* Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to wish you all a very Happy Halloween! And I'm going to celebrate the holiday based mostly after ghosts and witchcraft by bringing you a Lost/Blair Witch Project crossover! YAY, LOST! I haven't written a Lost fanfic in AGES. So I really hope this is good. So here's 'Curse of the Blair Witch's Island'. Hope you like it!


Chapter One: A Harmless Project

" Back up some more!", Kate barked at Jack.

Jack happily did as she asked. Stepping back, he focused the camera on Kate's face.

" Hi! My name is Kate Austen. I'm a film student at UCLA. It's my first year. This is my home, which I'll be leaving the comforts of to go explore the Blair Witch's Island!", Kate told the camera.

" Beautiful!", Jack cried as he shut off the camera.

" Oh, shut up! Now, remember, we have to keep the camera going at all times. We don't want to miss anything", Kate replied, going and grabbing some books from off a table and throwing them into a backpack.

" Sure, whatever. Are you sure about this, Kate?", Jack asked, following Kate into the Kitchen with a duffel bag.

" Come on, Jack! We need the grade!", argued Kate, taking the duffel bag from him and throwing cans from a cupboard into it.

" Yeah, I know but do we have to do it about the Blair Witch's Island?", asked Jack, leaning against the counter.

Kate turned to him, her mouth open, and gasped, " Oh, my god! You're scared!".

" No, I'm not!", cried Jack.

" Yes, you are! Admit it!", teased Kate, poking Jack in the ribs.

" Ow! Hey! Cut that out!", whined Jack as she continued to poke him.

" Tell me you're scared and I might just stop", Kate said with a cackle, continuing her poking.

" Alright! Alright! I'm scared!", Jack shouted, squirming out of her reach, then asked her, " Happy?".

" Ecstatic", sang Kate as she turned back to the cupboard.

" So where's Sawyer?", Jack asked grumpily.

" We have to go get him from Cassidy's", Kate answered, closing the cupboard and zipping the duffel bag closed with her other hand.

" What's in the cans?", Jack asked Kate as they went and got their bags from beside the door.

" Soup, mainly", She answered as she swung a bag onto her shoulder, along with the duffel bag.

" Anything else?", asked Jack, curiously.

" Some brown bread, beans, and I think some sweet corn", Kate said as they filed out into the hallway to her apartment.

" Great", Jack muttered.

" Well, I'm sorry it's not Filet Mignon! Silly me for not thinking that soup would be worthy of the great Jack Shepherd!", Kate all but yelled in Jack's face.

" I didn't say that", Jack stated calmly.

" No, but you said as much in that 'great'. I'm really sorry, Jack, that I'm not good enough. That I'm not perfect like you!", Kate cried.

" No, Kate, wait, I-I didn't say that you weren't-", Jack began to argue.

" Forget it. Let's go", sighed Kate and headed for the elevators.

Jack just shook his head and followed her.

* * *

When they reached Cassidy's house, Kate beeped the horn to her lime green '93 Toyota Camry then motioned at Jack to film Sawyer coming out.

The door opened and Sawyer stumbled out, pulling a 3 Doors Down concert tee over his head.

Kate rolled down her window and yelled at Sawyer, " Nice chest!".

" Shut up, Kate!", Sawyer roared, reaching back inside the door for his bags.

" Nice ass, too!", Kate shouted in response.

In reply, Sawyer flipped her the bird.

They all knew it was a show for Cassidy. To show that he cared only for her and not for Kate. Even though it was quite obvious that there was chemistry between the two.

" Hey-o, Jack-o!", Sawyer greeted Jack and the camera as he got into the car.

" Sawyer, my man!", cried Jack, fist pumping Sawyer then said to him, " Hey, man, thanks for coming with us! It's good having you!".

" Well, I couldn't let y'all have all the fun! What's more exciting than a haunted island, right?", drawled Sawyer as he buckled himself in.

" Boo yeah!", Kate and Jack cried at the same time then laughed as they backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.

" Plus I couldn't leave you alone with the B-I-T-", Sawyer began to say to Jack.

" If you ever want to have children, you'd better stop spelling right now before I punch you in your balls", Kate snapped at Sawyer.

" Like you'd actually do that", scoffed Sawyer.

" Uh, Sawyer, I think she can and-", Jack began to warn Sawyer.

" Just because you're scared of her, Jack, doesn't mean that I-", Sawyer interrupted Jack.

" Just shut up, both of you! I'll let you both know that if I wanted to, I could kick both your asses straight to Kentucky! And let me remind you who's in charge of this entire project? That would be me, so unless you want to fail our film class you better start showing me some respect", Kate interrupted Sawyer to say.

" Yes, ma'am", Sawyer and Jack said at the same time, Sawyer with sarcasm and Jack with sincerity.

" Good. And nobody should be afraid of me. Nobody. Got that?", Kate replied, shooting a glance at Jack.

" Got it", Jack told Kate.

" Okay. Now, our first stop is at the home of one Richard Alpert. He knows some things about the Blair Witch's Island", Kate informed the guys.

" What kind of things?", Sawyer asked, leaning forward in his seat.

" Like the history of the Island and the Blair Witch", Kate answered.

" Does this guy even know we're coming?", Sawyer asked Kate.

" Uh, yeah, I called him and let him know that we'll be stopping by", Kate told Sawyer.

" And, uh, when does our sub to the Island leave?", Sawyer continued to ask.

" Uh, around 4:50. It's now going on 12 so we have time to do at least a couple interviews", said Kate, checking her watch.

" Aren't we organized?", teased Sawyer.

" Shut up, Sawyer", Jack and Kate said at the same time.

They glanced at each other and smiled. Sawyer made retching noises from the back seat, to which Jack whirled around and smacked him on the head.

A short little tussle followed, which Kate ended by shouting, " I'LL TELL ABOUT THE LOCKER ROOM INCIDENT IF YOU DON'T JUST STOP RIGHT NOW!".

Jack and Sawyer stopped to give Kate twin looks of shock.

" You wouldn't dare!", hissed Sawyer.

" Fight again and we'll see how much you like it once the entire campus knows that you-", Kate began to threaten.

" We'll be good! We'll be good!", Jack cried, trying to cover up her next words.

" At least you know that you've got Jack wrapped around your little finger", Sawyer pointed out.

Jack and Kate both blushed and Kate hissed at Sawyer, " You better not mess up this project or I swear, Sawyer-".

" Like threatening has ever worked with me", Sawyer declared, sitting back in his seat and staring out the window.

" He does have a point, Kate", Jack said to Kate.

" Turn off that camera! I need to concentrate on the road!", Kate snapped.

Sawyer snickered as Jack turned the camera off and put it back in its bag. For the rest of the ride, no one talked.

They finally reached Richard Alpert's house and parked next to a black '95 Sedan in the driveway.

As they got out with their camera gear, the door opened and a dark-haired man in a blue terry cloth bathrobe stepped out onto the porch and called to them, " Are you the kids shooting the documentary?".

" Yes, sir! I'm Kate. These are my friends, Jack and Sawyer. Are you Mr. Alpert?", Kate said back, approaching the porch with Jack and Sawyer following.

Kate hissed at Jack, " Camera!". Jack focused the camera on Richard Alpert's handsome face which broke into a dazzling smile.

" Yes, I am. Won't you come in?", Richard said to the three students.


* So there's the first chapter! I hope you liked it! If you do, just send me a review telling me what you like or don't like about it. I could really use your opinion! Until next time, have a happy haunting!