Chapter 2: The Morning-After Pill

I sighed into his arm, setting my empty chili bowl on the bed-side table. Turning back to face him, I began to think of how he even got here, the day before.

That day started out all right, I got up as usual, took a shower, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth and checked my calendar. Then I called Wendy. She was acting bitchy as usual, yelling at me for not getting a raise. Apparently she wanted to go on a vacation, to take the stress out of our lives. But because I went with Kyle to the casino a week ago, it would never happen.

Unfortunately, I didn't even have time to get my coat off before my boss called me into his office to tell me I had lost my job.

The second I got into my car, I started to cry. I thought that if anyone was going to be understanding, Wendy would be.

She wasn't.

The crying didn't stop after the phone call, which ended with me being single. Actually it didn't even falter as I continued driving. I didn't want to go home, so I ended up back at my parent's house. I was slightly shocked; I wasn't even thinking while I was driving… that couldn't have been safe.

Well, I was welcomed home by my father, who invited me to watch 'the game' with him. I skipped out, instead opting for the comfort of my old room, which had been made into a make-shift guest room.

It hadn't changed much, the bed still in its same spot in the left corner and dog hair still decorating the floor. Though, my posters were taken down and the walls painted white.

That's when I started digging through my old boxes of notes from school.

I found several from Kyle, Kenny and even Cartman. I found a few from Wendy, but didn't want to stir up any more emotion in myself, so I quickly moved on.

But what really caught my eye was an envelope with my name written in neat and fancy words. It appeared that I had never even opened it.

There was a sheet of regular notepaper inside, with the same pretty writing sprawled over it.

It was a love letter, from Evan. I sat there wondering how I could have possibly never read it. Maybe my life wouldn't be so fucked up right now if I had stuck with the Goths.

You see, they started their own AM radio station. They were sick of dealing with 'conformist' radio stations.

It was a major hit. Many larger corporations have tried to buy them out, but they won't give in. They've jump-started many small businesses in their area, through cheaper commercials. I guess they've been having a lot of trouble with the people who own Disney, ESPN and Nickelodeon and such. Yeah, it's apparently all the same company.

They show up to work whenever they feel like it, they wear whatever they feel like, they talk about whatever they feel like and they'll play whatever music they feel like.

Who would have thought the Goth kids from South Park could become national heroes? They now broadcast online, as well.

Anyway, I noticed that he had his cell phone number at the bottom of him. I heart seemed to die in my chest. I had always known he liked me, but love? A Goth admitting to love?

It seemed quite impossible, but there it was, in fancy, poetic writing.

I set the note down and cradled my head in my hands. Maybe I could still try calling him… Or maybe he's had to change his number because of how famous he had gotten.

I could still try, I remember thinking. So I did.

"What." Was the answer I received.


I had fallen asleep again, this time waking up pressed against his chest. I could still smell the sweat from last night, covering us both.

I looked up to see if he had woken yet, but it seemed he had never fallen back asleep.

I shifted awkwardly in his arms.

"You've been watching me?"

"Yes…." He paused for a few seconds. "Your lips twitch in your sleep. It's hot."

I blushed and buried my face into his chest. My mind wandered back to Kyle. I couldn't wait to call him and tell him everything that happened last night. I pussied out of anal, but we got pretty damn far. I was positive that he'd be more impressed with me than he was with Kenny.

Finally, I pulled myself away from Evan and threw my feet over the edge of my bed.

He chuckled behind me, "Leaving so early?"

I looked at the clock, '12:45'. "Well, you know what they say; 'Early bird gets the worm.' Do you have to work today?" I asked as sweetly as I could. It was important that I start job hunting again, but it could wait one more day…

He positioned himself behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach, and setting his chin on my shoulder. "I already called Dylan, he's going in for me today." He started to kiss my shoulder, then my neck. "Are you getting workers comp then?" I shrugged.

"I didn't pay much attention….. I think I was laid-off though, I can't imagine why they'd just up and fire me…"

"I'm sure I can find you a job at the station."

There was no way I could accept an offer like that, especially since I just slept with him. What would people say? I was positive that he wouldn't care, but I did. "No, it's alright… I'm going to call Kyle, and then we can do… something. I don't know. Whatever you want."


I looked back at him, my blush returning accompanied by a grin. "No."


"Hey dude, I heard about Wendy…. You holding up okay?"

"Wendy? Oh! Oh, yeah… I'm fine."

"… Ok. What's up then?"

"I have a boyfriend."

"Jesus, Stan. I know that you're upset…"

"No dude! It's not what you're thinking! I've already slept with him. I really like him!"


"Kyle, I'm serious."

"You're… seriously?" I jumped slightly when Cartman spoke, but even more when Kyle started screaming at him to get off the phone. When he finally got off, I could hear him laughing loudly in the background.

"Sorry, Stan. He's been acting like a total asshole today."

"What's new? … Look, I just wanted to tell you… I'll leave you two alone now..." I wasn't in the mood to talk after what Cartman did, but he insisted I stay.

"Tell me what he's like! Do I know him?"

That's when I remembered that Kyle hates Goths more than Nazi's.


"Y-yeah… You kinda know him. He graduated with us."

"We had a tiny graduating class, I probably remember him. What's his name?"

"Evan." I looked around me, making sure that the Goth hadn't snuck back into my room.

"… I don't remember anyone by that name."

"He's a… well…. He's one of the Goths…"

Kyle was silent; I even called his name a few times before he replied. "A GOTH? YOU'VE JUST SLEPT WITH A GOTH?!"

I almost hung up. Almost. "I like him."

I heard him groan through the receiver. I could just picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes closed tightly in aggravation. "Stan…"

"You're with CARTMAN, Kyle! You have no right to talk!! I mean, at least Evan can keep a job!"

And with that, the line went dead. No death threats, it went better than I had initially expected.

I pressed the off button and let the phone drop out of my hand and crash to the floor below.

Evan's going to be a wonderful boy friend, much better than Kyle's Nazi. He'll see!

After what seemed like an hour of staring at the now battery-less phone on the floor, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"I'm meeting Henri at Village Inn, will you come?"

I walked over to the door, opening it slowly and leaned against the frame. "I'd love to."


Yeah, I wrote all this a loooong time ago. I just figured I'd post it today, with no motivation to write another sex scene after working on 'Conforming' until, like, 3 am yesterday. XD Next chapter will have sex, Kyle in person and Kenny! BUT FIRST HENRIETTA. So, yeah.