
By: Chibi -Kyo-Chan

Chapter 8: ( The Brotherhood)

He growled for what could only be the millionth time within that hour, his foul mood festering to epic proportions. Reclining in the arm chair one leg slung over the arm he sighed, which was soon covered in a growl for the millionth and one time.

What the hell?

He rubbed his jaw soothingly as he thought back to the kid that punched him...oh that kid will pay, and he'll get his pretty Kitty too. Oh he'll get his revenge, that kid won't know what happens to him.

"Why the hell are you so mopy for?" Pietro asked, running a slender hand through his platinum colored hair.

"None of your damn business."

Pietro glared, when in a blink of an eye an apple appeared in his hand, with a quick inspection he took a bite of the deliciously red fruit. The only thing Lance could really think about at the moment besides Stealing back Kitty was how to kill his housemate. Pietro could be quite the annoying showoff.


Pietro and Lance exchanged glances and simultaneously sighed, could they get any peace? It's ruining Lance's brooding.

" Can you control your sister man?"

Pietro looked at him as if he was insane, "You know who my sister is right?"


"Maybe you should, save toad..."

"Nah man, he put himself in that situation."

Lance shook his head, forced to agree on the subject. Wanda was one scary bitch.


Just then a scrawny, greenish looking teen came bounding down the stairs, licking his cracked lips nervously he said, "Come on Wanda...just a little kiss? I'll even settle from one on the cheek."


Turning to the other two in the room Toad gave them a pleading look, "Come on guys, help a fellow mutie out?"

"You dug your grave toad." stated Pietro taking another bite out of his apple. "You can lie in it."

"Come ooon!" Toad pleaded, "I'd do the same for you guys!"

Lance rolled his eyes, "No you wouldn't."


"Gotta run guys...see ya later!"

" I hate living here." Pietro sighed sauntering off to another part of the house, leaving Lance alone once again to his thoughts.

He was going to make Kitty way or another. She will be his.

The feel of his lips on hers, completely and utterly drove her crazy. It was gentle yet demanding and she wanted to succumb to all the feelings swirling inside her. When they pulled away she was dazed, and sorely missing the physical contact of his soft lips on hers.

When she opened her eyes, she grinned at his heavy lidded expression, and the slow easy smile spreading across his face.

"Fuzzy that was..." she searched her brain for the appropriate word that could describe something so completely wonderful however Kurt seemed to be thinking along the same lines that she was.


"Kurt I ..." She tried to speak she really did, but she felt like melted goo and all she really wanted to do was kiss him again.

Leaning forward she decided to just let her actions do the talking, grabbing him by the back of the neck, she gently pushed him toward her as she crushed her lips against his, Kissing him with a renewed fever she slowly tangled her hands into his hair as she felt his tail snake up and wrap around her waist.

Kurt was pretty sure he had died and gone to heaven. Because good things like this just doesn't happen to a lowly sinner like him. The feel of her pressed against him in such intimate ways, set his insides on fire, and he never wanted anything as badly as he wanted her.

Carefully as if he was afraid that the slightest of movements would scare her away, he trailed his hand down her sides slowly, sensually, and when she moaned into his mouth he took the initiative to snake his hand up and gently placed it on top of her breast.

She gasped, and worried Kurt tensed unsure if he should continue, what seemed like an eternity but was merely seconds she relaxed in his grip and gently slipped an inquisitive tongue into his mouth.

Feeling bold, Kurt squeezed her breast gently, palming it. When she moaned he couldn't help but groan into the kiss. It felt He wanted to be on top of her, wrapped around her, Inside her...

His head jerked up as he gently pulled himself from their embrace...wait..what did he just...what?

"Kurt, what's the matter?"

Looking back toward Kitty, he couldn't help but smile at how utterly delicious she looked, her hair rumpled and her lips plump and red from their kissing.

"Nothing. You're vonderful. Did you know that?"

Kitty smiled, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug "No're the one that is wonderful.." she blushed red and buried her head into his chest. "I really care for you, you know."

Kurt grinned, running his hand gently through her hair, "I know. I care for you as vell."

"So what does this make us?" Kitty asked tentatively.

"Let us not label this just yet..." began Kurt holding her close "Let's see Vhere ve go vith this. I don't vant to lose you Katzchen or lose vhat ve have."

"Taking it nice and slow...I like it." she stated blushing at the feel of his lips on the top of her head.

Things couldn't have went any better. And for some odd reason she felt as if she owed Tabitha a thank you.

A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus guys and the short update. I can bore you with reasons why I have been gone for so long but you all probably wouldn't care all that much. As long as I updated right? haha. srsly though these past few months have been severly hectic with my moving across country, finding a new job, starting up on school again, and *cough* playing World of Warcraft *cough* it's been tough on my fanfiction addiction. I logged on last night and saw all the wonerful reviews asking me to update and it is!

It's short buy I hope you liek it :D

Lance is going to be a super bitch, just as a heads up!

R+R Please :D