English is my second language . So ,Sorry for possible grammatical mistakes .

Ah , and please let me know how you feel about this story. ;)

Shadows of a nightmare


It wasn't a good sign , not for Dean , he tried so hard to ignore the symptoms , but nothing has changed , well , at least it's not getting better .
He couldn't remember what exactly caused his recent feelings , but right now , he didn't think it matters anymore , all he needed was to be alone for awhile to handle this mess without having to hide his pains from Sam . Now that this job was done , he was able to take his off time .

"So , One week , that's all ,OK ?" said Dean while he's packing his stuff .

Sam's responded with a laugh .

Dean looked at him confused , made Sam stop laughing :"Oh , you're serious . "

"Hell I am serious , Damn it Sam , you don't have to drink that much after a hunt ."Dean shook his head .

"What do you mean ?I didn't drink a lot ,... Dean , you really want to be alone ?"asked Sam.

"No I was just kidding all along .. Do you see any sign of joking on my face ? what's so hard to understand in such a simple sentence ?" Dean rolled his eyes .

"But..why? did I do anything wrong ?" Sam sounded just like a 4 years old kid , which stopped Dean and made him to smile at that sound .

"You know Sam , sometimes I think you're still that 4 years old kid who was afraid of staying alone ."said Dean and sat on the bed .

"Shut up .. Besides , it's not embarrassing for a 4 years old kid.. you're all I had left...all I have left..." sulked Sam .

"That's why you want me around ? cuz I'm all you have left ? OH thank you ." chuckled Dean .

"Don't be a jerk, you know what I mean , Dean . So why? why you want to be alone? I can't imagine anything else but you're mad at me for some reason." Sam sat on the other bed .

"Why should I be mad at you ? or maybe you did something wrong and you're afraid if I catch it? huh ?" asked Dean with an evil smile on his face.

"Oh yeah ? like what ? I can't remember a second without you around me ? How possibly could I do anything without you to know ? unless I would do it in the bathroom ." replied Sam .

"OK , stop it ! Don't explain the thing you're doing in the bathroom ." Dean shook his head, "well , so maybe it's for everyone's good if I leave you for awhile , you can have your own damn alone seconds too ."added Dean .

"You really are a jerk , you know that Dean ? I didn't mean that I want to be alone , though it's not important right now , you wanna have your time , go and take it ... I'm not gonna bother you ." said Sam annoyed .

"Sam , please try a little understanding , it's not about you..It's about me . It's something I should take care of , and I need to be alone . but I don't wanna see you're pissed off . OK ?" Dean pleaded.

Sam rose his head "OK , at least tell me where are you going ? In case I needed to find you ."

"You don't need to , It's just one week , not 10 years Sammy , in case you really needed me , you can call me ..just that easy ."Dean picked up his duffel and started to walk off the room .

"You're so gonna explain it later Dean .. Don't think I'd forget . have a nice time with girls , too ."said Sam .

"No girls this week , make sure ... You can have some fun , though... Hey don't do anything I wouldn't do ." grinned Dean .

"Is there anything you wouldn't do ?" teased Sam .

"Hell yes..lots of things ."smirked Dean . "So , later little girl ."

"Go to the Hell ... and take care."said Sam.

"Taking care in the Hell ? OK . Bitch... you too , don't do anything stupid ." Dean turned back to way out .

"Yeah..OK jerk.. " said Sam after Dean .

Dean couldn't get really far , not with that pain in his chest and his head .Just somewhere farther than their last place , somewhere Sam couldn't accidentally find it .Impala wasn't some car easy to hide after all. So he just headed to the next town , where he knew a motel , which was kind of too local , and not everybody could find it easily .

Four night after Dean's left , Sam walked into the room , threw the key to the table and went straight to the bed . He couldn't stop thinking about Dean , What was that he couldn't share ? Why he couldn't trust Sam ? What was wrong at all ? He was starting to admit that living without Dean around , was boring and more hard , even if he's teasing Sam, . He really missed Dean, after just 4 nights . Sam fell asleep with those kind of thoughts .

It was a quarter past 3 when Sam woke up frightened .He felt so cold ,though he was sweaty .He couldn't remember what did scare him that bad , but it didn't take more than some few seconds for him to remember everything . He had another nightmare , this time it was about Dean .

"This is Dean's voice mail , leave a message and I'll call you back later ."Dean's voice filled Sam's ear . "Damn it Dean , pick up the phone..God..Dean you can kill me for waking you up at 3 am , but please pick that damn phone up... Dean........" BEEP ...end of call.. that's it .
Sam was feeling so bad , he couldn't calm himself . He needed to talk to Dean .He knew a nightmare wasn't something to ignore , yeah , he was thinking about Dean too much ,anybody else would say after that kind of thoughts , it's nothing weird to have a dream or in that case a nightmare . But Sam knew he wasn't anybody else , and it wasn't just a nightmare , it was a vision , one of those psychic moment .

Dean was laying on a bed , so much blood was around him , on his shirt and his sheets .It was a motel room , but Sam couldn't figure out where the hell was that , all he saw was Dean struggling to breath and grabbed his phone , he saw Dean tried to dial Sam's number , but he couldn't , The phone just fell from his shaky hand and right after that Dean coughed up blood and fell to the ground. He was clutching his chest ...some second later he went calm , just too calm , with open eyes and no breath .No sign of life in his face .
Sam shook his head and tried not to think about it anymore , he searched in his contact list and stopped on Bobby's name, he knew it was late ,or better too soon!! But he didn't know what else to do , he just couldn't sit there and do nothing , he needed someone to help him, usually that someone would be Dean , but this time it was about Dean .

"Whatever your damn reason is to wake me up , just go to the hell and keep it for the sunrise ."Bobby's sleepy voice came from the other side .

"Hey Bobby it's me ..I'm sorry to wake you up ."said Sam .

"I'll forgive you if you go back to your bed and sleep ,you idjit ."said Bobby back .

"Bobby it's me, Sam.. "

"I know who the hell you are, and I'm telling you, I'm gonna hate your voice for the rest of my life .. I just get what Dean is suffering from you !!!"Bobby sounded really pissed off .

"Bobby please , I know it's late - "said Sam , he sounded worried .

"Good , at least you didn't wake me up to ask the time ..what's up ?You sound worried ? Where's Dean ?" asked Bobby .

"That's what this is about..Dean is not here , well it's almost 5 days since he's gone, and before he left ,he told me he'll be back in one week ."said Sam .

"Which means he still has 2 days left , now what ? You can't sleep without him around you ? And you're too afraid too call him ,So you called uncle Bobby to tell you a story ?" Bobby was now awake but still annoyed .

"Bobby , I tried and called him , he's not answering his phone ."said Sam concerned .

"I always said that damn boy is wiser than any of us ..I should learn to turn my phone off at nights ,too "said he back .

"Bobby I had a nightmare .. It was about Dean ... I'm so sorry to wake you up , but I really didn't know what else to do ."said Sam ,really near to go to tears .

"YOU HAD A WHAT ?!!!! Damn it boy .. What's wrong with you ? you couldn't say it in the first second ?"Bobby's voice turned to concerned .

"I tried , but you didn't let me ." said Sam .

"Oh, maybe because you're saying everything but the main thing ... what did you see ? what happened to Dean ? where's he anyway now ? why did he left ? - " Bobby was asking questions nonstop .

"Bobby , Bobby , wait... (Bobby quitted ) He was sick Bobby , in my vision I mean ..He was coughing up blood , he tried to call me , but unsuccessful , and he just fell down and.. he .. he didn't breath anymore ."Sam now was really tearing ,couldn't use the word dead .

"You mean he died ? Crap ... where is he ? why did he left ?" asked Bobby again.

"I don't know... I asked him , but he didn't answer , he just said there's something he need to handle and needed some time alone ."replied Sam .

"Why ? what did you do wrong ?"asked Bobby the first thing came to his mind.

"Nothing...not my fault , believe me , I asked him about , and he said it's not about me ..just said I can call him if I needed to ,and left.. he.. God ..When I think , I feel he wasn't 100% himself , he was acting weird ... even looked a little sick ."said Sam broody.

"You think so ? about time ...after five days you just realized your brother didn't look good ? impressive ."said Bobby .

"I'm sorry ..I really am ..but Bobby , it's Dean we're talking about .. he never shows he's sick ..he never talks about himself.. how was I supposed to know that ? Is that my fault that he don't know how to talk or trust the other ?" said Sam a little annoyed .

"Maybe if you bring you head out of your ass , you could see him better ...Damn it ...He's your brother ..I know you love him kid , but you just don't care enough ..Have you ever thought how could he read every single line of your face ? ...Not your fault, though.. you're just too much like your father...like father , like son..You never see how Dean cares about you two , and you never could show how you feel about him ,never take care of his feelings .You kind of used to always have him there for you , and be never there for him...The fact that he does everything for you and ask for nothing in return , doesn't give you the right to act like a jerk ." Bobby was almost yelling .

Sam didn't say anything , all he could see ,was the picture of Dean , he saw in his vision , covered with his blood and dead!!! ..
'What if I could never see him again ? what if I can't find him in time ? what if I never get the chance to tell him how much he means to me .'thought Sam , he felt Bobby was so right ,he could see his whole life with Dean . He was always there for him , even before he'd ask .No matter what , Dean was always there for both of them ,and they never really see him. Though Sam was always thankful for that , he kind of never showed it, just like John.

"Hey Sam...you still there? I wasn't telling you bed time story .."said Bobby after hearing a deep silence .

"I..Bobby ..help me find him...please..." Sam's voice softened Bobby.

"Alright Kid...don't worry , we'll find him and you're gonna fix things ,and damn.. I'm gonna kick his ass for not telling where the hell is he going ... You have any clue where he might be ? any idea ? ..and...you...you know when that happen ? I mean your vision ? how much time do we have ?" asked Bobby concerned .

"No...Not at all... that' s the problem...I don't know anything...not about his possible place .. or how much time do we have.. what should I do ?" asked Sam shaking his head .

"OK...let me think..(after some second Bobby find a way) Where are you know Sam ?"asked he.

"Houston, Missouri ..."replied he .

"Alright I'll be there soon in the morning and till then you try to locate him with his cell phone ." said Bobby while he was leaving his place .

"Alright..that's a good idea.. thanks Bobby ."said Sam back.

"Of course it's good.. it's OK kid...don't worry , we're gonna find him.. see ya ." said Bobby and hung up .

"No sir..listen , If is wasn't an urgent , I wouldn't bother to call you this soon , believe me , life depends on it ." Sam's voice was concerning enough to convince the man on the other side to help him .

It was 6 in the morning and those 3 hours looked for Sam like forever .But he had to wait till then for that call .

"Look , my brother has lost his wife recently and he's in a really bad condition , if I don't find him ASAP, I'm afraid he might do something stupid ."stated Sam.
"Yes...Yes ..I'm online right now... yes Sir..it's good for me...thanks for your help..really..thank you..."said Sam and ended the call and waited on the site for tracking Dean's cell phone.

It was about 8 am when Bobby arrived .
"Bobby , he's not far , God..can't believe he was so near... maybe he was feeling so bad , he couldn't drive far .. I doubt if he really had something to do at all...I feel he just wanted to be alone with his problem."said Sam sitting on the passenger seat of Bobby's car .

Bobby shook his head "Don't wanna push you to the edge , but if you just cared more ... OK..show me the way.. things gonna be fine ."

.............. TBC ..............