The triangle of confusion

AN: This is just an idea I got the other day. It's just three chapters, one with Edward, one with Jacob and one with Harry. It's all for fun:P



Edward was sitting in his room, letting his fingers fly over the piano, evicting lovely compositions of sound. He could clearly hear Esme cooing downstairs as she listened, and his brothers fighting in the back yard. His father has all ready left for work, and his sisters were probably fixing their nails or something the likes. This was the epitome of their lives, and sometimes Edward couldn't help but wish something could happen to take them out of the monotony. The rest of his family all had their chosen one, their mate, and knew that they would be spending eternity with said person. But Edward, he had no one, and finding that someone was his highest wish.

And hour later the five of them was stepping out of the Volvo in the school parking lot for their first day of school. They had been in Forks for a year now, and were still ogled as always, but at least people had stopped trying to ask him out. That was always the first that happened on every new school. The rumours would pend the school that he was the only single one, and therefore the one to approach. He hated it every time, although the faces and thoughts of said let down girl were always a little funny.

They split up for classes, listening to the students chattering about their summer, and hearing the new students nervous conversations. Edward had class with Alice first, then went off alone until lunch, and headed for their table once he got there. The room was buzzing with the talk of the new music teacher. The one they had the year before had retired, and the school had hired a young man to teach them. Edward could see him in several people's minds, and most of the girls were swooning over him. He could somewhat see what they were on about, he was attractive and according to some of the more rational people's minds, a rather good teacher.

'Anything interesting?' Jasper's thoughts were caught up by Edward, and he told them, in a volume no human could hear, about their new teacher. As Edward was the only one to take music class, the others wouldn't meet him.

Edward went off to class again, and it wasn't until the last class of the day he got to meet the new teacher. Edward had sat down at his usual seat in the back, and as he skimmed the thoughts of the students, the door to the classroom opened and a man walked in. He wasn't a very tall man, maybe 5'9, with black ebony hair that fell around his face in a controlled mess and green eyes that seemed to shine out behind black square glasses that fit his face rather nice. He wore dark jeans and a black t-shirt with an emerald green shirt over it buttoned half the way up. He looked to be maybe 25 and stopped in front of the class, leaning on the teachers desk in front and folding his arms over his chest.

"Welcome back to school. I am your new music teacher, Harry Potter-Black, but you can call me Mr. Black." They all said hello, and as Mr. Black started the class, the girls sighed and the boys looked awed and Edward almost couldn't help doing the same. The new teacher was beautiful. As Edward sat there staring at him, he almost forgot to act human. He tried to pinpoint the teachers thoughts, but was met with silence, and even as he opened his mind totally, there was coming nothing from where his teacher stood. It fascinated Edward something badly, and he felt a great need to find out the life and thoughts of Mr. Harry Potter-Black.

When the Cullens went home that afternoon, Edward couldn't help but miss his teacher's presence, and the more he thought about it, the more sure he got that there was something else behind all this, not a mere human who's thoughts were closed off to him. The next week Edward tried to talk to Mr. Black the most he could. It wasn't that hard, seeing as he loved to play the piano, and he felt himself getting more an more intrigued. At Friday, just as Edward was packing up and leaving the classroom with His Harry, as he affectionately called him in his mind, the later stopped in the door way and looked at him before speaking.

"You should go feed soon." Before he smiled and left the school without a glance back. Edward was shocked. His Harry knew what he was, and didn't seem disgusted in the least. And when Edward thought back he realised that Harry wouldn't flinch back at his cold skin, and didn't seem afraid of him as many were. This had to be a sign. He had to be his mate.

Edward continued to hang around his teacher as much as possible. He knew he couldn't drop a bomb like being the mate of a vampire without knowing him properly first, so he decided to wait and hang around him, and watch in the shadows when he couldn't. It wasn't so bad really, except when he managed to find out where he lived, it turned out that Harry had shutters so Edward couldn't watch him sleep.

His family wasn't so sure of this new found mate, and that bothered him some, but he didn't let it drag him down, and by Christmas he had decided to tell Harry. He felt he knew him well enough now, and went to his house the first day of the break. Maybe they could spend Christmas day together!

He rang the bell, and only seconds went by before a barefoot Harry opened the door. He was clearly surprised at Edward's presence there.

"Mr. Cullen! Can I help you?" Edward almost cringed at the name. He had tried to get Harry to call him Edward a long time, if only to be aloud to use Harry's first name, but Harry had told him no each time; it wasn't proper.

"Well... I was wondering if I could come in?" He looked at Harry with his most pleading eyes and sighed in relief when Harry opened the door for him, although it was a bit reluctant. When they didn't progress into the living room, but rather stayed in the hallway, Edward became a tad irritated as he wanted this to be nice, but he hid it deep down and started talking at the look he got from his teacher.

"Well, you see... I know you know that I'm a Vampire." At Harry's nod he continued. "You probably then also know that I only eat animals, a so called veggie vampire." Another nod. "Well, the thing is that we have mates. And I found mine. Your my mate." Edward smiled at Harry's shocked face. This hadn't been so bad.


Next Chapter: Jacob