Authors notes: So this is my first fanfic.. I really hope it turns out okay.. Hehe. PrussiaxFem!Canada. Lol I am a huge fan of CanadaxPrussia, but I'm not bold enough to do yaoi, so I figured I'd make one of them female. And seeing as Prussia has all the guy aspects(loud, obnoxious, constantly trying to outdo others, esp. in the sex department-my apologies to all you guys reading this, just stereotyping) I made Mattie the woman. Not because he isn't a masculine person, but someone has to do the whipping in the relationship, eh?

Pairings: Prussia/fem!Canada

Disclaimer: I do not own hetalia/the characters. Hidekaz Himaruya does. If I did there would be soo much more of Prussia and Canada.. preferably together


Sighing, Canada, wondered why she even came to these meetings. Nothing ever got done and a least one fight evolved before the end of every 3 day meeting. Usually caused by some idiotic comment or proposal by her oblivious brother, followed by an irate England either shouting at him or physically attacking him, causing the rest of the room to be caught up in pandemonium. At the moment, it was pretty calm, as Germany was leading the meeting for once, it being situated in his country. Unfortunately, it being situated in his country meant that his brother also attended. His brother who had started following her around non-stop after she had given him some maple syrup last April Fools.

Sighing again, Canada stretched and leaned back against the backrest of her chair so that she was in a more comfortable position. She contemplated about whether or not to doze off, as Greece was doing at the moment, ignoring Turkey's prods on his forehead. Her contemplation was interrupted when Germany said, "Is there any other issues anyone would like to discuss before the end of today's meeting?"

Oh Maple. Germany should have known better than to say that. A sudden movement at the head of the table caught her attention, and she groaned as her brother stood up, shouting "YES! I propose that to end world hunger, we build a gigantic robot that will feed entire nations by genetically engineering food with only dirt, sunlight, air and that stuff in marshmallows!!"

There was a pause in the room as everyone looked at America grinning like he had just won the lottery. And then there was pandemonium.

Canada's face hit her palm as England cried out "You GIT!! That does not make sense in the least! Why do you even talk at these meetings! I swear you are no brighter than those bloody hamburgers you eat by the dozen! Why must you always bring up the robots?! No one wants to help you build a bloody robot, so shut the bloody hell up!!"

"but I like robots! And besides I am a HER-"


Canada looked up from her palm at the sound and watched with ill concealed annoyance as she watched England launch himself from his chair, knocking it over in the process, and proceed to choke America with his two hands, amusing many of the other nations, who were calling encouragement to England.

"That's right Arthur! You let him have it!"

"You let him know what you think of his robots and idiotic ideas!"

"I bet 20 American dollars that Arthur beat the crap outta Alfred!" coming from Romano, who, for once, wasn't swearing at Spain who was draped over him, as he became engrossed in the fight.

Distracted by this, Canada didn't notice the hand that was making it's way towards her until it was too late.

"FRANCIS" she shrieked, blushing profusely. "Cut that out, Please!'

She inched her chair away from France, who just stared at her with his (normal) perverted smile on his face.

"But mon Cheri, I cannot help myself. You are too enchanting to leave alone, so I must-"

At this he started towards her again, but she just glared at him and he backed down. He remembered the last time he went too far. Groping was one thing, but making Canada angry was a fool hardy thing to do. Extremely hard to make her mad in the first place, but he had done it before and ended up not being able to sit for a week. And she was already in a bad mood.

Placing her chair closer to the person on the other side, Canada closed her eyes, hoping that this time she would not be called upon to care upon her brother's injuries. Just because she had free health care did not mean that she was going to be his doctor every time. And yet deep down, she knew she would. Because she was too nice and he was her brother, even though he always forgot her when he didn't need anything from her. Even though-

She squeaked as she felt touch her chest. Opening her eyes quickly, she glanced down to see a little chick squirming down into her v-necked shirt. Glancing to her left she suddenly realized who the other person was.


she muttered as she glared at the albino who was leaning back into his chair, combat boots on the table, grinning lazily at her as she slowly turned red.

Glancing down her shirt again, she noticed that Gilbird had something attached to him. Was that a… it was.


Again she swore, then quickly walked to the closest corner in the room and fished her hand down her shirt, grabbing the little chick and lifting him up. She walked back to her seat, trying to pretend nothing was wrong as she removed the little device from the bird.

Passing by Prussia on the way back to her seat, she put the bird on his head.

"Hey" he said, "Can I have that awesome thing that you took off my bird without asking the awesomeness that is me?" Pointing to the device in her hand.

'NO! You can't!" she bit off angrily. 'Whatever possessed you to think it would be a good idea to send Gilbird down my shirt with a video camera?! Just because no one has invaded my vital regions does NOT give you permission to try to invade me, Gilbird or no…"

She paused, as the sudden quiet registered in her brain, realizing she may have finally spoken loud enough for the other nations to have heard her. Glancing around, she groaned inwardly as every nations eyes were on her.

"Really??" Asked Alfred, getting up and dusting himself off.

Instead of answering the question, Mattie looked back at the albino, who just looked at her suggestively and she whispered,

"You are soo dead."


Soooo, what do you think? Does it get the characters? This is only the first chapter, so it'll be more in depth, I just want the characters to have there personality.

Review please?

Canada: You made me a girl??

Me: Relax, you get to whip Prussia later

Prussia: no way, I'm to awesome to be whipped

Me: *glare* my story bucko, my story

Prussia: whatever, as long as I get to seize his vital regions

Canada:*whimper* I don't want my vial regions seized!

Me: -headdesk-