Lily turned around and squealed jumping into Scorpius' arms. Scorpius laughed twirling her around kissing her soundly "What are you doing here? I thought you were studying for exams?"

Lily looked into his eyes her brown eyes dancing with love and laughter "I was beating my head against my desk,"

Anisa interrupted her "Literally."

Lily laughed "Yes, I was literally beating my head against the desk. So Anisa suggested that I go home. I couldn't leave her though, so I brought her with me."

Scorpius smiled and hugged Anisa "Anisa you are an angel!"

Anisa laughed shoving him off "No, just a friend who hated seeing her friend hurting. She missed all of you. It was quite evident in her eyes."

"I'm glad your here too Anisa." Scorpius smiled "Now then we should leave poor Frank alone what with his ailing bones." he smirked.

"Shut up." Frank laughed laying back in bed "Not my fault I have a Quidditch injury."

"Frank you hurt your knee back at Hogwarts." Scorpius said rolling his eyes.

"Scor, he shattered his knee cap. Not even magic could fix it remember? He had to be taken to a muggle hospital in Scotland. I don't think I've ever seen Uncle Neville so tense."

"Yeah dad was pretty crazed." Frank smirked. "Mum was worse though." he shuddered. Lily laughed.

"Alright, fine. I will leave Frank and his knee alone. But I want water." Scorpius said leaving the room dragging Lily with him.

"Night Frank!" Lily laughed.

"Night Lily." Frank mumbled falling back into his pillow.

"Oh and Frank." Lily said.

"Hmph?" Frank muttered from his pillow.

"You never saw me."

"K."Frank's snores were the next thing they heard.

"Think he was tired?" Anisa giggled.

"Why did you tell that to Frank?" Scorpius asked.

"I have a plan and if he told everyone I was here it would ruin it." Lily smiled. "Oh and you never saw me either."

He shook his nodded "Alright."

"Now get your water and go to bed before they send a search party." Lily said shoving him.

"Ok woman!" Scorpius laughed, he walked to the sink and grabbed a glass from the rack and filled it with water.

"Good, now upstairs. Go!" Lily pointed.

"Not without a goodnight kiss." Scropius said.

"UGH!" Lily sighed kissing his cheek. "There now go!"

"You have something planned." Scorpius said.

"Yes now go!" Lily shoved him again.

"Fine, fine." Scorpius walked up the back steps.

"Finally!" Lily said pulling her wand out. "Come on Anisa. We have work to do."

The next morning everyone woke with the morning sun, what little sun there was. "SNOW!" someone cried excitedly.

"Bloody hell it snows every Christmas." Ron muttered walking out of the bedroom.

"But it's special." Hermione smiled.

"Don't care." Ron yawned.

"PRESENTS!" the girls cried running past them on the landing.

"You know most of them are in their twenties you'd think they'd be used to this by now." Harry mumbled walking out.

"PRESENTS!" the boys were right behind shoving past and sliding down banisters.

"The boys are no different Harry." Ginny laughed. "Come on." They walked downstairs and found all the kids at the bottom staring around the room in awe. The tree was a glow with bright fairy-lights, and muggle glitter had been sprinkled on white paper to make it look like shimmering snow. The presents were sitting majestically under the tree. "Harry? This was not like this when we went to bed."

"No, no it wasn't." Harry said looking around the room.

Scorpius and Frank exchanged a look and smirked "It's so beautiful." Dom said.

"Must have been Father Christmas." Molly smiled at Arthur.

"Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with this."

"Harry?" Ginny asked looking at him.

"Not me, love."

"But you always put fairy lights on the tree." Ron pointed out.

"Yes, put do you see me sprinkling glitter on paper?" Harry asked.

George began laughing and everyone looked at him "Don't look at me, I was just picturing Harry sprinkling paper with glitter!"

Lily decided this was as good as time as any to make herself known "What's going on?" she asked walking in from the kitchen wearing her pjs and fluffy slippers.

"The decorations Lil duh." Albus said shaking his head.

"Yeah aren't they awesome?" Lily asked looking around smiling at her handy work.

"Yeah, it's insane." Rose said.

"Whoever did this must have gotten up after we all went to bed." Frank smirked.

"Yeah, took me all night to put this stuff up." Lily said.

All at once everyone looked over at Lily "LILY!" they rushed at her hugging her and her mum showered her with kisses.

"What are you doing here?"

" I thought you were to busy with exams?"

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

Questions came from all directions making Lily laugh "I decided it was time I came home for Christmas. Exams aren't for another month and I'll be fine. I brought a friend home for Christmas."

Ginny and Harry looked at each other and then at Scorpius "Oh, well that's wonderful dear."

"Anisa!" Lily called.

Anisa walked around the corner smiling "Hello."

Harry laughed and walked over hugging Anisa "You convinced her to come didn't you?"

"Wasn't that hard." Anisa smiled brightly.

"Happy Christmas!" came a call from the front door. Everyone turned to see Teddy and Abby standing there.

"Happy Christmas." everyone called.

"AUNTY LILY!"Cody cried running through the crowd. Lily crouched down so he could hug her. He immediately attached himself to her neck.

Lily laughed and hugged him close "Hi Codster."

"I thought you were going to miss Christmas." Cody pouted.

"And miss spending time with my favorite nephew I think not!"

"Aunty Lily I'm your only nephew." Cody rolled his eyes.

"Hence you being my favorite." Lily laughed kissing his cheek.

"Lily, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Taylor asked walking over and hugging her soon to be sister-in-law.

"Honestly Tay, I was going to stay at school. I was a wreck though." Lily said "But missing Christmas would have been awful." she added kissing Cody's cheek.

"Happy Christmas everyone!" someone called from the front door.

Turning everyone saw James holding the hand of a girl no one knew, except for a select few. "James!" Lily cried running and hugging her brother tightly.

"Lily!" James exclaimed spinning her around. "Look at you! You look wonderful!"

"So do you!" Lily smiled "Amanda!" she giggled hugging the girl. "I thought you were doing research in Africa?"

Amanda smiled "I was, but James convinced me to come home for Christmas." she looked at everyone "Hi."

Scorpius came forward and scooped Amanda into his arms hugging her as James had Lily "Why didn't you write?! Mum and dad will want to know your home."

"Who is she?" Cody asked tugging on Lily's pant leg.

Lily smiled and picked the little boy up "This is Uncle Scorpius' sister Amanda. And if my eyes are correct she is soon to be Aunt Amanda."

Cody looked at James "Uncle James, is she gonna be your wife?"

James blushed a Weasley red as everyone looked at him "Umm well I guess this as a good a time as any?" he looked at Amanda who nodded. "Last night, I didn't um have a date. Well I did just not like a uh date-date."

Lily chuckled "James you're rambling."

James cleared his throat "Right, sorry. Um Amanda and I got married last night."

Everyone was silent for awhile before Ginny spoke up "Married?"

"Yes," Amanda said "we thought what with my research and his schedule we should just get it over with. So last night, after the midnight mass we got married."

"Who were your witnesses?" Harry asked looking at his son.

"Who wants hot coco?" Taylor asked heading towards the kitchen.

"You knew?" Albus asked.

"Um yes." Taylor said "Amanda wrote to me and I thought it was so sweet! So Ben, Fred, Alexis and I went to the church and the ceremony was so beautiful."

"Wow." Lily said "That's crazy." she said walking over to Amanda "I'm sad I wasn't invited, but I'm happy you're my sister now."

Amanda smiled and hugged her "I would have given anything to have you there." she told her.

Lily returned the hug and turned towards her brother "Get over here you big lug."

James laughed and hugged his sister and his wife "Oh and that's not the only news we have."

Ginny looked at him "I think I better sit down." she sat on the couch and waited for her son to continue.

"Me too." all the the women said sitting in various spots.

"In seven months there will be a new Potter grandchild and a Weasley great-grandchild!" James smiled.

Everyone cheered and congratulated the newly weds. Scorpius thought this was a good as time as any to talk to Lily. "Lils?" he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Lily sighed in his embrace and turned her head upward "Hmm?"

"Come with me." He said leading her out the kitchen into the backyard.

"Scor it's so cold out here." Lily said rubbing her arms.

Scorpius smiled and walked over wrapping his arms around her "Better?"

Lily gigged "Much. Now what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Do you remember our first kiss?" he asked.

"Of course it was here at the Burrow, after Christmas dinner. We had gone for a walk near the lake." Lily smiled "You were so nervous."

"Yeah, good kiss though." he reminisced.

Lily giggled "Yes it was a very good kiss. It's led to millions of great kisses."


"Why were you asking?"

"Well it's leading up to a question."

"Which is?" Lily asked. She gasped as he knelt on one knee in the snow "Scor.." she breathed.

"Lily, I have been in love with you since I was thirteen. It took me until I was sixteen to do anything, but now I am asking you to be my wife. Lily Luna Potter, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Lily's eyes filled with tears as she nodded "Yes."

Scorpius slipped the ring on her finger and smiled kissing her deeply. "Oh my gosh! Did he just propose?!" several girlish screams came from the back door.

"What?!" male voices followed.

Soon everyone learned what had gone on outside and congratulated the newly engaged couple. Everyone went back in and sat in front of the fire warming up and opening presents. Lily smiled and leaned against Scorpius softly humming a song. "What are you humming love?"

"Oh just a song." she smiled.

"What song?" He asked smiling.

She looked deep into his eyes and softly sang "I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams."

Scorpius took her face in his hands and kissed her soundly. Everyone around them awed and Cody pretended to gag. When the two broke the kiss Scorpius smiled "I'm glad you came home for Christmas."

"Me too Scor, me too."

The End

A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! This story was short I know! But it's complete and I am very happy with the ending result. Don't forget to review!