"Lavi…should we rally be doing this?" asked Allen shyly. "It'll be fine, beansprout. No one will catch is. Promise." Lavi reassured cheerfully. They were walking hand in hand along the dark halls of Black Order. It was close to midnight. "Oh! Look there's Yuu-chan's room!" Lavi gleefully said. "Lavi…" Allen warned. He knew what his boyfriend was thinking and didn't want to have Kanda's sword, Mugen, pointed at his throat at the moment. "What?" questioned Lavi innocently, "I was only stating a fact." "Oh, right of course you were. I completely believe you." Allen sarcastically replied. As they neared Lavi's room Allen remembered what they came here to do. Allen's heart started beating a million times faster and a slight blush found its way to his face when he remember last time they went into a room…

Lavi being Allen's lover and all noticed the change. "hey." He nudged Allen gently, "it'll be fine. No one, not even bookman, comes in my room. We can do whatever we want. We won't get caught." Lust slowly slithered into Lavi's emerald eye when he saw Allen turn a deep shade of red. Screw this…thought Lavi, we are close enough to my room I can't wait any longer.

Allen was quietly thinking when he was pushed up against a wall. "Um…Lavi? Allen was wondering what the hell Lavi was thinking. But then he saw Lavi's hungry gaze. Bloody Hell! Allen then realized what was going on. We aren't even to his room ye- Allen thoughts were cut off when Lavi pressed his lips to Allen's. They opened their mouths slightly to let each other tongue gain access. "Lavi-" Allen was interrupted by another heated kiss. Allen attempted to try again, "Lavi don-ahh! Lavi had somehow gotten Allen's shirt off without him noticing. "Now you were saying, more like trying, to say something?" as he slowly licked Allen's tummy. His reply was a soft moan. I can't take this a-a-anymore Allen thought around Lavi licking and kisses, I need him. With that thought finished Allen wrapped his legs around Lavi's waist. "Lavi…"Allen whispered into Lavi's ear, "can you…ahh!" Allen moaned loudly when he felt his cock being lightly squeezed. "Can we what dear?" asked Lavi lustfully. Crap! How can Lavi turn me on with just his voice! Well it has been a while since we had- another moan escaped from Allen's throat when Lavi bit into his neck. "What the fuck are you two fags doing?!" Allen turned his head slightly to the left. Damn! He thought sourly. The person who caught them was none other then Yuu Kanda. "Oh! Hey there Yuu-chan. Whatcha doing?" asked Lavi sweetly. "What am I doing? I can sure as hell tell you what I'm NOT doing!" Kanda replied hotly. "Oh, and what might that be? Lavi grinned. He knew what Kanda was going to say. "Well for one I'm not trying to fuck Allen in the middle of the night. Kanda knew what game Lavi was play but he could help it. "Who the hell fucks his boyfriend right next to the fucking bathroom? Go get a fucking room fags!" "Well Allen-baby? Think we should go get a room?" all Lavi got in response was a punch in the face. "Bloody freaking hell Lavi!" screamed Allen. "I knew someone was going to get catch us! If you thought 2 weeks was a long time then try waiting 4 months before I will ever forgive you!" Done with his rant Allen stiffly walked away. "Dammit Yuu-chan! Now you have made Allen mad, and 4 months is a long time" whined Lavi. "Not my problem asshole" "Well then" Lavi sighed "good night"