I do not own charmed or ghost whisperer.

Melinda Gorden was tidying up her antique store 'same as it never was' when she heard a female voice behind her say

"you no I could help you sell some of these things" Melinda turned around and saw a brunette in her mid 30s standing there and realized immediately that she was a ghost

"no thanks, do you need some help with something?" she asked the ghost

"oh, no I'm just board of being in the light. you won't believe how boring it can get only being able to talk to the same people all the time, let me tell you it gets rather tiresome" she told her

"wait, you've been in the light?" she asked surprised in her experience once a ghost was crossed over they usually stayed there

"ah, yeah I can come and go as I please, so how is it you can see me are you a witch or what?"

"I have an ability to see and communicate with ghost I've been able to do it since I was a little girl" Melinda told her

"oh okay well I know from experience how extra ability's can interfere in your life so I'll go back into the light, but don't worry I'll come back and say hi every month or so, just don't stop what your doing or give up on your ability. nice meeting you Melinda" she said then turned towards the sun and faded.

Two weeks later

Piper and Leo were feeding there two boys a four year old Wyatt and a two year old Chris at a hotel ½ an hours drive from Grandview. They were on holiday and so far no demons had tried to ruin it which was all mainly good luck for them Piper thought

"So what are we going to do to day?" Leo asked Piper

"well I was thinking that since its a nice day out there we could go to the park then go into town for lunch" she told him

"yeah that sounds fun I'll get Chris dressed you get Wyatt hows that sound?"

"sounds normal" Piper said kissing her husband

An hour later Piper and Leo were at the park with there boys Piper was watching Wyatt push Chris on the swing and wondering how Wyatt had ever almost became evil he took his role as a big brother very seriously

"don't push him too high Wyatt" Piper called to him

"dear I say it Piper our life is almost normal" Leo said to her also watching the boys

"careful now Leo you wouldn't want to jinx it" Piper told him smiling

"I pretty sure all the bad luck is behind us now" Leo told her

"I hope so" Piper agreed leaning her head on her husbands shoulder

A few hours later Wyatt came over to Piper and Leo and said "mommy, I'm hungry and so is Chris" "alright buddy Well get your brother and go into town and get something to eat" she told him walking over to pick up Chris who was playing in the sandbox.

"come on buddy lets go get something to eat" she said to Chris picking him up and walking over to the car then putting him in his car seat

"Wyatt put your seat belt on buddy" she called over to Wyatt who was sitting in his booster seat on the other side of the SUV Wyatt looked both ways then blinked his eyes and his seatbelt disappeared in blue and white lights and appeared in the click 'well at least hes got it on' she thought "Wyatt no magic remember" she reminded him lightly then she got in the drivers set and Leo hoped in the passenger side they drove off. then came to a intersection, Piper turned the car to go down the next road and out of nowhere came a log truck it all happened very quickly then Piper saw the boys orb out and the truck hit Leo's side of the car the last thing she felt was the car spinning out of control before everything went black.

A few hour's later Melinda returned home from work and she found two little boys asleep in her living room "Jim" she called just in case he had finished early but she got no answer so she put her bag down and walked over to the phone and dilled Jim's cell number "Jim Clancy" came Jim's voice after a couple of ring's "hey honey did you happen to let two children into the house and forget about them?" Melinda asked her husband 'no I didn't why?" He asked sounding confused "well I just got home and there are two little boys sleeping in the living room" she told him "oh, um, ok I'll be home soon" he told her "I love you" he added before he hung up. she walked over to pick up the youngest one but when she was one step away it was like a invisible barrier went up and she couldn't touch them Melinda thought it was a bit strange and didn't know what to do so she thought she would wait till they woke up then see if she could find out who they are after all two parents somewhere are missing two children.

What do you think? Please let me know.