E/O Challenge: Feel
Special Very Late Birthday Edition for deangirl1! Sorry, hon, I was without internet last weekend. Hurt Dean by request.
Word Count: 100


"Dean? You awake?"

The bed was spinning underneath him. "Whazza?"

"Hey. Time for your medicine."

"Can't open m'eyes." Sam's ginormous hands caught his before he could touch his face.

"Don't touch. They're bandaged. Your hands too."


"Here." A straw touched his lip. He drank greedily. "Blood was poisonous."

He gagged and pressed on his stomach. "I drank some?"

"No. Just got it on you."

"Feel drunk. Really drunk."

"Yeah. The cure is vodka. Lots of vodka. Here."

Straw on his lip. "No. Gonna hurl."

"Good. More room for medicine."

"Sam, I can't see to puke."

"Don't I know."

Thanks for reading.