the same house, you know, so there's a very high possibility we'll see each other in class or something,"

"Oh, right. Well, see you tomorrow then,"

Harry nodded and Hermione went up to bed.
