When Trouble Comes to Hazzard

Two guys stir up trouble for the Duke boys when they come to Hazzard. Kidnapping, shooting/stabbing, and one Duke boy falls into a coma!! R&R!!!!!!

Chapter 1: Kidnapped

"Come on cousin, we have to lose Rosco and Enos. Do ya know what Uncle Jesse will do if we don't turn in the mortgage money to Boss on time?" asked dark haired Luke Duke to his blond haired cousin Bo. They were driving their famous racing car, the General Lee, into town to give their uncle's mortgage money to Boss Hogg. It was due that day and if they didn't hand it in on time, then Boss got to keep their farm. And of course, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane and Deputy Enos Strate were in their patrol cars trying to stop them, just like Boss wanted.

"I know, I know. Ya don't have to tell me twice," Bo said as he revved up the General's engine and floored the gas pedal. He drove it as fast as he could when he turned a corner. The General swerved to one side and went straight again.

"Uh, ya do know there's no bridge over the creek that's comin' up, right?" asked Luke.

"Yep, I do, cuz. And there's only one way to get over to the other side," Bo answered with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh, Lordie, we're gonna die," Luke said as he braced himself for the jump his cousin made. The General sored over the creek and made a thud on the other side. They skidded to a stop and turned around in their seats to see how Rosco and Enos were doing. They weren't doing very good. Rosco knew he wasn't going to make the jump, and he was smart enough to stop. Enos on the other hand, didn't see Rosco stop, and he slammed his patrol car into Rosco's back end and Rosco slid down into the creek.

The Duke boys could hear Rosco yell, "Enos, you dipstick!"

"Well, it looks like they're okay," Bo said, laughing.

"Yeah. Now let's get out of here and hand this money to Boss," Luke said, as Bo revved up the engine again and left. "I'll call Cooter so he can fish out Rosco," he said, picking up the CB.

(Takes place during the same time when the Dukes were trying to lose Rosco and Enos.)

"Do you have any idea how we're going to pay off this debt you got us into?" asked Ben Cummings to his older brother Floyd. They were sitting at an old table in an abandened house far away from any civilization in Hazzard County.

"What do you mean I got us into?" asked Floyd looking away from the paper he was reading and up at his brother.

"You're the one who bought all the junk we didn't need."

"Whatever, but ---- I think i have an idea," said Floyd as he set the paper down and placed it where Ben could see the headline. "This paper was from a few weeks ago, but read the headline."

Ben looked at it and started reading it out loud. " 'Hazzard's Own Good 'Ol Boys Win Yet Another Race.' So? What about it?" he asked, looking up.

"Well, I've been asking questions around town and I found out that these two 'good 'ol boys' are quite liked around this cow town. And no one would like to see them get hurt," said Floyd, pointing to the picture that was under the headline. It was Bo and Luke on the doors of the General Lee, holding up the trophy they'd won.

"So...?" asked Ben with a confused look on his face.

Floyd sighed and rolled his eyes. "So, if we kidnap these two hillbillies, we can demand some ransom money. You know, the $100,000 that we need and maybe even a little more for us."

"Oh, yeah," Ben said, a smile forming his face. "You know, that might work. But the thing is, how and when do we kidnap them?"

"As soon as possible ---- so today at the most," Floyd said. "How we do it though is a different story..." he continued, trailing off.

They were quiet for a few minutes, until Ben spoke up again. "I have an idea!" he said, excidely.

"What is it?" asked his brother. Ben leaned in and started telling Floyd his plan. "That's good," Floyd said when Ben was done. "Get the things we need and I'll be in the car." So they left the lonely cabin and headed towards town, hoping that their plan would work.

Meanwhile, Bo and Luke were on their way to the Boars Nest when a blue-green car was parked in the middle of the road, right in their way. Bo stopped the car and saw Luke climb out of the General, so he followed. Luke got to the car first and noticed no one was in there. "Hmm, that's weird. No one's here," he said to his cousin.

"Then who parked it?" asked Bo.

"That would be us," said a voice from behind that was unfimilar to the Duke boys. Bo and Luke slowly turned around and saw two guys with guns in their hands; and they were pointing them at the Dukes. "You two are coming with us," said Ben, pointing his gun at Luke.

"And what if we don't?" asked Luke.

"Then you get to watch your cousin die," Floyd said, pointing his gun at Bo and cocking it. Bo clenched his jaw and looked over at his cousin.

"Okay, okay. We'll go with ya ---- just don't hurt anyone," Luke said, putting his hands up in defeat.

"Good," said Floyd, uncocking his gun. "You'll go with my brother in our car," he told Luke. "And I'll go with Blondie in your car." He went over to Bo and put the gun to his head. "And if you do anything stupid, Ben will let me know, and you'll never see your cousin alive again. The same goes for you too, Blondie," Floyd told Bo. "Now," he continued. "Do we understand each other?" he asked the both of them.

They were silent for a few seconds. "Yeah," said Luke.

"Yes sir," Bo said quitely.

"Good, now let's go." Floyd and Ben led their prisoners to the cars, made them get behind the wheel, got into the passenger side, and drove off.