Speed Dial

As she walks down the long and winding road from Puckermans house, she realized how cold it was, how muggy it was, how lonely it was. She suddenly felt like someone was watching her. "Its just your surroundings Rachel. Nothings really there," the voice inside her head said, trying to re assure it, but failing at the attempt

Rachel and Puck had just got done fighting. He wanted to go farther than she was absolutely sure she was ready for. But he just kept being the stubborn boy that he is, and kept pushing her, and would not let up. She remembers what he had said as she was walking out the door. "Damn, it wasn't this hard to get Quinn Fabre in bed." He muttered, thinking Rachel had already walked away, but she actually had stuck around his door, calculating if she wanted to go all the way with Puck, but as sure has she heard that she was gone.

As she was walking (well, more like a slow jogging), all she could think of was the fact that there was a walking cliché behind her. She could here walking behind her. The slow and quickening pace, mimicking her every move. Yet, every time she turned around, there was nobody there. She finally reached her own house. Unfortunately, to her surprise, her two dads were not home, and then she realized that they wouldn't be home for another hour or so. But she still felt safe in the comfort of her own home.

As she went to go unlock the door, a hand came around to her mouth and went over her mouth, the other hand had something pressed to her back.

"Scream and I shoot" a familiar voice said to her, trying to make himself sound huskier than his voice really was.

"You think I don't know who you are? And I'm a girl, I know the feeling of a blow dryer when its pressed against a part of my body!" Rachel stammered, trying to feel more confident then she truly was.

"Are you sure about that?" the voice said, urging her to unlock the door, now they were inside Rachel Berry's house, no longer feeling the safeness of her own home.

The man threw her on the couch, threw the blow dryer to the floor. Rachel halfway smirked, because she knew that it wasn't a gun. "What do you want from me?" Rachel managed to choke out"

"Rachel, all I want is your body!" he announced.

Rachel then tensed up her whole body. She couldn't believe that this was about to happen. Could this really be happening…to her?

He went over to the couch, and plumped down calmly. He turned toward Rachel, leaned in, and slowly kissed her forehead, and went down to her lips, pressing harder, more urgent. She backed away; she was determined to not let this happen to her. But the man got quite angry and he was really strong. He reached for her breast but she swatted his hand away, but he went for it again, this time, accidently grabbing her blouse, then decided to rip it off.

Her bare chest was soon showing and he couldn't contain himself. He pushed himself on top of her, roughly playing with her breast and intensely kissing her all over. At this point Rachel Berry had screamed, kicked, and pleaded, cussed, and kicked and screamed some more. But he wasn't giving up.

He started playing with the lining of her skirt and panties, slowly taking his hand lower and lower, eventually putting two fingers inside of her.

"Your very warm for someone who doesn't want me! So you like it like this? You like this baby?" He smirked, with a grin that was just to big for Rachel to endure.

Her response was a brilliant knee to the genitals and said, "You like it like that?"

He felt it good, but was not letting up; in fact, he got rougher, ramming his fingers into her, deeper, harder. He got up. She was hoping he was done with her, and would leave her alone now, but not with her luck. She heard a zip, looked up, and realized his pants were around his knees. He continued to pull each leg through and now they were completely off.

He jumps onto her saying "You ready for this Rachel? I'm going to make my momma proud." Rachel just stared at him with disgust.

He pushes into her, and as soon as he hits something in the way, he just rams into her, breaking the thing that blocked him from Rachel Berry. She screams loudly, hoping somebody would hear her. No luck. Nobody was coming. She can't help but think this is not how it is supposed to be!

He continues to thrust, she continues to scream. What feels like hours later, but was probably only forty-five minutes, she feels him roll off of her and the couch. They both begin to put there clothes back on. As she begins to walk towards her room, so she can comprehend what just happened, he's walking toward the door to go home. He turns abruptly, "Rachel…" she turns to face her rapist, with tears flooding her eyes, "…I guess this means you want to brake up?" Rachel stares in bewilderment, "Yes Puckerman, obviously we are done!" Then she quietly, but quickly, walked to her room.

A/N: Tell me if I should give up on this story, or if you would like to hear more. I have more written, but I want to make sure, enough people like the story, before I post more.